Complied 19 March 2000

Amended 19 May 2000 (addition of clause 11)

Retyped July 2003 (changed paragraph structure)


1.  All activities/business shall be carried out in accordance with the Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association and these By-Laws listed herein and amendments as may be directed by the Board of Directors. Each regional Troop may effect individual Troop Standing Orders that have been approved in writing by the Board of Directors


2.  The committee shall comprise of the following persons:

a.  Troop President,

b.  Troop Vice President/Secretary,

c.  Finance Officer,

d.  Publicity Officer, and

e.  Troop Leader.

(As per the Articles of Association rule 12.(3), Rule 28.(4) - All committee persons excepting the President may hold more than one committee position.)

3.  All persons delegated to positions in the troop shall be financial members of the Australian Heritage Light Horse Troop Ltd. (AHLHT) Members becoming unfinancial shall forfeit all nominated positions/rank held.


4.  The Australian Heritage Light Horse Troop Limited President shall have ex-officio member rights to all sub-committees throughout the association. The Troop President shall have ex-officio member rights to all sub-committees throughout his troop only.

Wearing of Rank

5.  Generally the wearing of uniform and rank shall conform to military rules and practice of the era been depicted.

6.  The wearing of Commissioned rank or equivalent Army rank by AHLHT members, shall only be worn by personnel who have previously been commissioned in the Australian Military Services and as per part (iii) of the rule.

7.  Excepting for special occasion/presentation when the Board of Directors issues a written exemption stating the date or dates authorising such a display of wearing commissioned rank.

a.  One member wearing commissioned rank per troop. Excepting where written variation is given by the Board of Directors.

b.  The wearing of Military Service Medals, Military Ribbons by AHLHT whilst in uniform. Medals shall be worn only by those presented with same for service in one of the Australian Military Services during the era being represented eg, 1st AIF 1914-1919. Excepting in the following circumstances:

(1)  Anzac Day and Remembrance Day - Members presented with service medals for service in one of the Australian Military Services and members who have had deceased family members who were presented with service medals for service in one of the Australian Military Services may wear those medals in the correct manner.

(2)  Medals may be worn on other occasions where the board of Directors has issued written approval stating the date or dates of the occasions the medals may be worn.

8.  The wearing of Non Commissioned rank or the withdrawal of the right to wearing rank for each troop shall be determined by general vote of the Troop, AGM or Special Meeting. The representation of Non-commissioned rank for AHLHT shall conform to the following:

a.  Troop -Sergeant (one sergeant per troop); and

b.  Corporal (one corporal per section of troops) (Section numbering four troopers).

9.  Duties:

a.  Troop Sergeant:

(1)  To carry out the directions of the committee.

(2)  Be responsible for the training and discipline of the troop.

(3)  Organise and lead the troops on activities.

b.  Corporal:

(1)  To carry out the directions of the Troop Sergeant.

10.  The representation of non-commissioned rank for Infantry members attached to a Light Horse troop shall conform to the following:

a.  Sergeant - One for the group attached to a Mounted Troop.

b.  Corporal -One for each Infantry section (section numbering 16 infantry members).

11.  The wearing of military badges. Troop members with appropriate skills may wear military trade or skill badges as determined by their troop committee.

12.  Discipline. If any member of the troop shall willfully refuse or neglect to comply the with provisions of the rules stated herein; or is guilty of any conduct which is in the opinion of the committee is unbecoming or prejudicial to the interests of the troop, the committee shall have the power by Resolution to censure or expel the member from the troop. All disciplinary action shall be report in writing to the Board of Directors. See Articles of Association rule 41

13.  Membership subscriptions. (Amendment 11 May 2000). Where a new member's subscription fee is accepted after the 1st of April of the financial year the member shall be granted financial membership until June 30th of the following year. The fifteen (15) month membership shall apply once only for any new or rejoining member.

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