Spelling 21
Part 1 High Frequency Words / Spelling Words for Writing (for everyone)
1. child / 2. could / 3. count / 4. dear5. everywhere / 6. family / 7. front / 8. grow
Part 2 Word Family Words (for everyone)
Ten “word family” words will be selected from among those listed below for the test.
The words with the “+” will be optional.
1. glasses / 2. boxes / 3. quizzes / 4. inches5. axes / 6. dishes / 7. brushes / 8. buses
9. beaches / 10. lunches / 11. classes / 12. couches
13. wishes / 14. ashes / 15. branches / 16. passes
+ walruses / + scratches / + dresses / + circuses
Part 3 Challenge Words for Super Spellers
If you are already a good speller, try these for a challenge this week. You can decide with Mom and Dad if you are ready to try these. They are completely optional. You may do all of them, or just one or two. Have fun!
1. volunteer / 2. Ireland / 3. rainbows / 4. leprechaun5. exercise / 6. antonym / 7. synonym / 8. St. Patrick