1)  Qualifications and Training – Applicants should:

·  have been ordained priest within the Church of England, or a Church in communion with it, or a Church whose orders it recognises

·  have satisfactorily completed Initial Ministerial Education Training

·  be able to demonstrate a capacity to exercise ministry at incumbent level

·  be able demonstrate a willingness to engage in ongoing continuing ministerial development appropriate for this post

·  have had experience, lay or ordained, in a charismatic evangelical church

2)  Experience – The successful candidate should demonstrate experience and/or understanding in:

·  working with young people and developing mission amongst families

·  the opportunities and challenges of ministry in a parish with congregations who worship in different styles, traditions and perhaps different locations

·  leading, supporting and managing a team of lay people from varying backgrounds in developing their talents

·  developing fresh ways of drawing people into church

·  equipping people of all ages to live out their Christian life in their daily contexts

·  carrying out mission in the local community

3)  Knowledge, skills and competencies – The successful candidate should demonstrate that they:

·  are a strong teacher and communicator, rooted in God’s word

·  are able to develop leaders, both lay and ordained,and are motivated to do so

·  have a pastoral heart and be able to relate to people of mixed ability and at differing stages of their journey with Jesus

·  are personally guided by a deep faith, focused on Jesus, and with prayer central to their life

·  are able to delegate well and that they understand the importance of doing so

·  understand the importance of and seek to use good communication in all aspects of church life

·  are able to transfer skills from previous experiences

4)  General Attributes – The successful candidate should:

·  have an ability to ensure that the life of a church is focused on mission at all times

·  demonstrate their commitment to the importance of overseas mission and sharing our resources with others who have less

·  be able to effectively develop and communicate a vision and a strategic plan to support it

5)  Other – The successful candidate should have:

·  A willingness to further a life committed to actively grow in the likeness of Jesus, while relying upon God’s provision and gifts of the Holy Spirit to mature in faith

·  A mature evangelical faith that is open to those on the fringe and those outside the church

·  A good and established pattern of recreation time, recognising the importance of time for their own family or friends

·  A desire to pursue further training, retreat, spiritual renewal etc.