Third Grade Responses: SAC/Sub Committee Sign-in & Agenda


Reading Chair / Lori McLaughlin / Signature for Attendance on 11/30/2015
K / Charissa Banks
1st / Lisa Siedle
2nd / Cindy Vanderlaan
3rd / Michelle Cruz
4th / Rosanna Orrett
5th / Jenny Summerall
Specials / Eraina Benson
ESE / Lily Suarez
Support / Lori McLaughlin

Agenda: As we approach midyear we need to go back and analyze where our students entered the 2015-16 grade level. In an effort to close gaps for the next grade level, please discuss the following with your team and be prepared to share with the Reading SIP Committee on Monday, November 30, 2015. Please be honest….our goal is to move from a ‘good’ school to a ‘great’ school. The only way to get there is to focus on our school as a whole rather than by grade level. We worked with the FSA standards for a year so now it is time to put together what we know to figure out how to make the transition to the next grade level a smoother transition with fewer gaps

Guiding Questions / Grade Level Response (Please write your team’s responses in this space. Use additional paper if necessary. Be honest. Be sure to speak to me, Lori, if you need clarification.)
  1. What information on the articulation cards from the previous grade level helped your team plan for your new class?
What additional information do you need?
Keeping in mind there is an adjustment period for the next grade level, overall, how well did the students match up to the reading scores, teacher time, and behavior notes recorded on the articulation card?
What other considerations need to be taken into account when recording above information? / Reading, Math levels, level of teacher attention. The reading scores matched up, and the behavior notes matched up.
  1. Thinking about the students entering your grade level, how did students enter your grade level: lower than expected, right where they need to be, higher than expected?
/ Some were right where they needed to be and others were lower than expected, none were higher than expected.
  1. What do the students need to be taught in the previous grade level additionally in phonemic awareness and/or phonological awareness? (Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear and manipulate individual phonemes. Phonological awareness includes this auditory ability, but it also includes the ability to hear and manipulate larger units of sound, such as onsets and rimes,syllables, and rhyming)
/ Multisyllabic words. The students came into third grade this year with great phonemic/phonological awareness. Most of the students are all fluent readers.
  1. What do the students need to be taught in the previous grade level additionally in phonics?
(The study of how the sounds of words are represented by spelling. Visual letters represent sounds.) / Consonant blends and diagraphs, Multisyllable words, syllable divisions, prefixes and suffixes, diphthongs.
  1. What do the students need to be taught in the previous grade level additionally in vocabulary? (The study of meaning and use of words in the English language).
/ Base words, suffixes, prefixes, word parts. Multiple meaning words, context clues.
  1. What do the students need to be taught in the previous grade level additionally in fluency? (Reading fluency refers to the ability to read smoothly and accurately with expression).
/ Students were reading fluently. Speed and Tempo. Punctuation
  1. What do the students need to be taught in the previous grade level additionally in comprehension?(The ability to construct meaning from text).
/ The students need to be taught more inferential meanings, to dig deeper in the text. Finding evidence from text. Drawing conclusions.
  1. What do the students need to be taught in the previous grade level additionally in grammar? (Thestudy of howwordsandtheircomponentpartscombine to formsentences.Thestudy of structuralrelationships in language including spelling and punctuation).
/ The students need more grammar lessons, the journeys grammar lessons should be taught sequentially and with fidelity.
  1. What do the students need to be taught in the previous grade level additionally in writing?
(including forming letters, structuring sentences, responding to literature or informational text). /
  1. Main idea is topic + point and how to use the core connections pre writing frame.
  2. Handwriting skills
  3. How to write in a notebook/paper (organization)

  1. What do the students need to be taught in the previous grade level additionally in ELA standards?
  1. Answer questions about the main character, setting, theme, and plot.
  2. Main idea/details, fact/opinion, cause/effect.
  3. Using information in tables, graphs, diagrams, maps, and charts.
  4. Retell the main idea of stories or informational text.
  5. Character’s feelings, motivations, and traits.
  6. Handwriting skills

  1. What additional skills will make the transition smoother to your grade level? (Such as organizational skills, behavioral expectations, cafeteria behavior, hallway behavior, behavior in specials, etc.)
/ Students need more desk and more paper organization, the students do understand how to use their agendas daily and that is evident they were taught that in second grade.