Regular Meeting

January 27, 2014

1)  Call to Order – Neal Cunningham called the meeting to order at 6:40 pm.

2)  Public Input – None

3)  Approval of the Minutes for the January 6, 2014 Meeting –

MOTION: To approve the Minutes of the January 6, 2014 Meeting

Pat King Seconded by Steve Wawruck

The motion passed unanimously

MOTION: To add 3a) to the Agenda for a review of the Main Street implementation project from EIDC consultant, Pat McMahon

Steve Wawruck Seconded by Doug Glazier

The motion passed unanimously

3a) EIDC Presentation – Pat McMahon

Mr. Pat McMahon, our Economic Development Consultant, gave an in-depth presentation of the progress-to-date for the plan to redevelopment Main Street. Although still in the planning stages, he requested the annual $50,000 budget allotment continue for the overall project which includes the relocation of the Train Station to the center of Main Street. He included in his presentation an explanation of all the Grants the Town has received so far and how those funds have been spent. He explained that additional Grants for state funding have been, and will continue to be, applied for to help with future costs of the project.

4)  Review of Department Requests -

Ambulance – Pat King explained that due to lack of reimbursement into the Ambulance Fund, the $36,000 annual request will most likely not go away as discussed at previous meetings.

Board of Education – Although it was concluded that Technology would be a main focus in the overall budget, it was decided by the CIAC that it is in everyone’s best interest that the Board of Education rank the importance of their overall requests. The amount of their original request of $1,022,858 was cut to $375,000.

EIDC – The Committee agreed that the $50,000 request will remain in the budget.

Bond Issuance - The Committee agreed that the $50,000 request will remain in the budget.

Fire Department – The full amount of the $170,000 request for self-contained breathing apparatus will remain in the budget due to safety. It was noted that Vic Puia has told the CIAC that the radio committee is not ready to initiate the purchase of radios at this time.

Library – The carpeting replacement request will remain in the budget because it is a safety issue. The carpeting is so worn that it causes a tripping hazard.

Parks and Recreation – The Southwest Family Park Playscape will remain in the budget. It is very old and does not meet ADA requirements.

Police Department – The request for the replacement of three vehicles and a computer network shelter will remain in the budget.

Public Works – It was agreed that the Engineering Account, Library roadway infrastructure and a one-year lease payment for four trucks/tractors will remain in the pay-as-you-go budget. The larger roadway infrastructure request and the sanitary sewer installation requests were moved to the Bonding portion of the budget.

Selectmen – Except for the two line items that were moved to the Bonding portion, the remaining requests have remained in the budget.

6)  Assign Rankings –

After reviewing each Department’s budget requests, it was determined that the following line items would remain in the Capital Improvement Budget.

Cost Dept. Total

Ambulance Replacement (2017) (1 of 3) $36,000 $36,000

Board of Education 375,000 375,000

EIDC – Main St. Master Plan 50,000 50,000

Finance – Bond Issuance Cost 50,000 50,000

Fire Dept. – Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus 170,000 170,000

Library – Carpet Replacement 40,000 40,000

Park & Rec – Southwest Family Park Playscape 50,000 50,000

Police Dept. – Police Vehicles and Computer Network Racks 91,000 91,000

Public Works – Engineering and Roadway Infrastructure (Library only) 100,000 100,000

Public Works – First Year Lease Payment (4 trucks/tractors) 100,000 100,000

Selectmen – Senior Center and Safety Complex Renovations 87,000 87,000

Total Pay-As-You-Go $1,149,000

Bonding Portion –

Sanitary Sewer Installation 131,500 131,500

Roadway Infrastructure 868,500 868,500

Public Safety Complex Generator 270,000 270,000

Public Safety Complex Boiler 90,000 90,000

Total Bonding $1,360,000

MOTION: To accept the proposed Budget.

Pat King Seconded by Dennis Gragnolati

The motion passed unanimously

7)  Public Input - None

8)  Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.

The next meeting will be held on Monday, February 3, at 6:30 pm at the Town Hall.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sharon Pfaffenbichler