Individual/Organisational name:058 Wesfarmers Chemical, Energy & Fertilisers

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Model Work Health and Safety Codes of Practice - Public Comment Response Form

1)First Aid in the Workplace
Comments due by Friday, 18 November 2011
Comments:(Please include section/page numbers).
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
2)Managing Risks in Construction Work
Comments due by Friday, 18 November 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
3)Preventing Falls in Housing Construction
Comments due by Friday, 18 November 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
4)Managing Electrical Risks in the Workplace
Comments due by Friday, 18 November 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
5)Managing Risks of Hazardous Chemicals
Comments due by Friday, 18 November 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
6)Managing Risks of Plant in the Workplace
Comments due by Friday, 18 November 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
1.1 pg 5 Experience is not time bound, also there is no specification on the Engineering education level. To mean anything there needs to be some guide as to the level of engineering education.
1.3 pg 7 Manufacturers This implies maintenance technicians / fabricators giving a written report to an operator who wanted a special type of spanner etc. I don’t believe this will happen in reality.
1.4 pg 8 Providing information. Although this is a COP, where ‘must’ is used, there should be a consequence to a failure to comply. Eg. A supplier refuses to pass on information, what is the consequence?
2.1 pg 11 Review Safety info This makes it a mandatory item to contact a workers union about every piece of plant which is purchased? The unions will soon start charging the consultant rates for review.
3.4 pp 16-17 Retain or Maintain? Chemical plants very rarely come with an owner’s manual and often write their own which aligns with efficiency gains made along the way.
3.5 pg 17 Making alterations to plant. Should be “Energy Sources” as power really refers to electricity only, where as compressed air, steam and stored kinetic are just as harmful.
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
7)Safe Design Of Building and Structures
Comments due by Friday, 16 December 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
8)Excavation Work
Comments due by Friday, 16 December 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
9)Demolition Work
Comments due by Friday, 16 December 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
10)Spray Painting and Powder Coating
Comments due by Friday, 16 December 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
11)Abrasive Blasting
Comments due by Friday, 16 December 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
12)Welding and Allied Processes
Comments due by Friday, 16 December 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
13)Safe Access in Tree Trimming and Arboriculture
Comments due by Friday, 16 December 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
14)Preventing and Managing Fatigue in the Workplace
Comments due by Friday, 16 December 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
15)Preventing and Responding to Workplace Bullying
Comments due by Friday, 16 December 2011
Comments: (Please include section/page numbers).
Impacts: Do you anticipate any potential costs or safety benefits of complying with this code that are different to current requirements in your jurisdiction? If so what are they?
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