Version 4.0 04/05/2017
All requests for data extractions/dataanalysis from the European Bronchiectasis Registry must be submitted with this form.
Data extractions/data analysis will usually be provided free of charge to those who contribute to the European Bronchiectasis registry. Other requests may be subject to a charge depending on the nature and source of the request. For further information, please visit our website
- Data is released from the European Bronchiectasis Registry subject to the following conditions
- Data should be used for the project approved by the scientific committee only. Any additional analysis or activity that goes beyond the approval data request should be subject to a further data request to the scientific committee.
- Data should not be shared with anyone outside the study team without the express permission of the scientific committee chair
- Data use should be consistent with the original application. All uses of the data (publication, abstract, conference presentation, internal review, interaction with regulators) should be approved in advance by the scientific committee.
- Data remains the property of EMBARC at all stages through the process.
- Applications for data extractions/data analysis will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and the decision approved by the executive group of the bronchiectasis registry. The decision of the executive group will be final.
- The policy of the European bronchiectasis registry is as follows:
- All approved scientific projects should be published in peer-reviewed journals. If this is not possible, the approved project should be publishedas an abstract for a conference, preferably the annual ERS conference.
- The European Bronchiectasis Registry should be acknowledged in any publication.
- The applicant is responsible for ensuring that all appropriate individuals are acknowledged in resulting publications in collaboration with the scientific committee. The applicant agrees to respect decisions of the scientific committee in respect of authorship (which should be based on ICMJE criteria).
- A copy of any publication must be forwarded to the Registry Coordinator().
- The scientific projects will be published on the webpage of the registry- a link to the publication.
- EMBARC are committed to timely release of data, and to fairness and transparency in the use of data. As such, it is expected that approved data will be used and published within a reasonable time period. In accepting a release from the European Bronchiectasis Registry users will commit to
- Prepare a manuscript draft within 6 months of data release, or otherwise utilise the data within the agreed period of time as determined by the scientific committee
- Notify the EMBARC co-ordinator () when manuscripts are submitted for publication, accepted for publication or rejected and submitted to new journals.
- Notify the EMBARC co-ordinator of any planned presentations of abstracts
- Respond promptly to requests for update on publication status from the scientific committee chair or other members of the EMBARC team.
Please note that in case of a successful application, you will be asked to sign a declaration “Statement on the use of data” that you will use the data only for the purposes mentioned in this application form and you will be held responsible if these data will be transferred to another person or will be used for any other purpose(s).
Applicant details
Email: / Phone:
Date of request:
Disclosure and conflicts of interest
Please disclose any potential conflicts of interest and associations with private companies, especially pharmaceutical companies. Conflicts should be disclosed even where the applicant considers these not to be relevant to the present application.
Data / information requested
Title, AIM and brief description of the project, activity or purpose for which the dataanalysis/data extract is required:
List intended uses of the data or information(incl. anticipated publications, reports, presentations, analyses etc.) :
Funder (please state sources of funding, or state project not funded):
Date required (please allow 1 month for extracts):