Missaukee County Board of Commissioners
Lake City, Michigan
Regular Meeting
Commissioners Room
March 13th, 2012 @ 2:00 PM
Meeting Called to Order by Chairman Roger.
Roll Call of Districts – All present except Commissioners Vivian and Hughston.
Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance offered by Comm. Vanderwal.
Minutes read from February 14th, 2012 and approved.
Motion by Zuiderveen, supported by Zuiderveen to approve the agenda except to move COA Resolution to the beginning of meeting – removing “C” from Finance and under personnel add NW Community Mental Health Appointment.
Public Comment
Elisha Schwartz, Citizen, asked that the board consider the moving of the prosecutors office into the county building as a cost effective and accessibility improvement.
Shari Spoelman, MSU Extension Director, informed the board about the June 12th District Extension Council Meeting in the experimentation station and invited the board. Sherry Dixson was introduced as the new SNAP representative.
William Fagerman, 28th Circuit Court Judge, thanked the board for passing the resolution on behalf of retaining the current Judge positions in the 28th Circuit Court and relayed the news that the Judgeship was saved.
Chairman Rogers opened the hearing on the Lucas Chest Compression System USDA grant.
Sheriff Bosscher gave the monthly update and requested the purchase of Two Ford Utility All Wheel Drive Vehicles in the amount of $25,283. using the State Bid process.
Motion by Zuiderveen, supported by Bridson to approve the purchase of 2 All Wheel Drive Patrol Vehicles in the amount of $25,283 each from the 207 Special Forces Fund. Carried.
District Court Administrator, Carol Palmer, gave the monthly report.
Barb Hancock, County Treasurer, gave the accounting of funds for the month of February and asked to add First Bank of Cadillac to the county depository list.
Motion by Vanderwal, supported by Bridson to add First Bank of Cadillac to the counties list of depositories. Carried.
William Donnelly Jr., County Prosecutor, gave an update on the prosecutor’s activity in the Probate Court.
Sherry Blaszak, Recycling Administrator announced the change of hours at the recycling center on Wednesday’s 9-5 and Saturday 9-1.
Building and Grounds, Claims and Accounts
Motion by Zuiderveen, supported by Bridson to move Claims and Accounts and own Accounts as presented. Carried
Zuiderveen reviewed the Koster PA 116 that will be voted on at the April Board Meeting.
Mike Woods, NWCOG Representative, gave the 2011 Asset Management report on the Missaukee County Roads.
Kelly Bekken, Missaukee County Road Commission Director, gave the County Board an update on his departments evaluation of the roads.
Linda VanGills, District Health #10 Director, gave the annual Public Health Update and reported that Missaukee County’s Cancer mortality rate is lower than the rest of the state, high teen pregnancy rates and a high mortality rate overall.
Mike Stewart, Citizen, provided information on a study he would like to conduct in regards to the wind turbines and asked for the board’s approval of their project. The board declined to grant their approval.
Raymond Moore, Veterans Director, reported that burial claims for the county payment in 2011 were 25 veterans and 10 widows and spouses. There have been 5 burials this year and 3 widows and spouses.
Finance Committee
Motion by Bridson, supported by Vanderwal to approve a study developed by Western Michigan University on a Children’s Trauma Assessment program with Sallie Thomas being the Missaukee County representative. Carried.
Motion by Bridson, supported by Cairy to approve a loan to the Building Department in the amount of $5,000 for 2012 from Fund #531. Carried.
Motion by Vanderwal, supported by Bridson to approve a temporary loan up to $400,000 from TRF to the General Fund to offset cash until the summer tax collection comes in. Roll Call Vote: 4 Yea (Rogers, Bridson, Vanderwal, Cairy) 0 Nay 3 Absent (Zuiderveen, Vivian, Hughston) Carried
Motion by Vanderwal, supported by Cairy to approve the following resolution.
Resolution to Change
Missaukee Counties Fiscal Year
Whereas, Missaukee County currently has a fiscal year that coincides with the Calendar year;
AND Whereas, the State of Michigan and the majority of the counties grant programs are on the October 1st to September 30th fiscal year;
AND Whereas it would be advantageous to the financial workings of the county to be in sync with these grants and other financial operations;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that effective immediately – the County of Missaukee will change their fiscal year to begin October 1st, 2012 and end on September 30th, 2013;
AND ALSO BE IT RESOLVED, that the year currently in progress will be a shortened year beginning January 1st, 2012 and expiring September 30th, 2012;
AND ALSO, the Elected Officials and financial officer for the County of Missaukee are authorized to perform any and all such acts, including execution of any and all documentation and certificates that these officers deem necessary or advisable to carry out the purposes and intent of the foregoing resolution;
It is hereby certified by the undersigned that the foregoing resolution was duly passed by the Missaukee County Board of Commissioners at their regular meeting on March 13, 2012 and has been recorded in their minute book and is in full force and effect.
Carolyn Flore, Missaukee County Clerk
Personnel Committee
Bridson reported that the committee met with candidates for the Mechanical – Plumbing Inspector.
Motion by Bridson, supported by Cairy to approve the appointment of Bruce Finnerty as the new Mechanical-Plumbing Inspector effective immediately. Carried.
Motion by Bridson, supported by Cairy to appoint Pam Babcock to the Northwest Michigan Community Mental Health Board. Carried.
Chairman Rogers closed the Lucas Chest Compression Public Hearing – no comments.
Commissioner Reports: Bridson reported that the Library Bd meeting was excellent and they are building a strong support base, Vanderwal reported on the NMSAS Board meeting and the moves they are making, Cairy reported on the hiring of the COA Director and that they should have a decision in two weeks, Rogers talked about the COG meeting and the roads.
Public Comment
Meeting adjourned until April 2012 at 2:00 PM or Call of the Chair.
Susan Rogers, Chairman Carolyn Flore, Clerk
Workshop on BSA Tax Program and Administrative Contract
Barb Hancock, County Treasurer asked the board to consider bidding out the tax program to keep in step with the townships and the counties financial changes to BSA.
Aldyne Ebels, Reeder Township Treasurer, reported on her personal use of BSA Tax program and how wonderful it worked for them. They can work with the assessor with this software. The only drawback currently is the transfer of data from her BSA to the County Manatron system. Township has to pay $150 each time she transfers data. Her conversion was 1,800.00 and yearly maintenance was free the first year and $300 a year for the next 3 years before the rate of conversion is reached.
Dawn McGee, County Data Analyst, declined to comment when addressed by Chairman Rogers.
Another meeting with be set up with the Equalization Committee and the Equalization Director and then another workshop including possible township and city representatives.
Review of Administrative Contract for Financial Officer.
Susan read contract and discussion was held on each line item with suggested changes noted. Will be reviewed again when Comm. Vivian is back in April.