VFSAAA Executive Board Meeting Minutes: Minutes for the 11-15-2002 Meeting
VFSAAA Executive Board Meeting Minutes
To:VFSAAA and Members of the Executive Board
From:DET Mark E. Garman/Secretary
RE:Minutes for the 11-15-2002 Board Meeting
PRESIDENT: Ralph Manspile
2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Ralph Barfield
SECRETARY: Mark Garman
TREASURER: Larry Claytor
SGT-at-ARMS: Terry McCurdy
Past President: Jerry Scott
WESTERN DIRECTOR: Bill Jennings/absent
Sandy Hufford-Terry Maguire—Margie Harris—Kamico Seals
President Manspile called meeting to order at approx. 1215 hours.
- President Manspile established that a quorum was present.
- President Manspile asked for an approval of the minutes. The minutes were approved and accepted.
- The Benson Committee (Barbie Pierce-Bruce Dutcher) made report to the Board;
Everyone who applied for a scholarship with Benson received one. Benson Committee has four new members; they are Grover Davis, Dan Clanton, Dave Tatten, and Neil Rogers. The Benson Committee has $3804.89 in funds. Ralph Manspile asked if there was a report/paper explaining what the Benson Scholarship was. Barbie said that there is an explanation letter in the scholarship package. Barbie said that Walter Joyner contacted Wal-Mart and obtained a boat from them, a donation for a raffle. Tom Poindexter suggested that some kind of writing detailing the history of Benson be generated. Dan Grinnan said there was a plaque about the Benson Scholarship. Tom P. made a motion for a History Plaque to be obtained and displayed at the Academy. The motion was withdrawn for further research.
- There was no Legislative report because Rick Conway could not be present at the meeting.
- Gary Fox and Dan Grinnan made a report on the hotel selection for the 2003 Beach Retraining. After their presentation and general discussion by the Board it was decided to stay at the Ramada.
- Ralph M. kept the committee together to work with the Ramada for the 2003 Retraining meeting.
- Larry Claytor made the Treasures Report. Complete details are in the Treasures written copy. Ralph M. asked about merchandise sales. Larry said that there has been $1203.00 in sales since the Beach 2002 Retraining. The report was accepted and given Mark Garman for filing. Larry C. said that the Audit Committee advised that we should have a better “checks and balances” when it comes to selling items.
Unfinished Business:
- Ralph Barfield said that the portfolios were obtained and given to the students of the 59th Session. He also said that a complete merchandise inventory would need to be done.
- Gary Fox presented some ideas for new merchandise items. Inventory will need to be done; it is a two-person operation. Sales and inventory need to be put in to the computer. Kamico said that we need to have ‘Sales” to get rid of old items. She also requested a complete price list and said white clothing items do not sell well.
- Chuck Pruitt made a presentation about possible VSFAAA member awards. A sample criteria sheet was obtained from the VHIA. Chuck will have the criteria finalized for the next meeting.
- Terry McGurdy asked about the procedures for sending out Thank-You notes for companies/individuals who are worthy of thank-you notes.
- Larry C. brought up making a donation to the Benson Fund. No action was taken because no formal requests for funds were made.
- Dan G. requested updated e-mail/address/phone numbers.
- Tom P. brought up the Benson Fund. Ralph M. suggested that a motion be made before any money is donated. Tom. Made a motion suggesting $1000.00. Before it could be discussed Larry C. stated that last year (2001) we gave $1000.00 in the Fall and $500.00 in the Spring. Tom P. withdrew his motion and then made a motion asking for a donation of $1000.00 in the Fall of 2002 now and then $500.00 in the Spring of 2003 if the Board is financial able to, to the Benson Fund. Gary Fox. Made the second. The motion passed.
New Business:
- Ralph M. made another request for current contact information.
- Mark Garman passed out a new list of Standing Rules. He also stated that his daughter Cindy would put all old meeting minutes on a CD for better storage.
- Dan G. gave out the Spring Update training schedule.
- Margie Harris brought up the situation involving Rick Moore. The Board discussed the situation in length. Board response will be held back until consultation with Rick Moore.
- Ralph M. spoke about meeting procedure. He said that he was going to try and keep the meeting parallel with Roberts Rule of Order. Two books have been obtained for the President and SGT at Arms. He is going to have an Agenda for the next meeting. Mark G. will obtain copies of Roberts Rules for all members.
- Ralph M. brought up the Policemen’s Ball in Salem in 02/2003. He suggested that members of the Board attend. There could be meetings/workshops to bring things up to date.
- Margie H. suggested that a meeting is due with the VISM. Terry Maguire, Dan G. and Ralph M. are the contact committee. She also expressed thanks to all who helped with attendance at the VA Beach 2002 attendance.
The meeting was closed at 1405 hours after a motion by Gary F. and a second by Tom P. The motion passed.