WA CancerRegistry Data
Every request for cancer data will be evaluated separately on its merit by the Data Custodian. To prevent potential delays it is strongly recommended applicants spend time discussing their needs with the Data Custodian, Richard Trevithick () before submitting an application for data.
Last updated 12May 2017 Module 3 Variable Lists
Cancer type, year of Dx, 5 year Dx age group, sex and Dx health district are available for most cancer types. The specificity of the data, the proposed final use and publication format and risks of potential identification of patients or health care providers will be considered and requests for more specific data need to be explained and justified, together with evidence of approval from institutional CEOs where relevant.
Request variables below by checking boxes
Request / Variable / DescriptionPatient Information
Subset date of birth / MMYYYY
Subset date of birth / YYYY
Indigenous status / Aboriginality
Date of death
Cause of death / ICD-10 or ICD-03 morphology codes
Cause of death category code / ‘C’ = neoplasm related
‘X’ = non- neoplasm related
Country of birth
Standard tumour information / This field includes the following variables:
- Pathology record sequence number
- Tumour site/topography code (ICD-O3)
- Tumour morphology code (ICD-O3)
- Tumour behaviour code (ICD-O3)
- Basis of diagnosis code
- Tumour grade code
- Date of diagnosis
- Postcode of residence at diagnosis
- Fatality flag
Summarised tumour information / This field includes the following variables:
- Pathology record sequence number
- Year of diagnosis
- ICD-10 code (not always available)
- WACR cancer type code (3-char code indicating the primary site and /or type of tumour)
Last updated 12May 2017 Module 3 Variable Lists
Scope of the tumour records included
Within limits, you can specify some details of diagnosis date, age, and classes of tumours to include (these “classes” are based on tumour type and / or information quality issues).
As these restrictions are implemented by cutting-down a “complete” file, multiple versions are tedious to produce so please consider carefully.
The default file scope is: all ages, all diagnosis dates since 1/1/1982, diagnoses while resident both in and out of WA, all invasive, in situ, uncertain behaviour and benign tumours including the incidental SCC and BCC of skin, but EXCLUDING records based on HMDS data alone and records with a not-neoplastic or “suggestive of malignancy” quality-indicator code.
The following parameters can be specified if desired:
Request / Parameter / SpecificationEarliest diagnosis date (DD/MM/YYYY) / Enter date here
Latest diagnosis date / Enter date here
Minimum age at diagnosis (whole years) / Enter age here
Maximum age at diagnosis / Enter age here
Exclude non-WA resident diagnoses
Exclude SCC and BCC of skin (but retain benign, in situ, uncertain tumours)
“All cancers only” - limit to invasive malignancies, not including SCC/BCC of skin
(Excludes non –cancers e.g. benign and in situ neoplasms)
All neoplasms including invasive malignancies, SCC & BCC skin, benign and in situ neoplasms
Other specifications:
Enter Details Here
Sensitive Variables
All of the variables below have been determined as sensitive by the Data Custodian and therefore require written justification. Please provide this in the space in the table below.
Items in bold require DOHWA HREC approval.
Request / Variable / DescriptionFull date of birth / DDMMYYYY
Requires DOHWA HREC approval
Enter justification here
Cancer registration number / Requires DOHWA HREC approval
Enter justification here
UMRN (if supplied) / Requires DOHWA HREC approval
Enter justification here
Enter any extra comments here
Last updated 12May 2017 Module 3 Variable Lists