Specialty Courses
Internet Courses :ElectivePrerequisite- Counselor Approval11-12
& contract signed
Internet classes are for the highly motivated student that can work independently. The school will pay for these classes (maximum of two) as long as a “C” or better average is maintained. A contract will be signed by the student, parent, and counselor stating that if the student drops the class or fails to maintain a “C” average, the financial responsibility for payment of the class will fall on the parent/student.
College-level courses available through Colorado Community Colleges Online for college credit. Classes run 1 semester in length (Fall and Spring). High School-level courses are available via Colorado Online Learning (COL). Students must sign up for 2 courses to fill both semesters of their schedule. Some of these classes are included in the Statewide Guaranteed Transfer Courses program. ALL students are responsible for purchasing their book for each class.
Sr. High Band:ElectivePrerequisite-Jr. High Band9-12
or teacher approval
Students will extend their knowledge gained in junior high band by creating and analyzing music and exploring music of different styles. Practice, performance and participation are vital to your success in this program.
Jr./ Sr. High Jazz Band:ElectivePrerequisite-4-6th Gr Band & Teacher Approval7-12
This class will study and develop different styles of jazz music and improvisation. A command of sight-reading skills will be necessary to be successful in this course.
Fitness:ElectivePrerequisite-Counselor approval 10 -12 This class will meet the Physical Education requirement for those students not involved in interscholastic athletics. In addition to learning the proper techniques of lifting, the students will work on stretching, flexibility and agility. We will address other lifetime sports such as golf, bowling, basketball, etc. as schedule permits. We will also stress the need for good physical health for life. Students will set goals and try to meet those goals. Due to limited space, the counselor or principal must approve enrollment in this class.
Study Skills:ElectivePrerequisite-None9-12
This class carries no credit toward graduation. It is available to those students that are not in band and/or choir. It is available to students during other hours only with counselor and principal approval.