Biology Class Expectations
Classroom & Laboratory Expectations
1.)Be On Time.
- Being on time shows you care. It demonstrates that you value your time and opportunity to learn.
- This includes taking care of personal needs and being prepared to learn when class begins.
2.)Be A Wildcat.
- Understand that this is Normal Community West High School…, not your house.
- How you act in your personal life is your decision. When you are at Normal West, the school expects your actions to represent Normal Community West High School.
- How to Be A Wildcat…
- Be respectful to others –
Treat others like you want to be treated
Don’t use language you wouldn’t use in front of your family
Listen to others when they are sharing
- Be respectful to yourself –
Work hard when you are here (for a very short period of time this is your occupation)
Tips From Former Students on How To Be Successful In Biology…
“Be involved in class. If you come to class and pay attention it’s really hard not to get a good grade.”
“Don’t be late. Mrs. Tomlin takes it personally when you are late and it hurts her heart.”
Only use the bathroom if you REALLY need to. There’s always something going on in class and being gone means you’re usually going to miss something.
“Keep everything you get in your binder. She hole-punches almost everything and it helps at the end of a chapter or semester if you have all your stuff to look at and study. Also NEVER throw away your green note packets!!!”
“You always want to get to class early on Friday, so that you can watch the music video.”
Academic Policies…
Academic Dishonesty:
- Cheating is dishonest, degrades your character and your reputation, and therefore, is not tolerated. Any action intended to obtain credit for another’s work is unacceptable. Anyone involved will receive a zero. Some examples of academic dishonesty include the following:
Duplicating another person’s assignment
Using materials not permitted during an examination
Plagiarizing the words of an author without providing sufficient credit. This includes copying and pasting from the internet!!!
- Note on Plagiarism: If you are unsure as to whether or not the information you plan to use would be considered plagiarism, see me before you include it in your work!!
Absences, Make-Up, & Late Work:
- Please speak with me before or after class to ask for any make-up work you may have missed.
- If you know you are going to be absent, please let me know ahead of time so other arrangements can be made.
Grading Scale:
- 90-100% = A
- 80-89% = B
- 70-79% =C
- 60-69% = D
First Semester / Second Semester
Unit 1: Thinking Like A Scientist / Unit 5: Genetic Variation in Populations
Unit 2: Energy and Matter in Ecosystems / Unit 6: Population Genetics & Evolution
Unit 3: Population and Ecosystem Interactions / Unit 7: Organism Structure and Function
Unit 4: Human Impact on the Biosphere / Unit 8: Rat Dissection
I know we will have a great semester together. I love biology and I hope that when we finish, you will share my passion.
Let’s Learn!