Curriculum Vitae
Gary L. Cates, Ph. D.
Business Information:
Psychology Department Phone: (309)438-3123
Illinois State University FAX: (309)438-5789
Campus Box 4620 Email:
Normal Illinois, 61790-4620 Internet:
Current Status:
2007-Current Associate Professor of Psychology at Illinois State University. Currently teaching
undergraduate psychology courses and graduate courses in NASP, NCATE, and
APA approved school psychology programs. Currently coordinator of the
Academic Intervention and Consultation Service through the
Psychological Services Clinic at Illinois State University. Research Interests
include prevention and remediation of academic skills deficits, evaluation of
academic interventions, applied behavior analysis in educational settings, and data
based decision making related to progress monitoring.
Education & Past Employment:
2004-2007 Assistant Graduate Professor of Psychology at Illinois State University.
Taught undergraduate psychology courses and graduate courses in APA, NASP
and NCATE approved school psychology programs. Served as Coordinator of the
Academic Intervention and Consultation Service through the Psychological
Services Clinic at Illinois State University.
2001 – 2004 Assistant Graduate Professor of Psychology at Eastern Illinois University.
Taught undergraduate psychology courses and graduate courses in a NASP and NCATE approved school psychology program.
2001 Ph.D. from an APA, NASP, & NCATE accredited program
in School Psychology at Mississippi State University.
2000-2001 Pre-Doctoral Internship In Applied Behavior Analysis through the Johns Hopkins
School of Medicine at the Kennedy Krieger and Marcus Institutes. – Conducted
Functional Analysis, developed, monitored, and evaluated academic and behavioral treatment programs for individuals with developmental disabilities who exhibited severe behavior such as self-injurious behavior, aggression, disruption, tantrums, and feeding disorders in both clinical and school settings
1999 – 2000 School Psychology Contract Employment through the Columbus Municipal
School District. Columbus, MS.
1998-2000 Adjunct Instructor at the Mississippi University for Women, Columbus, MS.
1998 Master of Science in Educational Psychology from
Mississippi State University.
1998-2000 Teaching Assistant for Dr. David Morse. Taught Advance Graduate Statistics
Laboratory to Doctoral and Master level students in the college of Education at
Mississippi State University
1997-1998 Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant for Christopher H. Skinner. Taught
undergraduate course in educational psychology and assisted with research data
collection, analysis and manuscript writing.
1996 – 1997 Supervisor Educational Resource Center at Mississippi State University:
Managed undergraduate work study students and facilitated faculty with
presentation materials
1996 Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Lake Superior
State University
Published Manuscripts
Cates, G. L., Dunne, M., Erkfritz, K. N., Kivisto, A., Lee, N., & Wierzbicki, J. (2007). Differential Effects of two spelling interventions on acquisition and maintenance of spelling words and adaptation to reading. Journal of Behavioral Education, 71-82.
Cates, G. L., & Erkfritz, K. (2007). Effects of interspersing rates on students’ multiplication performance and preferences for mathematics assignments. Psychology in the Schools, 44, 615-625.
Cates, G. L. & Rhymer, K. N. (2006). Effects of explicit timing on elementary students’ oral reading rates of word phrases. Reading Improvement, 148-156.
Cates, G. L., & Thomason, K., Havey, M., & McCormick, C. (2006). A preliminary investigation of the effects of reading fluency interventions on comprehension: using brief experimental analysis to select reading interventions. Journal of Applied School Psychology.
Rhymer, K. N. & Cates, G. L. (2006) Student performance on and preferences for mathematics word problems: An investigation of the effects of explicit timing and interspersing procedures. School Psychology Quarterly, 21, 34-45.
Cates, G. L. & Lee, D. (2005). Increasing learning by getting students to choose to complete more work: Introduction to a special issue on interspersing procedures, Journal of Behavioral Education, 14, 223-225.
Cates, G. L. (2005), A review of the effects of interspersing procedures on the stages of academic skill Development, Journal of Behavioral Education, 14, 305-325.
Havey, M., Olson, J., McCormick, C, & Cates, G. L. (2005). Teacher perceptions of the incidence and management of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Applied Neuropsychology, 12, 120-127.
Cates, G. L. (2005). Effects of peer versus computer assisted drill on mathematics response rates. Psychology in the Schools, 42 (6), 637-646.
Cates, G. L. & Dalenberg, A. (2005) Effects of interspersing rate on student choice for mathematic assignments. Journal of Behavioral Education, 14 (2), 89-103.
Cates, G. L. (2004). Self-Injurious Behavior. In T. S. Watson & C. H. Skinner (Eds.), Encyclopedia of School Psychology (pp. 287-289). New York: Kluwer Press.
Cates, G. L. (2004). Curriculum Based Measurement: Mathematics. In T. S. Watson & C. H. Skinner (Eds.), Encyclopedia of School Psychology (pp. 179-180). New York: Kluwer Press.
Cates, G. L. (2004). Motor Free Visual Perception Test. In T. S. Watson & C. H. Skinner (Eds.), Encyclopedia of School Psychology (pp. 195). New York: Kluwer Press.
Cates, G. L. (2004). Effects of an explicit timing procedure on mathematics response rate and crying: A case example of extending research through practice. Proven Practice: Prevention & RemediationSolutions for Schools.
Cates, G. L., Skinner, C.H., Watson, T. S., Smith, T. L., Weaver, A., & Jackson, B. (2004). Instructional effectiveness and instructional efficiency as considerations for data-based decision making: An evaluation of interspersing procedures. School Psychology Review.
Cates, G. L., Rhymer, K. N. (2003). Examining the relationship between mathematics anxiety and mathematics performance: An instructional hierarchy perspective. Journal of Behavioral Education, 12, 23-34..
Cates, G. L., & Skinner, C. H. (2000). Getting remedial mathematics students to choose homework with 20% and 40% more problems: An investigation of the strength of the interspersing procedure. Psychology in the Schools, 37, 339-347.
Cates, G. L., Skinner, C. H., Watkins, C. E., Rhymer, K. N., Miles, S. L. & McCurdy, M. (1999). Effects of interspersing additional brief math problems on student performance and perception of math assignments: Getting students to prefer to do more work. Journal of Behavioral Education, 9, 177-192.
Skinner, C. H., Hall-Johnson, K., Skinner, A. L., Cates, G. L., & Johns, G. A., & Webber, J. (1999). Enhancing students’ perceptions of mathematics assignments by increasing relative problem completion rates through the interspersal technique. Journal of Experimental Education, 68, 43-59.
Skinner, C. H., Robinson, S. A., Brown, C. S., & Cates, G. L. (1999). Female publication patterns in School Psychology Review, Journal of School Psychology, and School Psychology Quarterly from 1985-1994. School Psychology Review, 28, 76-83.
Manuscripts in Submission
Cates, G. L., Burns, M., Joseph, L. (In Submission).
Cates, G. L. (In Submission).
Grafman, J. & Cates, G. L. (In Submission)
Cates, G. L., Lauinger, B., & Erkfritz, K. (In Submission)
Cates, G. L., & Chambers, R. L. (In submission). Improving school-based functional assessment with computer-based data collection and analysis: Efficient experimental and descriptive analysis of classroom behavior. Journal of Applied School Psychology.
Presentations at National Conferences
Cates, G. L., & Erkfritz, K. N. (April, 2006). Changing students’ Acceptability of Math Assignments: Investigating Interspersing Rates. Paper presentation to be made at the National Association of School Psychologists.
Cates, G. L., Ebbert, D., & Stagg, J. (April, 2006). Considering Probe Duration When Evaluating Reading Interventions Paper presentation to be made at the National Association of School Psychologists.
Erkfritz, K. N. & Cates, G. L.(April, 2006). Effects of Interspersing and Pacing on Spelling Performance. Paper presentation to be made at the National Association of School Psychologists.
Cates, G. L. & May, R. (April, 2005). Computer technology and FBA: Collecting more meaningful data more efficiently. Paper presentation made at the National Association of School Psychologists.
Cates, G. L. & Thomason, K. (April, 2005). Using Experimental Analyses to Identify Reading Interventions for Special Populations. Paper presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists.
Cates, G. L., & May, R. (May, 2005). Using Computer Technology during Educational Observations: A Potential Efficient Alterative to Experimental Analysis of Behavior. Paper presentation at the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL.
Cates, G. L., & Thomason, K. (May, 2005). Considering Comprehension Levels When Conducting an Experimental Analysis of Reading Interventions. Paper presentation at the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL.
Cates, G. L. (May, 2004). Effects of interspersing rate on student preferences for academic assignments. Paper presentation made at the Association of Behavior Analysis. Boston, MA.
Cates, G. L. & Dalenberg (May, 2004). Effects of positive and negative reward on college student performance in a research experiment. Paper presentation made at the Association of Behavior Analysis. Boston, MA.
Cates, G. L., & Hollinger, S. (May, 2003). Effects of Exlipict Timing on Crying and Mathematics Performance. Paper presentation made at the Association of Behavior Analysis. San Fransico, CA.
Cates, G. L., Hollinger, S., Kapper, S., & Swango, A. (May, 2003). Choosing appropriate Individualized Instructional Strategies: A comparison of Peer versus Computer Mediated Drill. Paper presentation made at the Association of Behavior Analysis. San Fransico, CA.
Cates, G. L. (February, 2003). Treatment effectiveness versus treatment efficiency: Evaluating the effects of academic interventions. Poster presentation at the 2002 annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists in Chicago, IL.
Cates, G. L. (May, 2002). Effects of forward and backward chaining on learning to play guitar from a model. Poster presented at the 2002 annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Patel, M. R., Cates, G. L., Alley, R. E., & Piazza, C. C. (May 2001). A Systematic Evaluation of Food Textures. Symposium at the Association for Behavior Analysis 26th annual convention.
Skinner, C. H., Teeple, D., Neddenriep, C., & Skinner, A. L. & Cates, G. L., (May, 2001). Relative Problem Completion Rates During Independent Seatwork: Completion Rates Operate Like Rates of Reinforcement. Symposium at the Association for Behavior Analysis 26th annual convention.
Martinez, C. L., Cates, G. L., Kim, F. & Piazza, C. C. (May, 2001). Effects of Noncontingent Reinforcement and Escape Extinction on the Acquisition of Cup Drinking in Children with Feeding Disorders. Poster presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis 26th annual convention.
Cates, G. L., Martinez, C. Kim, F. & Piazza, C. (May, 2001). The Effects of Self-feeding versus Non-Self Feeding on Feeding Acquisition in Children with Feeding Problems. Poster presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis 26th annual convention.
Cates, G. L., Watson, T. S., Smith, T. Weaver, A., Jackson, B. (May, 2001). Differential Effects of Task Variation Procedures on Spelling Skill Acquisition and Ratings of Academic Assignments among Students with Spelling Skill Deficits. Paper presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis 26th annual convention.
Cates, G. L., & Rhymer, K. N. (May, 2001) Understanding Interspersing Procedures and Their Utility in Academic Instruction. Symposium Presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis 26th annual convention.
Patel, M. R., Piazza, C. C., Allen, K. D., & Cates, G. L. (May, 2001). Professional Development Series: Preparing for Pre-Doctoral Internships. Symposium presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis 26th annual convention.
Rhymer, K. N., Dittmer, K. I., Cates, G. L., Bradley, T. A., Skinner, C. H. (April, 1999). Applied Academic interventions for at-risk students. Poster presentation at the 1999 National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention.
Cates, G. L., Skinner, C. H. (1999, May) Getting remedial Mathematics students to choose to do 40% more work: An investigation of the interspersing procedure. Poster presentation at the Association for Behavior Analysis 25th annual convention.
Cates, G. L., Watson, T. S., (1999, May). Clinical effects of simplified habit reversal procedure on covert habitual counting. Poster presentation at the Association for Behavior Analysis 25th annual convention.
Cates, G. L., Skinner, C. H., & McCurdy, M. (1998, May). Testing Limits of the interspersal Technique: Getting Students to choose to do more Drill and Practice. Poster presentation at the Association for Behavior Analysis 24th annual convention.
McCurdy, M., Cates, G. L., Watkins, C. E., & Skinner, C. H. (1998, May). Getting Students to choose to do more math: An investigation of the interspersal technique. Poster presentation at the Association for Behavior Analysis 24th annual convention.
Presentations at State/Regional Conferences
Luckner, A., Stagg, J., Hubner, B., Cates, G. L., & Gioia, K., (February, 2006). School psychologist as consultant. Presentation to be made at the Annual Illinois School Psychology Association. St. Charles, IL.
Cates, G. L. (February 2004). Data-Based Decision Making and Accountability: A single-Case Approach. Paper presented at the 2004 annual convention of the Illinois School Psychology Association. Springfield, IL.
Cates, G. L. (February 2003). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Academic Interventions. Paper presented at the 2003 annual convention of the Illinois School Psychology Association. Springfield, IL.
Cates, G. L. (February 2003). Examining the relative effectiveness of Peer Tutoring and Computer Assisted Instruction: An example of linking interventions to instructional format. Paper presented at the 2003 annual convention of the Illinois School Psychology Association. Springfield, IL.
Cates, G. L. & Smith, S. L. (January, 2000). Effects of behavioral momentum on "zoning out" behavior. Paper presented at the Annual Mississippi Association for Psychology in the Schools (Jackson, MS).
Cates, G. L. (January, 2000). Effects of noncontingent reinforcement and contingent reinforcement on disruptive classroom behavior. Paper presented at the Annual Mississippi Association for Psychology in the Schools (Jackson, MS).
Cates, G. L., & Watson, T. S. (October, 1999). Clinical effects of simplified habit reversal procedure on covert counting habit behavior: A case study. Paper presented at the Mississippi Psychological Association (Biloxi, Mississippi).
Cates, G. L., Rhymer, K. N., & Skinner, C. H. (November, 1999). Preferences of preservice teachers when consulting with school psychologists. Paper presented at Mid-South Educational Research Association (Point Clear, Alabama).
Cates, G. L. (November, 1999). Psychometric evaluation of the Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Anxiety Scale: Reliability and Factor Analysis. Paper presented at the Mid-South Educational Research Association (Point Clear Alabama).
Cates, G. L., Rhymer, K. N., Smith, S. L., Skinner, C. H. (1998, November). What is the relationship between math fluency and math-esteem and self-concept? Paper Presentation at the Mid-South Educational Research Association.
Skinner, A. L., Cashwell, C. S., & Cates, G. L. (1998, November). Supervisory ratings of counselors with disabilities: Influence of previous contact with people with disabilities. Paper Presentation at the Mid-South Educational Research Association.