Contents List:
ARTICLE I. - Purpose
ARTICLE II. – Membership
- Academic Standards
- Non-Academic Standards
- Transfer Conditions
ARTICLE III. – Government
- Executive Committee – Position and Responsibilities
- Faculty Council
ARTICLE IV. – Regulations Governing Probation and Loss of Membership
ARTICLE V. – Special Committees, Attendance, and Participation
- Special Committees
- Attendance and Participation
The purpose of the Waynesville Middle School chapter shall be to create an enthusiasm for superior scholarship, to develop citizenship, to stimulate a desire to serve, to promote leadership, and to instill exemplary qualities of character.
ACADEMIC STANDARDS – Candidates eligible for election to the chapter shall have a minimum scholastic average of 3.5. This scholastic level of achievement shall remain fixed and shall be the required minimum scholastic level of achievement for admission to candidacy. All students who rise in scholarship to or above such standards may be admitted to candidacy for election to membership. Candidates shall then be considered on the basis of citizenship, service, leadership, and character. To be eligible for election to membership in this chapter, the candidate must have been in attendance at Waynesville Middle School for a period equivalent to one semester this school year.
NON-ACADEMIC STANDARDS – Membership in this chapter shall be based upon scholarship, character, leadership, citizenship, and service. National Junior Honor Society is composed of honor students reflecting these qualities:
- Scholarship – the ability to establish and maintain high academic standards.
- Citizenship – respect for school, others, and self.
- Service – a willingness to participate in service that will help others.
- Leadership – the capacity to lead and to set a good example.
- Character – the ability to perform within established standards (honesty, fairness, responsibility, tolerance).
TRANSFER STUDENTS - A member of National Junior Honor Society who transfers to Waynesville Middle School will automatically be accepted for membership in this chapter upon presentation of either a letter signed by their former principal certifying membership or a signed membership card. In order to retain membership, a transfer student must then maintain the membership requirements for this chapter. A transfer member will be given one semester to establish the standards of this chapter for membership. A member of the National Junior Honor Society who transfers from Waynesville Middle School will be given a letter indicating the status of his/her membership signed by the chapter advisor and the school principal.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE – The executive committee shall consist of four officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Historian.
- Responsibility – The Executive Committee, with the advisors, will establish a tentative calendar of National Junior Honor Society activities for the school year. The committee will meet periodically to plan for National Junior Honor Society activities.
- Election of the Executive Committee – The officers of the Executive Committee will be elected at a regular meeting of the National Junior Honor Society. A simple majority is all that is necessary to elect.
- Responsibility of the Officers –
- President – The president shall preside at all regular meetings. The president has the responsibility to provide leadership necessary to plan, organize, and execute National Junior Honor Society activities.
- Vice-President - The vice-president will preside at meetings in the absence of the president. The vice-president will work with the president assisting him/her in the performance of responsibilities.
- Secretary – The secretary is responsible for keeping records of all meetings. This includes taking attendance and taking minutes of all meetings.
- Historian – The historian is responsible of keeping the history of the organization. Records may be kept in written form and/or photographs. All records will be kept in a permanent binder.
FACULTY COUNCIL - The members of the Faculty Council will be selected by the building principal and the National Junior Honor Society advisors. The Faculty Council will work with the advisors in selecting, disciplining, or dismissing members of the National Junior Honor Society.
- Minimum Grade Average – Any member not maintaining the minimum grade average of 3.5 at the end of any grading period will be placed on academic probation. The National Junior Honor Society advisors will mail notification or conference with members on the status of their academic probation.
- Members on academic probation have one grading period to reestablish a grade average of 3.5. Failure to do so will result in a loss of membership.
- Any member of the National Junior Honor Society on academic probation may not participate in the privileges of membership (example, spring trip).
- Non-Academic Probation – Any member of the National Junior Honor Society on non-academic probation may not participate in the privileges of membership (example, spring trip).
- School Citizenship-
- Suspension from School – Any member of the National Junior Honor Society suspended form Waynesville Middle School will automatically lose their membership.
- Detention – Any member of the National Junior Honor Society receiving detention must give an explanation of the cause for receiving detention to the National Junior Honor Society advisors. Any member failing to comply with the above responsibility or who receives a second detention will be placed on non-academic probation. Any member on non-academic probation for the above reason will lose their membership if they receive a third detention (this shall apply for one semester at a time).
- Members Subject to other Disciplinary Action – Any
member of the National Junior Honor Society violating the standards of their induction by creating a disciplinary problem brought to the attention of the National Junior Honor Society advisors will have their offense reviewed by the National Junior Honor Society advisors and the Faculty Council. The advisors of the National Junior Honor Society may place a member on non-academic probation if, in their judgment, the action is warranted. The offending member will be given a reasonable length of time (not to exceed one quarter) to correct their behavior. A member’s failure to correct a behavior problem in the given time will result in the loss of membership.
SPECIAL COMMITTIES – Special committees will be established from the membership to help plan and carry our National Junior Honor Society activities.
ATTENDANCE and PARTICIPATION – Attendance and National Junior Honor Society meetings is expected. Participation in National Junior Honor Society work projects is expected and a list of those members participating will be kept.
- Missed Meetings – Any member of the National Junior Honor Society, who misses two meetings during the semester without a valid excuse (sickness with doctor's note or death in the family with obituary), will be placed on non-academic probation. Failure to attend any meeting, without a valid excuse, while on non-academic probation, will result in loss of membership.
- Non-Academic Probation – Any member of National Junior Honor Society will be placed on non-academic probation for failure to participate (without a valid excuse) in National Junior Honor Society work projects for which he/she is scheduled. Any member on non-academic probation, for the above, will lose their membership if they repeat the violation of responsibility to participate in National Junior Honor Society work projects for which he/she is scheduled.
I have read and do understand the Constitution of the National Junior Honor Society chapter of Waynesville Middle School. I am willing to follow this constitution in order to maintain my membership in the organization. I am willing to be subject to academic and non-academic probation if I do not keep these standards.
Member Name (printed) Member Signature
I have read and do understand this constitution. I am in agreement with my son/daughter following this constitution in order to maintain his/her membership in the Waynesville Middle School National Junior Honor Society.
Parent/Guardian Name (printed) Parent/Guardian Signature
Revised Feb. 2016