Rutherford Co., NC, DB 15-17, p.205

May the 21st 1801

This Indenture made this Twenty first day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight between Andrew McMurry of North Carolina and County of Rutherford of the one part, and Thomas Davis of the County and State aforesaid, of the other part, Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of twenty five pounds good and lawfull money of the State aforesaid, to the said Andrew McMurry in hand paid by the said Thomas Davis at and before the ensealing and delivering of these presents the receipt and payment whereof is hereby acknowledged, hathe presented bargained sold alienated ?? conveyed and confirmed and by these presents grant bargain sell alien, ?? confirmed unto the said Thomas Davis his heirs and assigns ?? all that tract piece or parcel of land on the waters of ?? Creek, beginning on a black oak on Elias Morgans old line ?? East side of a hill and west side of the creek thence ?? with ?? line East Eighty two poles to a black oak on Samuel McMurry’s line thence with said line South fourteen west eighty poles to a pine on McMurry’s line, then South twenty six East one hundred and twenty two poles to a line on McMurrys line, then South eighty five west one hundred and forty five poles to a post oak Meltons corner, then with Meltons line south thirty eight poles to a black oak Canady’s corner, then west one hundred and four poles to a pine, then North thirty east one hundred and sixty eight poles to a pine on or near Depreist line then with said line north fifty west sixty poles to a stake, then north fourteen west one hundred and twenty poles to a black oak Depreist corner, then south ten west twenty six poles to a pine, thence west thrity four poles to a pine, then north five west one hundred and four poles to a pine thence north fifty two west one hundred poles to a red oak near Robersons line, thence with said line south eighty six west one hundred poles to a pine then south seven east twenty seven poles to a black oak Robersons corner, then South sixty two east twnty poles to a post oak, thence south twenty east thirty poles to Morgons corner, thence with Morgan’s line to the beginning, containing two hundred acres be the same more or less, which said land was granted to the said Andrew McMurry by patent bearing date the 25th day of December in the 22nd year of our Independence and in the year of our Lord 1797m reference thereto had with more fully appraise with the appurtainances situate lying and being as aforesaid, with their and being of their rights members and appur?? And the ?? and revision remainder and remainders of all singular ??intended to be granted and of ?? them or any of them ??sident ?? and also all and every the estate and ?? right and title Claims and demands or whatsoever them the said Andrew McMurry of or into the said lands ?? into hereditaments or premises hereby granted or on ?? tioned to be granted or any of them or any part or parcel of them to have and to hold the said lands tinn?ments and premises hereby granted to the said Thomas Davis his heirs and assigns forever to the only proper use and behof of the said Thomas Davis his heirs and assigns forever an the said Andrew McMurry doth for himself his heirs ?? and ??doth hereby covenant and agree that I the said Andrew McMurry myself my heirs and Admrs shall and will at all times warrant and forever defend the said premises to the said Thomas Davis his heirs and assigns against all lawful claims and demands whatsoever whereby the above primises might or may be enfected or incumbered contrary to the true intent and meaning of these presents. In Witnesse whereof the said Andrew McMurry hath hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written..

Signed Sealed and Delivered in presents of us

Cornelius MeltonAndrew McMurry {Seal}

Henry Callahan
