SMAP Syllabus

2016 – 17

Instructor: Mrs. Kent

Email Address:

SMAP website:

Materials needed: internet access, pencil, notebook, scientific calculator

Classroom Expectations:

  1. Be on time
  2. Come with all the necessary materials
  3. Come Prepared to work

Academic Honesty:

Very high expectations of honesty are placed on all students. Testing infractions include reading from another student’s test, using materials (other than what was provided) during a test, sharing a calculator or using a calculator on a non- calculator portion of the test. Violations will result in consequences including no credit for part or all of the assessment, detention or administrative referral.

SENIOR MATHEMATICS ACCELERATION AND PREPARATION (SMAP) COURSE DESCRIPTION: Foundation concepts for Pre-Algebra, Algebra I and II will include: basic understandings of number operations and quantitative reasoning, patterns,relationships, algebraic thinking, symbolic reasoning,functions, equations and their relationships, relationship between algebra and geometry, and underlying mathematical processes. _____(Initials)

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Students will acquire and demonstrate knowledge of the concepts, definitions, properties, and develop the computational strategies that are required to meet the California State Standards for each of these courses. This course’s content intention is to closely resemble the Course Outline Records of Antelope Valley College remedial courses: Math 65, 70 and 102. It is the goal of this course to have each student achieve at least a 70% passing rate and be able to enter any AVC course beyond Math 102. This is a 1 year course and it is expected that in order to receive the 4 AVC math credits the student be enrolled for the entire year. _____(Initials)

GRADING POLICY: Grades are cumulative through the end of each semester and based on the categories below. However, moving to the next course at AVC is based only on demonstrated mastery of concepts and development of skills. Updated grade reports will be posted on Powerschool every Friday. Students also have daily access to the Educosoft program and grade book. _____(Initials)

Weighted Categories / Grade Equivalents
Category / Weight / Percent / Grade
Assignments / 25% / 90 - 100 / A
In Class notebooks / 10% / 80 - 89 / B
Chapter Tests, quizzes
Final Exams / 45%
20% / 70 - 79 / C
60 - 69 / D
Total / 100% / 0 - 59 / F

HOMEWORK/IN CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: Homework assignments will be assigned to be completed on the computer, however, all the work must be completed in their notebook. Although Educosoft can be accessed at home, most HW will be completed in class. No credit will be given for problems that do not show all formulas, calculations, and steps necessary to determine an answer. It is important to bring notebook, paper, pencils, erasers, graphing paper, straight edge and calculator to class daily. _____(Initials)

Quarter/time period / Chapters / Common Assignments
Quarter 1
Aug 10 – Oct 9th / Chapters 1 – 13 / Pre-Test Part 1 (1-8) and Part 2 (9-13) Second Week of school
First Quarter Final 1 -13
Quarter 2
Oct 12 – Dec 18th / Chapters 14 – 18 / Two day final chapters 16 - 20
Quarter 3
Jan 11– March 17th / Chapters 19 - 23 / Pre-Test first week or two (two parts)
Third Quarter Final 19 – 23 (2 days)
Quarter 4
March 28 – May 27th / Chapters 24 – 28 / Two part final
Part 1 – 16 – 18
Part 2 – 19 - 28

CHAPTER TESTS AND SEMESTER EXAMS:A comprehensive test to measure students’ mastery of skills and concepts will be given at the end of each chapter. Students will be informed of the scheduled test date at least a week in advance. The concepts and skills being evaluated will usually be reviewed the day before the test. A variety of test formats may be used. A makeup test will be given only if the student's absence the day of the scheduled test is excused.Absences before the test date do not excuse a student from taking the test as scheduled.A semester exam will count the same as three chapter tests. On the next page is an outline of what units will be covered:

_____ Initials

MISSED ASSIGNMENTS.Although tests are scheduled and students must take the test on the day it is administered, assignments can be turned in late as the class is somewhat self-paced. Notes need to be turned in the day of the test. Points will be lost for late notes.Students must take the initiative to determine what assignments have been missed and schedule a time to take missed tests or quizzes.Students will not be allowed to make up quizzes or tests missed due to an unexcused absence._____(Initials)