Committee Meeting minutes 6 Feb 2017
- Present: Tim A (President), Nik B (chair),Lee B (treasurer), Bev S (Secretary), Jules, Helen G, Molly P, Clive I, Richard R, Steve B, Nick E, John L, Finn K, Sarah R, Geoff O, Becca W, Elliot B, Matt E, Jen H
Apologies:Karen M, Nick D, Rebecca E, Chris S, Steph E
- Matters from previous meeting:
- Teas –consider a ‘chef’ for next season, targeting ca £20 per game
- 100 Club –Nik to contact Darren. Needs re-advertising
- First-Aid kits – ICE packs and balls replenished. Junior section appear to be using/losing quite a few balls
- Playing Status
- Current season – All Sections
- Mens Section:
- Men’s 1’s have kit
- Additional set order with City & Country Monies (Nik)
- Ladies Section:
- Away kit to be ordered (Nik). No ongoing issues
- Junior: Boys U14s need kit.
- High numbers of new juniors this season, more pitch space is needed
- Training
- Coach contracts have now been sent out
- Coaching – Tim/Nik and Matt to discuss scope for a paid experience coach
- Older Youth Section
- Ladies Section
- GK training/equipment:
- Pledge’s work with the ladies keepers has been much appreciated.
- Heathmount School are looking for some GK training – Matt E to liaise with them concerning this.
- All ladies keepers have own kit except Tina, so 3-4 available.
- Men’s keepers generally have club kit. Need to check and round up any club kits at the end of the season – Geoff to check mens kits.
- Coaching Structure
- More volunteers are needed, (particularly from the ladies section), to commit to help coaching regularly, to reduce the amount the current volunteers are obliged to do.
- Both qualified and unqualified coaches are wanted. HHC will support coach training, for those individuals committing to club coaching
- Training issues:
- On some occasions, Tues training sessions have been spoiled by the poor behaviour of some of the youth members. Segregating or barring troublesome youths, or parental involvement may be required to address these issues. Additional coaches also being considered to help remedy the situation
- Umpiring
No improvements in numbers so far. Only 5 umpires can do M/L 1s games. Need to consider pool umpire if M1 promoted (Smudge??). Need more umpires at all levels. Non-playing umpires particularly required
- New Members
In the absence of space in teams, new players can participate in training this season, for inclusion in the teams next season
- Next Season
- Coaching for next season to be planned (Nik/Tim/Matt)
- Summer League – mens, ladies and mixed and 2 others requested, though these extra 2 may not be accepted. Hence there may be games at Simon Balle, Thurs evenings for whoever wants to play (action: Elliot/Clive)
May suggest a joint Summer League with Brox for Summer 2018
- Pitches
- Need more, to allow for increased youth membership
- Haileybury could be a possibility, though timings may not be ideal. Molly to investigate
- Financial Issues
- 2015/16 Accounts and outstanding monies. No update on this yet
- Bar – so far doing very well this season. Estimated £8.5K, (~£3K profit) upto Xmas
- Outstanding Subscriptions: if no agreement has been reached, unpaid members may no longer play. V fewnow outstanding. Captains aware.
- Match Fees: all up to date
- Cash Flow: no issues
- Youth Hockey
- Training/Games
- Numbers high, waiting lists in a couple of age groups
- Pitch space still an issue
- Successful in tournaments across all areas in age groups
- Safeguarding:
- EH have confirmed for any team with youths playing, someone, not necessarily the captain should be DBS checked and have the safeguarding responsibility. Nik working with Becks to ensure one/two players DBS checked in each team
- Tony R has confirmed that umpires do not require DBS checks unless they are transporting juniors alone
- Kit
- The ProShop Contract: drafted; under review from a legal perspective
- New Playing Shirts
- TK will be the branded club shirt (No Mercian Option)
- Launch day to be confirmed
- Training Equipment – all OK
- Recruitment of Officers – nothing new
- HCHA/Pavilion
- Dishwasher to be mended/sorted imminently
- Encourage use of door near ladies change – to try to keep carpets cleaner
- Pavilion should be kept locked when empty
- HCHA legal status to change, to limit liability of Officers. No change to operation of H or C Clubs, apart from a potential £1/member liability.
- Social
- Planning to have the bar open for the 6 Nations Rugby
- Youth Quiz – 4th Mar
- Junior Awards Night: Fri 24th March
- Drink the bar dry: Sat 25th March
- Club Dinner – 6th May 2017. Menu details soon. Hannah B looking after this. 6 pm meet for 7 pm sit down. Payment required by end of March
- Summer social: 3rd June, Richmond. Coach travel to/from, hockey all day, social in evening
- Sponsorship/Website/Promotion – nothing new
- HCHA Incorporation: Meeting Wed 9th 7pm to vote on proposed change. Need a quorum to proceed, so members encouraged to attend
- Coach for next season – covered previously
- A football coaching group have requested to use the club house rather than the school for changing etc from Aug-Apr, Mon-Fri 10-4. Will use the school footy pitches. Agreed in principle, as long as the pavilion is kept/maintained and cleaned appropriately. An agreement/contact will be required
- Game cancellations – due to poor weather– Clive is the key contact, for both opposition and team captains. Appears to be working well so far
- Next Season: 30 yr Anniversary of HHC.
- To plan appropriate celebratory events –
- Club day in Sept, prior to league?
- Trophy cabinet – still to be bought. Nik to raise with cricketers on Wed 9th
NEXT MEETING: Mon 20thMar or 3rd Apr (TBD)
Appendix A
Outstanding Subscriptions
- Men’s Section
- Simon Moore – only plays home games. Action: Stan Power to discuss payment with Simon
- Dan Livings – Injured, Half Subscriptions Payable if plays second half of season
- Marcus Stirling – Travelling, back for second half of season. Half Season Subs will be payable
- Gerald Crymble – Injured, not played to date
- Women’s SectionAction – Helen G to provide Update at next meeting
- Nicola Estherby – paying in instalments, awaiting update from Jen on Payments to date
- Mia Greig – Injured, not played to date
- Kim Pansegrauw – Ladies 4’s Captain Action – Nik chased 14/12/16
- Pippa Sheehan – joined in November, agreed to pay Junior Subs £85. Still outstanding
- Lily Tosner – No payment to date. Action: Becca Willis to chase
- Youth Section
- Around half a dozen 2nd Instalments due
- Half Season Subs, a couple outstanding