Общие работы

  1. Bacevich, Andrew J. (2002) American Empire: The Realities and Consequences of US Diplomacy (Harvard University Press)
  2. Blum, William (2000) Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower (Common Courage)
  3. Chomsky, Noam (2003) Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance (Metropolitan Books)
  4. Eland, Ivan (2004) The Empire Has No Clothes: U.S. Foreign Policy Exposed (Independent Institute)
  5. Ferguson, Niall (2004) Colossus: The Price of America's Empire(The Penguin Press)
  6. Garrison, Jim (2004) America as Empire: Global Leader or Rogue Power? (Berrett-Koehler Publishers)
  7. Hardt, Michael and Toni Negri (2001) Empire (Harvard University Press)
  8. Ikenberry, G. John (ed.) (2002) America Unrivaled: The Future of the Balance of Power (Cornell University Press)
  9. Johnson, Chalmers A. (2000) Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire (Owl Books)
  10. Johnson, Chalmers A. (2004) The Sorrows of Empire (Metropolitan Books)
  11. Khalidi, Rashid (2004) Resurrecting Empire (Beacon Press)
  12. Kupchan, Charles (2002) The End of the American Era: US Foreign Policy and the Geopolitics of the Twenty-first Century (Knopf)
  13. Magdoff, Harry (1969) The Age of Imperialism: The Economics of US Foreign Policy (Monthly Review Press)
  14. Mahajan, Rahul (2003) Full Spectrum Dominance: US Power in Iraq and Beyond (Seven Stories Press)
  15. Mann, Michael (2003) Incoherent Empire (Verso)
  16. Mead, Walter Russell (1988) Mortal Splendor: The American Empire in Transition (Houghton Mifflin)
  17. Mearsheimer, John (2003) The Tragedy of Great Power Politics (WW Norton)
  18. Nye, Joseph S. (2004) Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics (Public Affairs)
  19. Panich, Leo and Colin Leys (2003) The New Imperial Challenge (Monthly Review Press)
  20. Richter, Daniel K. (2001) Facing East from Indian Country: A Native History of Early America (Harvard University Press)
  21. Roy, Arundhati (2004) An Ordinary Person’s Guide to Empire (South End Press)
  22. Smith, Neil (2003) American Empire: Roosevelt's Geographer and the Prelude to Globalization (University of California Press)
  23. Van Alstyne, Richard W. (1960) The Rising American Empire (Norton)
  24. Wallerstein, Immanuel (2003) The Decline of American Power (New Press)
  25. Williams, William Appleman (1969) The Roots of the Modern American Empire (Random House)
  26. Williams, William Appleman (1959) The Tragedy of American Diplomacy (World)
  27. Wood, Ellen Meiksins (2003) Empire of Capital (Verso Books)
  28. Zimmerman, Warren (2002) First Great Triumph: How Five Americans Made Their Country a World Power (Farrar Straus & Giroux)

Внешняя политика

  1. Bennis, Phyllis and Noam Chomsky (2002) Before and After: US Foreign Policy and the September 11th Crisis (Olive Branch Press)
  2. Boren, David, Edward J. Perkins and William Crowe (2000) Preparing America's Foreign Policy for the 21st Century (University of Oklahoma Press)
  3. Daalder, Ivo H. and James M. Lindsay (2003) America Unbound: The Bush Revolution in Foreign Policy (Brookings Institution)
  4. Feffer, John, Barbara Ehrenreich and Michael T. Klare (2003) Power Trip: US Unilateralism and Global Strategy After September 11 (Seven Stories Press)
  5. Foot, Rosemary, S. Neil MacFarlane and Michael Mastanduno (eds.) (2003) US Hegemony and International Organizations: The United States and Multilateral Institutions (Oxford University Press)
  6. Haas, Richard (1998) The Reluctant Sheriff: The United States After the Cold War (Council on Foreign Relations Press)
  7. Kagan, Robert (2003) Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order (Knopf)
  8. Nye, Joseph S. (2002) The Paradox of American Power: Why the World's Only Superpower Can't Go It Alone (Oxford University Press)

Военные операции

  1. Boot, Max (2003) The Savage Wars of Peace: Small Wars and the Rise of American Power (Basic Books)
  2. Blum, William (1995) Killing Hope: U. S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II (Common Courage)
  3. Chomsky, Noam (2000) Rogue States: The Rule of Force in World Affairs (South End Press)
  4. Furedi, Frank (1994) The New Ideology of Imperialism: Renewing the Moral Imperative (Pluto Press)
  5. Haas, Richard (1994) Intervention: The Use of American Military Force in the Post-Cold War World (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)
  6. Ignatieff, Michael (2003) Empire Lite: Nation-Building in Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan (Vintage)
  7. Kolko, Gabriel (2002) Another Century of War (New Press)
  8. Kolko, Gabriel (1988) Confronting the Third World: United States Foreign Policy, 1945-1980 (Pantheon Books)
  9. Mahajan, Rahul (2002) The New Crusade: America's War on Terrorism (Monthly Review Press)

Гуманитарные операции

  1. Barnett, Michael (2002) Eyewitness to a Genocide: The United Nations and Rwanda (Ithaca: Cornell University Press)
  2. Chatterjee, Deen K. & Don E. Scheid, eds. (2003) Ethics and Foreign Intervention (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
  3. Chesterman, Simon (2003) Just War or Just Peace?: Humanitarian Intervention and International Law (Oxford Press)
  4. Daalder, Ivo H., and Michael E. O'Hanlon (2000) Winning Ugly: NATO's War to Save Kosovo (Washington, DC: Brookings)
  5. Des Forges, Alison (1999) Leave None to Tell the Story: Genocide in Rwanda (New York: Human Rights Watch)
  6. Finnemore, Martha (2003) The Purpose of Intervention: Changing Beliefs about the Use of Force (Ithaca:Cornell University Press)
  7. Glennon, Michael J. (2001) Limits of Law, Prerogatives of Power: Interventionism After Kosovo (New York: Palgrave)
  8. Hoffmann, Stanley, [Johansen, Robert C. and Sterba, James P.] (1997) The Ethics and Politics of Humanitarian Intervention (University of Notre Dame Press)
  9. Holzgrefe, J. L. and Keohane, Robert O.[Editors] (2003) Humanitarian Intervention : Ethical, Legal and Political Dilemmas (Cambridge University Press)
  10. International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (2001) The Responsibility to Protect
  11. Jokic, Aleksandar and Wilkins, Burleigh [Editors] (2003) Humanitarian Intervention As a Moral and Philosophical Issue (Broadview Press)
  12. Kuperman, Alan J. (2001) The Limits of Humanitarian Intervention: Genocide in Rwanda (The Brookings Institution)
  13. Mamdani, Mahmood (2001) When Victims Become Killers: Colonialism, Nativism, and the Genocide in Rwanda (Princeton: Princeton University Press)
  14. Minear, Larry, Eliasson, Jan (Introduction) and Dr. Hammock, John (2002) The Humanitarian Enterprise: Dilemmas and Discoveries (Kumarian Press)
  15. Power, Samantha (2002) A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide (New York: Basic Books)
  16. Schnabel, Albrecht, and Ramesh Thakur, eds. (2000) Kosovo and the Challenge of Humanitarian Intervention: Selective Indignation, Collective Action, and International Citizenship (Tokyo: United Nations University Press)
  17. Weiss, Thomas G. (2000) Humanitarian Challenges And Intervention (Westview Press)
  18. Weissman, Fabrice [Medecins Sans Frontieres] (2004) In the Shadow of "Just Wars:" Violence, Politics, and Humanitarian Action (Cornell University Press)
  19. Welsh, Jennifer M. (2004) Humanitarian Intervention and International Relations (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
  20. Wheeler, Nicholas J. (2003) Saving Strangers: Humanitarian Intervention in International Society (Oxford University Press)