Present:Councillor:Paul Harley – Vice Chairman
Councillors:Philip HumphreySarah Peacock
Richard LewisTracey Smith [ex-officio]
Kaye Rawlins
Town Clerk:Vivienne Prodger
All members declared a Bias Interest in application number 16/01533/FUL and, therefore, were unable to discuss this application.
Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors David Coleman,
Cesare Marinaro, David Jenney, Marian Hollomon and Carol Childs.
That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Consultative Committee held on9thAugust 2016 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a true record.
Members had previously been circulated with a report on a decision taken by the Delegated Powers persons on 4th August 2016 for an application where the response fell outside the timescale of scheduled committee meetings.
16/01039/FUL [amendment/additional information][Applicant: Mrs C Osili]
Erection of 4no.dwellings to replace existing offices. B1 to C3 at 55 North Street,
Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 6BU
That a No Objection decision be submitted.
No discussion took place for application number 16/01533/FUL, as all members had declared a Bias Interest in this item.
That the following comments be submitted to East Northamptonshire Council:
Planning Application / CommentApplication number: 16/01400/FUL
[amendment/additional information]
Applicant: Kingly Care Partnership
Insertion of six new roof lights, provision of external access ramp, alteration to existing window openings to building, alterations to pedestrian access, repositioning to vehicle access gates & new dormer at 2 Essex Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 0LG / No objection
Application number: 16/01533/FUL
Applicant: Mr P Humphrey -The Conservative Club
Single storey side extension, first floor fire exit and internal alterations including demolition of existing single storey rear extension at 44 High Street South, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 0QX / All members had a Bias Interest and, therefore, could not discuss this application.
Application number: 16/01537/FUL
Applicant: Mr Matthew Hunt
Single storey rear extension at 332 Newton Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 0SY / No objection
Application number: 16/01549/FUL
Applicant: Mr Oliver Humphriss
Demolition of existing garage and construction of new larger garage along with internal alterations to dwelling and associated openings at 425 Newton Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 0SX / Members have No Objection in principle, but would comment that we were unable to view the proposed floor plan on the ENC Planning website. This plan was not available.
Application number: 16/01550/TPO
Applicant: Mr Geoff Clark
T1 Yew – crown reduce by approx. 1.5 metres in height and laterally to balance pruning to suitable growth points to retain the flowing lines of the canopy. Crown clean removing all dead, diseased, dying, crossing, rubbing and duplicate branches. Crown lift to a height of 3.0 metres. T2 Yew – crown reduce by approx. 1.5 metres laterally and in height to balance pruning to suitable growth points to retain the flowing lines of the canopy. Crown clean removing all dead, diseased, dying, crossing, rubbing and duplicate branches. Crown lift to a height of 3.0 metres. T3 Yew – Crown reduce by approximately 1.5 metres pruning to suitable growth points to retain the flowing lines of the canopy. Crown clean removing all dead, diseased, dying, crossing, rubbing and duplicate branches. Crown lift to a height of 3.0 metres. T4 Yew – Crown reduce by approximately 1.5 metres pruning to suitable growth points to retain the flowing lines of the canopy. Crown clean removing all dead, diseased, dying, crossing, rubbing and duplicate branches. Crown lift to a height of 3.0 metres at 1 Beech Grove, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 6EJ / No objection
Application number: 16/01559/VAR
Applicant: Asda Stores
Removal of Condition 6 (staff and cycle parking) and variation of Condition 7 (approved drawings) to allow for removal of concession unit and modified layout pursuant to application 15/0223/FUL : Demolition of existing petrol filling station and associated structures and replacement by new petrol filling station and associated structures, car parking and boundary treatments dated 21.04.16 at The Bridge Service Station, Higham Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 6DZ / Members understand that the variation in Condition 7 (removal of concession unit) will provide 3 more parking spaces and therefore Condition 6 is no longer required. We therefore have No Objection to these application variations.
Application number: 16/01560/FUL
Applicant:Danielle St Pierre -Screwfix Direct Ltd
Change of use to Class B8 (Storage or Distribution) together with the minor external alterations at Unit 14 Brindley Close, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 6EN / No objection
Application number: 16/01565/TPO
Applicant: John Griffiths
2 Lime trees – to be maintained at 10 Batsmans Drive, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 6EW / No objection
Application number: 16/01620/FUL
Applicant: Mr K & Mrs I Thonger
Demolition of existing rear timber extension and rear timber framed outbuilding, erection of single storey rear extension with roof lantern and installation of two rear rooflight windows at 59 Higham Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 6DG / No objection
Members were advised of the following Permitted Development - Use:
16/01642/PDU – Change of use to a Registered Nursery: To change use of the ground floor and the garden area to use as a registered nursery with independent access. To include change of window openings to doors and the formation of a more enclosed garden area at 2 Crown Court, Crown Way, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 6BS
That the information be noted.
Members had previously been circulated with details of the Inspector’s decision on the following Appeals:
Appeal dismissed
16/00646/FUL – Second storey side extension at 45 Barnwell Drive, Rushde, Northamptonshire NN10 9HR [RTC comments: No objection]
Appeal allowed / Award of costs refused
13/01359/FUL / 14/01967/VAR – 110 Higham Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 6DF
[RTC comments: Objection]
That the information be noted.
Members were advised of the withdrawal of the following applications:
(a)16/01140/FUL – Single storey flat roof extension with glazed roof lantern, extension to bedroom 3 at first floor, loft conversion plus external alterations at 59 Higham Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 6DG
(b)16/00042/FUL – Reinstate track for use as heritage railway line (on previous route of track), creation of platform and pedestrian crossing and erection at Old Railway Station, Station Approach, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 0AW
(c)16/01189/FUL – Change of use from warehouse (B8) to B1/B2/B8 use classes including sub division into two units at Unit 1, Warehouse, 2 Sanders Lodge Industrial Estate, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 6BQ
That the information be noted.