ENG 112
Sample Audience Analyses for Essays #2 and #3
Hereare sample audience analysisfor your research project. You should look at these as imperfect examples, but they each have merits, whether they are academic audiences, well-detailed stance/background information, or publications.
The primary audience for this paper is made of parents who do not work in the medical field. The majority of them do not have personal experience with kids who have mental illnesses and need some kind of treatment, but they are all aware of the debate over whether or America is overmedicating its children. Many of the people who are in favor of the use of antipsychotic medication and pychotropic medication in general are either doctors, family members of doctors, friends of doctors, or people who have had personal experiences with mental illnesses (either in themselves or in friends or loved ones), this audience is primarily against using antipsychotic medication to treat children. Since they are not in the medical field, the words in this essay must be understandable to the general public while at the same time convincing them of the credibility of the author. Since this topic is one that is very controversial with passionate arguers on both sides, appeals to pathos must be made in addition to logos. This essay was designed to take advantage of the strong emotions that the American public feel towards their children and uses words like “poison” and “tragic” to get them to be emotionally involved in the cause. This essay could appear in the New York Times Editorial Section, as it uses academic research to appeal to a more popular audience. The secondary audience would be doctors and academics who read these types of articles. They would have a much greater knowledge of the medications and illnesses talked about, and would likely have experience in treating children with them. They would be much more critical of the arguments made in the essay, and would respond more to appeals to logos. The overhearer is Mr. Geary. He is looking at the essay from a different perspective than both the primary and secondary audiences. While they are primarily interested in the message and arguments in the essay, Mr. Geary is more interested in the arrangement, style, presentation, diction, sources, and overall structure of the essay. The author of this is the parent of a mentally healthy child who is very against antipsychotic medication.
My argument would be found in UCLA’s student newspaper, the Daily Bruin. The readers of this newspaper are UCLA staff and students. Both the staff and students are well-educated human beings. This is my publication of choice because the University of California President, Richard C. Atkinson, is in strong support of ending the SAT’s. His views are very powerful since he is the head of all nine University of California campuses and he also communicates with other school presidents across the country. If his views can be changed, he will influence many other people in high positions around the country. He would be interested in reading this essay because this is one of the major controversies in his profession. I have placed many “They say” structures throughout my essay so he can understand that I know both sides of the argument. My ultimate goal is to sway his opinion about the SAT. I want him to do more research into the test so ultimately he might change his mind.
My paper calls for action to be taken by Educational Institutions, State Legislators, students and teachers alike. Due to this fact the paper has the potential to be seen in a wide variety of publications. Excerpts could be cited in school newspapers to expand awareness amongst teachers and students. I believe that my paper should be sitting on every school administrator’s desk in order to truly insight change. My readers should include every person who sets foot on a college campus because my argument is directly applicable to their safety. I think that a large portion of the population subscribes to the popular stigma fearing guns, this is only because they are uninformed. Unfortunately this means that most people are already influenced by false preconceived notions, potentially making the majority of them hostile or opposed to my argument. I have sculpted my essay in a manner which facilitates the gradual shift in ways of thinking about my topic. By utilizing a they say- I say argumentation method I hope to relate to my opposers, by correcting their misconceptions about concealed carrying on campus.
I will be writing my argument essay about airport racial profiling and how it is not the right way thing to do. It is unfair for the people being scrutinized for something that they didn’t want to happen and was bought against them. There are other ways to profile a passenger such as, looking at their check-in luggage, destination of flight, or X-ray scanners. The group of audience I am trying to persuade is the political science department at any college campus that is near New York City or even Washington D.C. area because the tragedy of September 11th happened right there. They might have a stronger view about the topic since they’re school is in the heart of chaos. Since a lot of these people had either studied or is in the process of studying and have some knowledge of the whole social science in state, government, or politics, I think this topic would be more appealing to them. Not only would they have some knowledge about this topic, but also with September 11th incident, the media has drawn information to everyone worldwide. This argument can be exposed to men or women at any age. Some may agree with me and some may not due to their own political views or religious backgrounds. I would like my argument essay to be published in the college newspaper or magazine because it then can be leaked to other people or by word of mouth and let them know to be more at ease about the topic.
I am writing to school nurses, physical education teachers, school dieticians and school administrators in every state. This paper will be of interest to persons ranging from 25-50 years old both men and women of all races. This paper will provide advice of persons of any economic level. For those that are considered lower class this paper will provide helpful tools. This issue has reached the political arena because of Michelle Obama’s (first lady) passion. She has made many measures to alert and inform the nation of this issue. Her many interviews, articles and her campaign “Let’s Move.” This information and much more can be found in Children: Our Future magazine. The stance of those articles in this magazine are, childhood obesity is an epidemic sweeping through America like no other and we as a nation must come together to combat it.