Reg. No. 93-00-5972/01.07.2010
providingacontractforservicingandrepairsof“Kaleto”Hydro Power Plant
І. Description of the current situation, timeline and objective of the task:
“Kaleto” Hydro Power Plant is a complex consisting of hydro-technical hydro-generating, electric and control measurement and automation equipment which was arranged, delivered and commissioned by GUGLERGMbH. The hydro-generating equipment includes the following:
- Turbine types –Francis, 2 pcs on a horizontal axle(small and large);
- Generatortypes- 2pcs self-adjustingbrushless, synchronic, three-phasegenerators (1 generator with rated power of 2500 kVAand 1 generator with rated power of 460 kVA).
TheoperationspersonnelhasbeentrainedandpreparedtoperformroutinemaintenanceonlyoftheHPP (suchaschangingoils, filters, safety fusesandsomecontrolmeasurementandautomationequipmentprotectionsaccording to the supplier’s instructions).
The specifics of the facility requires higher degree of availability to process water resources at a low preliminary predictability.
Objective:Carryingoutaproceduretoselectacontractorwhoistoperformcomplexspecializedactivitiesandsigningacontractforafter-warrantyservicing, maintenanceandrepairsofHPP “Kaleto”, including hydro-generating, electric and control measurement and automation equipment, protectionrelayandthehydro-technicaldeviceswhichareassociatedwithitaccordingtotherequirementsofRegulationNo. 9 fromJune 9, 2004, IssuedbytheMinisterofEnergyandEnergySources forTechnicalOperationofElectricPowerPlantsandNetworks, promulgatedinStateGazette, issue 72 fromAugust 17, 2004, effectivefromDecember 18, 2004referringtothemechanical, electricalandinstrumentationpartandothernormativedocumentsregulatingHydroPowerPlantsoperation.
II. Engineering and Technical Solutions which Are to Be Performed
ІІ.1. Controlovertheschedulesandguaranteesvalidityforfaultlessoperation.
ІІ.1.1. Creating a site record which should contain technical data of any accomplished deliveries.
Deadline: 60 days
ІІ.1.2. Preparingalistwiththesuppliersincludingtheiraddressesandcontactpersons.
Deadline: 60 days
ІІ.1.3. Preparing a list with the deliveries and determining their operations life.
Deadline: 60 days
ІІ.1.4. Clarifyingthewarrantyschedulesfortheperformedbuildingandinstallationworks(according to the contract between the Client and the Builder, Regulation No. 2/31.07.2003 and the Safety Rules requirements/.
Deadline: 30 days
ІІ.2. Control over the correct operation of the facilities
Reviewing the activities and documentation related to the compliance with the currently effective regulation order and creating additional documents which regulate the technical operation organization.
Deadline: permanent for the period
ІІ.2.1. Organization of a report containing power characteristics of the Hydro Power Plant.
Deadline: 30 days
ІІ.2.2. Preventivemonthlycheckup ofthetechnicalstateofthedevicesandequipmentundernormaloperationconditions. In case of extreme operation conditions, immediate check up shall be arranged upon notification by Assarel-Medet JSC.
ІІ.2.3. MonthlycontrolovertheadherencetothePowerPlantOperationsandMaintenanceRules and observing the Safety Rules and Emergency Plan by the operations personnel.
ІІ.2.4. Incaseofnotificationsforfailures during the operation of the facilities and/or the equipment, the causes for the latter shall be immediately found out. Information shall be prepared and submitted to the Executive Director, including analysis for the state, causes for the failure occurrence and suggestions for follow-up troubleshooting actions.
ІІ.2.5. Informationregardingthestate of the facilities and equipment for the reported period shall be included in the summarized monthly report to the Executive Director ofAssarel-Medet JSC.
ІІ.3. Monitoring upon operation indices
ІІ.3.1. Reporting daily and monthly power production by each hydro-group and total for the power station according to the recorded on the hard disc.
ІІ.3.2.Reporting daily and monthly quantity of processed water mass by each hydro-group and total for the power plant according to the recorded on the hard disc.
ІІ.3.3. Datacheckupforeachhydro-groupofthemainworkingparameters (speed, openingpercentage, capacity, waterlevels, temperatures, etc) accordingtotherecordedintheharddisc.
ІІ.3.4. Datacheckupforeachhydro-groupofthealarms and warnings for the period accordingtotherecordedintheharddisc.
Datawill be collected using the “Archive” file on the computer hard disc at the power plant during the monthly routine visit. The Contractor will be granted special access by the Executive Director of Assarel-Medet JSC for this purpose.
ІІ.4. Analysis
ІІ.4.1. SummarizedmonthlyreporttotheExecutive Director of Assarel-Medet JSC. The report shall be structured in the following major directions:
ІІ.4.2. Analysisoftechnicalandeconomicindicestoassessthestateoftheequipment, operationmodes, specificwaterconsumptionandtheefficiencyofanyorganizationalandtechnicalinitiativescarriedout.
ІІ.4.3. Information about operation indices.
ІІ.4.4. Information about the state of the facilities and equipment for the reported period.
ІІ.4.5.Comparisonoftheactualmonthlypowerproductionversustheplanneddesignvaluesforthereportedperiod. Theaccumulated values of the latter will be compared as well – for the time since the regular commissioning. Analysisof the reasons in case of possible differences shallbemade.
ІІ.4.6. Suggestions for follow-up activities, if needed, for improving the operation conditions of the power plant and increase of the production indices.
Deadline: by the 3rd date of the following month
ІІ.4.7.FinalannualreporttoExecutiveDirectorofAssarel-MedetJSCwiththeoperationsindicesof HPP “Kaleto”.
Deadline: by the 20th date of the following calendar year
1. ThedeadlinesstatedinitemІІ shallbenegotiatedwiththeContractorundertheServiceandMaintenanceContract.
IІІ.General requirements to the contractors:
Physicalpersonsandcompanies, whichareregisteredincompliancewiththeBulgarianlegislationandperformsimilaractivitiesforstateandprivateorganizations, mayparticipateintheselectionprocess.
The following shall be attached to the quotation:
-Any possessed licenses and certificates.
-Certificate of good standing.
-Referencelistofcompanies – partnersandclients, includingaddresses, contactpersonsandtelephones, yearwhentheservicewiththesameorsimilarparameterswasprovided.
1.PriceperaservicehourfortechnicalservicingorrepairsinlevaorUSDollars in option of the Client.
2. TravelingallowancesandalladditionalcostsincurredbytheexpertsshallbeonaccountoftheContractor.
3.Thepaymentfortheservicesshallbemadebasedontheagreedhourlyrateandactualman-hoursspentintechnicalservicingand/or repairs and work under the contract which is certified by bilaterally signed reports.
4. Payment by installmentsvia bank transfer according to an additionally agreed in the contract payment scheme.
5.A draft contract may be attached to the quotation as well.
6. Conditionstoperformthecontractual obligations:
-Place where the activity shall be carried out: Assarel-Medet JSC, town of Panagyurishte, or as agreed.
-Period during which the activity shall be carried out: as agreed.
-Contractterm – not earlier than 1 year with an option for automatic extension
7. Control and reporting of the work done
-Written request by the Client
-BilaterallysignedDelivery-acceptance Protocol.
-Preparation of written reports which include particular recommendations to make a decision.
-The contractor shall provide written materials for each agreed activity within 10 days.
Thequotationsoftheparticipantsintheselectionprocedureshallbevalidfor 60 calendardaysconsideredfromtheir submissiondeadline.
VII.QUOTATIONSSHALLBERANKEDJUSTATONEROUND. Additional discussions to improve the quotations conditions shall be carried out only with companies or persons ranked at the first three places.
VІІІ.THEESTABLISHEDORDERINTHECOMPANYforstoringthequotations, transparencyandadherencetoprinciplesforthetimetheyarereviewedexcludesanypossibilityofinfluencingtheselectionofacontractionorupontheingoingqualitycontrolthroughbribing. Moreover, ifsuchattemptsarefoundout, theresponsibleofficialsshallbedisciplinarydismissedandthecontractswiththerespectivepartnersshall be terminated.
Quotations shall be sent in a sealed envelope addressed as follows:
4500 Panagyurishte
Assarel-Medet JSC
Executive Director
Eng. Lachezar Tsotsorkov, PhD
“QuotationforSelectionofaComplexSpecializedContractortoConcludeaContractforServicingandMaintenanceof“Kaleto”Hydro Power Plantwith a note: “To be opened only in the presence of the appointed for the purpose committee” as the Sender shall be indicated on the envelope.
Quotations received after the submission deadline will not be reviewed.
Quotations may not be altered after their submission deadline.
More information may be obtained on site or via telephone by the following employees of Assarel-Medet JSC.
Eng. Marin Poibrenski
/HeadofWorkshop WaterReclaimSector, MicrobiologicalLeachingInstallationandWaterTreatmentPlants
/Tel.+359 357 60350
/Head ofMaintenance Section of Concentrator Plant, WaterReclaimSector and MicrobiologicalLeachingInstallation
/Tel. +359357 60 366
/Electrical Engineer
/Tel. +359357 60 373
Eng. Nikolay Peltekov
/Head of Maintenance Activities and Power Supply Division
/Tel. +359357 60 289
Econ. PetarPaitakov
/Expert in Services and Repair Services
/Tel. +359357 60 499
Eng. Milen Kuzmanov
/Head of Repairs Engineering Dept.
/Tel. +359357 60 476