High Risk Work Licensing was introduced to the ACT on 1 October 2009 with the commencement of the Work Safety Regulation 2009. High risk work licensing replaces the National Occupational Health and Safety certificates (also known as plant competency cards or tickets).
A high risk licence allows a person to perform high risk activities or use equipment that poses a high risk and includes:
· Cranes and Hoist Operation;
· Scaffolding Work;
· Pressure Equipment Operation;
· Forklift Operation, and;
· Rigging Work.
The following loadshifting classes have not been included in the classes of high risk work and will not be included in a high risk licence – Dragline (LD), Excavator (LE), Front-End Loader (LL), Front-End Loader/Backhoe (LB) and Front-End Loader of the Skid-Steer Type (LS).
High risk work licences are being implemented gradually, and certificates issued between the 1 January 2001 and 31 December 2004 will expire on 30 June 2011. Certificates issued from the ACT between these dates must apply to upgrade to a high risk work licence before 30 June 2011.
Certificates issued after 31 December 2004 will need to upgrade to a high risk work licence within the following dates:
Certificate issued / Must be transferred byBetween 1 January 2005 and 30 June 2009 / 30 June 2012
After 1 July 2009 / 30 June 2014
High risk work licences can be obtained by applying at the Office of Regulatory Services shopfront, 255 Canberra Avenue Fyshwick, between 9am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday. As the licence includes a photograph, applications must be made in person. ACT certificate holders currently living interstate are encouraged to contact the office on 02 62070562 to discuss other options.
Further information can be found on the "High Risk Work Licensing" page of the WorkSafe ACT website. The web address to access this page directly is www.worksafe.act.gov.au/page/view/1241.