Creating success stories, one student at a time
SouthTech Preparatory Academy prohibits discrimination against students, employees, and applicants on the basis of religion, race, ethnicity, national origin, color, sex, marital status, age parental status and disability in
any of its educational activities, services, and employment practices. For questions contact 561-364-7943.
JamesNotterJamesR.KiddRoger Dunson,Sr.
Chairperson Superintendent
Nancy Ernst
AramC.BloomJohnAnthonyBoggessRussellFeldmanVice-Chairperson Deputy Superintendent
Carl McKoy
DanHellerNicole L.Handy
DonnaBaizeKevinHardy Suzanne Nicolini
August 14, 2017
Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome to SouthTech Schools for the 2017-2018 school year. I hope that your summer break was restful and that you are ready to embark on a new and exciting educational journey. Great things have been happening at SouthTech. SouthTech Schools became a Local Education Agency (LEA) last year and now writes, administers, and receives federal grants directly from the State rather than through the School District of Palm Beach County.
As an LEA, SouthTech Schools are now classified as a system of charter schools. The system successfully underwent the reaccreditation process with AdvanceEd in May of 2017---attaining accreditation for the system and for each school. These changes necessitated a reorganization, which entailed the changing of some job descriptions and titles. I am now the Superintendent of the SouthTech Schools System. I am assisted in system-wide oversight by Deputy Superintendent, Mr. Jay Boggess, who also serves in the capacity of South Tech Academy Principal.
SouthTech Schools’ core mission is to graduate students prepared for work, higher education, and productive citizenship. In this new System configuration, SouthTech Leadership is poised to take the schools to new heights of excellence in career education, academic education, and community service. In addition to our reconfiguration, the Governing Board and staff continually evaluate operations, procedures, and policies throughout the school year---incorporating adjustments as we work toward fulfilling our core mission. Many of those changes and adjustments are communicated by the Student Handbook.
Our staff continually focuses on the school mantra, “Creating Success Stories…One Student at a Time”. Employees, however, are only one third of the success equation. Parents and students constitute the remaining two thirds. I encourage families and students to accept responsibility for your respective roles in this endeavor. Become involved and assist us in maintaining a nurturing and safe school environment. Your involvement in your child’s education is central to their success in life. In time, we will jointly celebrate their graduation and reap the benefits of their many contributions to our society.
James R. Kidd
Superintendent of SouthTech Schools
DearSouthTech Preparatory families,
On behalf of the staff at SouthTech Preparatory Academy, it is my honor to welcome you to the 2016-2017 school year! We are excited and look forward to a productive relationship. We are proud for the opportunity to work with all our SouthTech families in order to ensure success and high achievement in our students. A strong school-home partnership will guarantee great success in your child’s education. We ask that you guide and support your child’s learning by ensuring that he/she:
- Attends school daily and arrives on time, ready for the day’s learningexperience
- Informsyouifhe/sheneedsadditionalsupport inanyareaorsubject
- Knows that you expect him/her to succeed in school and become career and collegeready
Please consider joining our School Improvement Steering Committee (SISC) meetings, our Board of Directors, or volunteer at the school. Check out our website for more details of dates and times of the meetings and various school events at Your child(ren) can greatly benefit from your involvement and contributions to the school’s program and operations. Together we make great things happen.
Please review this Handbook carefully with your child and sign and return the Acknowledgment form. Contact the Dean, Ms. Johnson, if you have questions regarding the rules and expectations. It is very important that you and your child are fully informed regarding standards related to appropriate behavior for a safe and productive school year. We expect all of our students to follow the Bulldog Way---Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be Ready to Learn!
The family of SouthTech Preparatory Academy would like to thank you for your interest, support and dedication to the development of your child. On a personal note, I want to let you know that it is an honor and a privilege to be the instructional leader of a school that is filled with high expectations, quality staff and most of all, creative students. I look forward to getting to know all of our new families. The staff and I feel privileged to be a part of this school family. We thank you for your support and look forward to an exciting school year! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns or feedback. I can be reached at 561-318-8087 or
Educationally yours,
Nicole L. Handy Principal
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please be informed of the process for requesting transportation for your student(s) for the 2017-2018 school year. If you fall into any of the following categories you must submit a transportation request by completing an online application with our transportation vendor, A&S Transportation.
My student(s) currently ride a bus at SouthTech Preparatory, but I have a new student(s) Enrolling for the 2017-2018 school year.
My student(s) are new to SouthTech Preparatory for the 2017-2018 school year.
My student(s) currently ride a bus at SouthTech Preparatory but our home address has Recently changed.
If your student(s) are currently on a waitlist you do not need to complete a new transportation request. Your place on the waitlist is determined by your original application date.
All students that were assigned but did not ride the bus for two weeks or more will be automatically removed from transportation. If this student will be needing and using the bus for the new school year must
Existing riders with a change of address, new siblings of existing riders, for 2016-1017 will be given priority if space allows. Other available seats will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. Once the bus is filled, you will be placed on a waitlist.
Please visit the A&S Transportation website below to request transportation for the 2017-2018 school year.
SouthTech Preparatory only:
The website will be available and accepting transportation requests from May 16, 2017 through May 16, 2018school year.
A&S Transportation will use the information you provide to confirm eligibility, route and complete bus assignments. When your student(s) have been assigned a bus and a route, this information will be provided to you via a mailed postcard and available at our school’s main office. You will receive your buss assignment at least two weeks prior to the first day of school.
If you have any questions, please call the school at 561-394-7977 and speak with Mrs. Gail Dolson.
Thank you,
SouthTech Prep Academy
Internet Safety Policy CIPA Edition
Note: The following Internet Safety Policy was developed to address the basic policy compliance requirements of CIPA and NCIPA for E-rate funding. Schools and libraries adopting new or revised Internet policies may wish to expand or modify the sample policy language (as suggested in the accompanying Primer) to meet broader policy objectives and local needs. Neither the FCC nor the SLD has established specific standards for a CIPA-compliant Internet Safety Policy and neither has reviewed, much less endorsed, this sample policy.
It is the policy of SouthTech Preparatory Academy to: (a) prevent user access over its computer network to, or transmission of, inappropriate material via Internet, electronic mail, or other forms of direct electronic communications; (b) prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful online activity; (c) prevent unauthorized online disclosure, use, or dissemination of personal identification information of minors; and (d) comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (Pub. L. No. 106-554 and 47 USC 254(h)).
Key terms are as defined in the Children’s Internet Protection Act.
Access to Inappropriate Material
To the extent practical, technology protection measures (or “Internet filters”) shall be used to block or filter Internet, or other forms of electronic communications, access to inappropriate information.
Specifically, as required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act, blocking shall be applied to visual depictions of material deemed obscene or child pornography, or to any material deemed harmful to minors.
Subject to staff supervision, technology protection measures may be disabled for adults or, in the case of minors, minimized only for bona fide research or other lawful purposes.
Inappropriate Network Usage
To the extent practical, steps shall be taken to promote the safety and security of users of the SouthTech Preparatory Academy online computer network when using electronic mail, chat rooms, instant messaging, and other forms of direct electronic communications.
Specifically, as required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act, prevention of inappropriate network usage includes: (a) unauthorized access, including so-called ‘hacking’, and other unlawful activities; and (b) unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors.
Education, Supervision and Monitoring
It shall be the responsibility of all members of the SouthTech Preparatory Academy staff to educate, supervise and monitor appropriate usage of the online computer network and access to the Internet in accordance with this policy, the Children’s Internet Protection Act, the Neighborhood Children’s Internet Protection Act, and the Protecting Children in the 21stCentury Act.
Procedures for the disabling or otherwise modifying any technology protection measures shall be the responsibility of Technology Specialist or designated representatives.
(For schools only) The Technology Specialist or designated representatives will proved age-appropriate training for students who use the SouthTech Preparatory Academy’s Internet facilities. The training provided will be designed to promote the SouthTech Preparatory Academy’s commitment to:
A.The standards and acceptable use of Internet services as set forth in the SouthTech Preparatory Academy’s Internet SafetyPolicy.
B.Student safety with regardto:
. safety on the Internet;
. appropriate behavior while online, on social networking Web sites, and in chat rooms; and
. cyber bullying awareness and response.
Following receipt of this training, the student will acknowledge that he/she received the training, understood it, and will follow the provisions of the District’s acceptable use policies.
This Internet Safety Policy was adopted by the Board of SouthTech Preparatory Academy at a public meeting, following normal public notice, on June 23, 2016.
CIPA definitions of terms: MINOR. The term “minor” means any individual who has not attained the age of 17 years.
TECHNOLOGY PROTECTION MEASURE.The term “technology protection measure” means a specific technology that blocks or filters Internet access to visual depictions that are:
1.OBSCENE, as that term is defined in section 1460 of title 18, UnitedStatesCode;
3.HARMFUL TO MINORS. The term “harmful to minors” means any picture, image, graphic image file, or other visual depictionthat:
1.Taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex,orexcretion;
2.Depicts, describes, or represents, in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or a lewd exhibition of the genetils;and
3.Taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value astominors.
SEXUAL ACT; SEXUAL CONTACT. The terms “sexual act” and “sexual contact” have the meanings given such terms in section 2246 of title 18, United States Code.
School Calendar 2017-2018
School Calendar 2017-2018
MAY 2018
BOARD APPROVED 4/13/17; Revised 7/31/17
JUNE 2018
7 B
1 B
8 A
2 A
9 B
3 B
10 A
Board Meeting
4 A
11 B
8th Grade Trip (Tentative)
Post School
Grade Verification
End 202-I 196-I
1 B
Final Exams Students Early Dismissal
@ 11:30 am Grades Completed STUDENTS LAST DAY
End Grading Period 8
School Closed 4 Day Week End 210-I
Board Meeting
End 213-I
School Closed 4 Day Week
21 B
8th Grade Ceremony
Report Cards MailedAfter June 19, 2018
School Closed End
220-A, I, IS, NI
31 A
Final Exams Students Early
Dismissal @ 11:30am
School Closed
School Closed
Employee Contract Periods
Floating Weeks for 220 NI Contract ONLY
Employees work 10 Hr Days M-Th and Friday school is closed
EmployeeGroupBeginDateEndDate#ofDays Administration(A)Jul24,2017Jun22,2018220Days
Non-Instructional (NI, IS)
Instructional Support (IS)
Instructional (I) (6 PD Holidays)
Jul 24, 2017
Jul 24, 2017
Jul 24, 2017
Jul 27, 2017
Aug 04, 2017
Jun 22,2018
Jun 13,2018
Jun 08,2018
Jun 04,2018
Jun 04,2018
220 Days
213 Days
210 Days
202 Days
197 Days
Board Meeting/Workshop @ 7:00PM ~ with Administration and Public
CPEM Common Planning for Reading, ELA, Math
CPSC Common Planning for Social Studies, Science & Career BTAPBeginning Teacher Assistance Program Meeting with Administration DHM Department Head Meeting @ 4:00PMwith Administration
FACM Faculty Meeting with Instr. Staff, Guidance and Administration
SAM System Administrators Meeting @ 8:00AM with Administration and Managers
Recruitment Open House / Parent Night times vary with All Employees
SISC School Improvement Steering Committee @ 5:30PM
with Administration and Public
PEP Personal Educational Plan with administration and admissions
NOTE: Advisory Committee Meetings of academy teachers and local business/industry volunteers occur 4 times a year and date is decided upon by the participants
Equal Opportunity and Non Discrimination(Policy3.05)...... 2
Message to Parents/GuardiansandStudents2...... 3
Student Residence Enrollment Requirements(Policy5.011)...... 3
AdmissionsandEnrollment…...... 4
HealthRequirements…...... 5
Clinic…...... 6
MedicationNeeds…...... 6
AccidentsInjuries…...... 6
SouthTech Preparatory AcademyGoverningBoard...... 7
News Coverage ofSchoolActivities...... 7
Parent Conferences...... 7
EmergencyInformation...... 8
Emergency School Closing...... 8
Evacuation Drills...... 8
Lost or Stolen Items...... 8
FinancialResponsibility...... 9
Safety...... 9
Textbooks...... 10
TextbookFines...... 10
Textbook(Lost/Damaged)...... 10
TornadoEmergencyDrills…...... 11
Visitors and Student Pick-Up...... 11
Attendance(POLICY 5.092)...... 12
Stop BullyingNowPolicy...... 12
Bullying and HarassmentPolicy5.002…...... 13
DisciplineActionPlan...... 13
DisciplineMatrix...... 14
DisciplinePhilosophy...... 14
DigitalCitizenshipPolicy...... 15
Gang Control(Policy5.091)...... 16
GangDescription…...... 16
Hall Conduct...... 16
Parent/Guardian/Student Grievance Procedure(Policy 5.19)...... 17
Transportation(Policy2.23)...... 18
Sexual Harassment(Policy5.001)…...... 18
Student Activities(Policy2.05)…...... 18
Student Services…...... 19
Student Conduct and Behavior (Policy5.18)…...... 19
Wellness Promotion(Policy 5.003)…...... 19
Class orScheduleChange...... 20
Edline…...... 20
Grading Period and ReportCard Distribution....... 20
General RuleforGrading...... 20
GradingScale...... 21
StudentBehaviorEvaluation...... 21
Student Records(Policy5.50)…...... 21
Withdrawalsand Transfers…...... 21
BusRules...... 22
DressCode...... 23
Excused and UnexcusedAbsences...... 23
Skateboards,Rollerblades,Scooters...... 23
TardyPolicy…...... 24
UniversalAttentionSignal...... 25
VoiceLevels...... 26
Assault or Battery upon District SchoolBoardEmployee...... 27
Cheating/Plagiarism...... 27
Collecting/SolicitingMoney....... 27
ComputerMisuse.20...... 27
DangerousItems...... 27
Destructive of Private orPublicProperty-Vandalism/Graffiti…...... 27
Dishonesty...... 28
DisruptiveItems...... 28
Drug/Intoxicants/Inhalants...... 28
Eating/Drinking in Appropriate .23...... 28
False FireAlarm…...... 29
Fighting…...... 29
ForgingDocuments…...... 29
Gambling…...... 29
Graffiti…...... 29
GumChewing…...... 30
Insubordination...... 30
LeavingSchoolGrounds...... 30
“LookAlikes”...... 30
PhysicalAbuse/Assault...... 30
Profanity/Obscenity...... 30
Refusal to Identify Oneself to aStaffMember…...... 31
ReporttoAdministrator...... 31
Report to theClinic/GuidanceOffice.21...... 31
SearchandSeizure...... 31
Theft…...... 31
Threats…...... 32
TobaccoViolation...... 32
UnauthorizedAreas…...... 32
Unauthorized Possession ofSchoolProperty...... 32
VerbalAbuse…...... 32
Violence…...... 32
Weapons…...... 33
Teacher Duty Day: Sam- 4pm
Message to Parents/Guardians and Students
The office will deliver messages to students on an emergency basis onlyto avoid disruption of instruction. Transportation and other non-emergency situations should be handled prior to or after school. In the event of an emergency, please call (561) 318-8087 or (561) 284-4080.
Student Residence Enrollment Requirements (Policy 5.011)
. Residence and/or address shall mean the home location where the student and a parent (if applicable) are primarily living. Residence does not refer to citizenship or a proof of residence that would require a permanent resident card (green card) or any immigration documentation. Primary residence and/or address means the home in which the student and a parent (if applicable) lives most of the time.
. “Parent” is defined as either or both biological or adoptive parent(s) of the student, the student’s legal guardian, a person in a parental relationship to the student, or a person exercising supervisory authority over the student in place of the parent, pursuant to Fla. Stat. 1000.21(5).
. The school selection, enrollment and placement of students experiencing homelessness and unaccompanied youth are governed by the McKinney-Vento Homelss Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001 and School Board Policy 5.74 shall be referred to when enrolling students experiencing homelessness, unaccompanied youth and students awaiting placement in foster care.
. Parents are required to immediately notify the school in writing of a student’s change in address and updated emergency contact phone numbers.
Admission and Enrollment
SouthTech Prep Academy applications may be downloaded from the websit at picked up at the school or mailed out upon request in admissions (561) 318-8087. Please be advised that all students new to the county must present proof of a physical exam not more than one year old within 30 (thirty) days of registration. The following information needs to be submitted to SouthTech Prep Academy:
.Physical examination:Students failing to submit this document within 30 (thirty) days
will not be permitted to attend SouthTech Prep Academy.
.Immunization: Students must produce documentation on the prescribedFlorida Blue DR 680 form of appropriate immunizations. No shots, No school,Nokidding!
.Proof of Birth: Birth certificate, baptism certificate, insurance policy thathasbeen
in force for two years or more, passport, or school record.
Health Requirements for SchoolAttendance CommunicableDiseases Immunizations
(P-5.322) and(F.S.1003.22(9))(P-5.06) and (F.S.1003.22(1))
Students having or suspectedofhavingA Certificate of Immunization (DH680)indicating a communicable diseaseorinfestation compliance with the current requiredscheduleof which can be transmitted toothersmay immunizations must be presented priorto
be excluded from school, basedontheenrollment in school absentexemption.Students decision of the DepartmentofHealth, who are homeless may be eligible for a30day and not allowed to returnunlessthey exemption.