Out of Schools Exhibition 2016

4 - 9 April, Young Creatives Day 9 April

Manchester School of Art, Benzie Building,

Higher Ormond St, Manchester M15 6BR


Since 2007 the Out of Schools exhibition has been showcasing the art works of schools, colleges, and community groups in Manchester School of Art’s professional gallery spaces. In 2016, we have expanded our offer to those who work within the creative and cultural sectors to showcase work produced by young people across our city. We will provide a platform for the creative achievements of young people in Manchester to be seen, heard, read, played, touched, explored and admired!

Email Elle for more information or to take part in Out of Schools:

Alongside celebrating wider creative works we are also exploring Manchester’s peppered moth as part of the Manchester European City of Science activities. The moth offers us an example of the transformation our actions can create in the natural world. The peppered moth was once a speckled pale insect, which with the advent of the industrial revolution found itself picked off by predators as it stood out against its sooty surroundings. In response, the moth evolved very quickly into black, and then back again to its pale origins as our air transformed after the clean air act, 1956. The Outreach team have developed a set of resources to help schools to creatively explore the transformation of the natural world by our actions. The work created from these resources will be displayed as part of Out of Schools.

Email Anna for more information or for access to the peppered moth resources:

Take Part in Out of Schools

You can get involved in Out of Schools in a few ways:

Visit: Come and visit the show! Whilst the show is open there will be a range of activities and workshops suitable for all ages to take part in. Help our exhibition grow by making work that will go directly onto the walls. Learn about our Art School and the creative subjects that we have here. Come, see, make, play, explore!

Exhibit: Showcase yours, or your organisation’s work in the exhibition - please fill in the exhibitors proposal form included in this document and email back to Elle on

●Complete form by: Tuesday March 1

●Receive work From: 21 - 25 March, drop off at Benzie Reception

●Pick up work from: April 11 & 12 report to Benzie Reception, please note we cannot store work beyond these dates.

Run a Workshop: Would you like to teach others a skill or share your creative expertise?Please fill in the workshop proposal form included in this document and email back to Elle on by: Tuesday March 1.


Email this form to Elle:

Name of Organisation:
Describe what you will bring to Out of Schools: (eg, 30 oil paintings, artefacts, one A1 Poster, 50 pots, a film)
Please indicate if you would like to run workshop (Complete the workshop section on the next page if so)
Will you be sending any staff to cover your area during the show, if so which days and times? ( 4 - 9 April, There is no obligation to do so)
Special Equipment Requests: (eg, covered plinths, plasma screen, headphones)
Blurb - Indicate what text should accompany your works. A short description of a project, or if it’s pieces of artwork from a class the list of children's names, or title and creator of artefacts.
Are there any social media channels or weblinks you would like us to include in our marketing? (eg hashtag, school twitter account, project weblink)
Do you have any logos or sponsor names you would like to be represented? If so, please provide all logos at the highest resolution you have available.


Email this form to Elle:

Which day or days would it run (Open 4 - 9 April, Young Creatives Day Saturday 9 April)
How many people can take part in your workshop?
What age group is your workshop aimed at?
What times would it run from and to?
Do you need help facilitating it?
What furniture/ space do you need? (eg a dark space, table that seats 8, access to a sink)