Classroom Blog Info Page
How do I add a blog?
[Note: Before you blog, please have your article typed and saved on Word, or Wordpad, or Notepad, or Textedit, or any word processor you have. That way you can work on it as long as you want and come back to it whenever you can to finish. If you type your article directly into the webpage blog form, it may time out on you, which means that you will lose all your work. Make sure your article is spell checked and that there are no grammatical errors.]
1. Type in your browser (like Firefox).
2. Click on your grade level then on your name on the right.
3. In the next screen that comes up, click on Login at the top left hand corner of the webpage and login using your username (remember that it’s your first name and last initial – no spaces and no capitals) and the password you gave Mr. González (don’t share your password with anyone!).
4. Click on Articles to write about one of the topics. You can start writing your article on Word and then copy and paste into your blog when it’s all done and spell checked. When it’s ready click on the button next to Request Publishing for Mr. González to read.
5. If your article hasn’t been published in a few days, log back in (steps 1 to 4 above) and click on the triangle next to your article’s title. Read what Mr. González wrote for you.
How do I respond to someone else’s blog?
1. When you are reading someone’s article, whether it’s a student in our school or another school, you can leave a comment.
2. Type up a response in Word or just go ahead and click on Comment at the bottom of the person’s blog article.
- When the Comment page comes up scroll down and click on Add Comment to either copy and paste your response from Word or type right into the boxes on the webpage. Please use your initials or your class username for your name.
- No need to leave an email address, unless you want, but do leave your blog address (the http:// URL) in the URL of Your Blog section.
- Follow the instructions before you click on the Submit button (type in the code you see in the box).