DELAWARE VALLEY SCALE MODELERS is a Chapter of the International Plastic Scale Modelers’ Society USA, chartered 1972. We meet on the first Friday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Artisan’s Hall, 8100 Roosevelt Boulevard (U.S. Route 1), just North of Cottman Avenue, in Philadelphia, PA.
You can visit us on the Web at:
You can also visit the Philadelphia Area Club Modelers on the web at:
DVSM Officers
President ……….John Chionchio
Vice President…....Dennis Sosna Secretary………...Jason Rothgeb
Treasurer…………..Joe Vattilana
Contest Chairman.…Dennis Levy
Program Chairman.…Jim Rosado Membership…...Vince Buonfiglio
IPMS Club Contact.John Goschke
Newsletter Editor &
Webmaster ………Tony Wootson
February's Meeting
February's meeting once again had a very good turnout both people & model wise. The evening's theme of red stars and red cars (and trucks) found 16 aircraft, 2 armor pieces and 25 vehicles out on display in theme.
Joe Smith was on hand selling books from the collection of the late John D'alessandro.
Business Meeting
Reported by Tony Wootson
The business meeting began at around 8:30. Since John C. was under the weather, the Club's Vice Pres. Dennis did the honors.
Darryl Peters talked about the creation of a new modeling club in Allentown. Lehigh Valley Scale Modelers, who are being sponsored by HobbyTown USA, and will have (had) their first meeting on January 23 at 6:30 pm. They meet at the HobbyTown Store located at the Tilghman Square Shopping Center, at 4642 Broadway Road, Suite B-11 in Allentown, PA. For more information, you can contact either Darryl Peters at (908) 479-1349 or call Jeff Wieder at (484) 232-6386 or email him at .
Jim Durso made several announcements pertaining to an upcoming Bare-Metal Foil demonstration at Jenkintown Hobbies in March, a possible MITI program later on in the year at the same location and a MITI program that M&G Hobbies would like to conduct later on this year as well. (See Jim's notes found below for the details).
Craig Bennett made an announcement pertaining to the Battleship New Jersey. Evidently things are somewhat still up in the air, but the guy in charge is looking for ship models to display at the Battleship. They are looking for donations, along with making plans to pay someone to build some of these kits. In addition, they are planning on holding model contests there. (For more information, see Craig).
The models of John D'alessandro will be auctioned off at our April meeting. A correction was made at our meeting. All proceeds from the auction will go to John's wife. (So again, spread the word around and be sure to bring a little extra cash with you to our April meeting).
John Rucks shared with us an idea of his. He belongs to another modeling club that has been holding something they call a "Mini-Con." The idea behind the "Mini-Con" is this: club members enter one new model a month into an on-going popular choice contest that lasts throughout the year. This contest would take place 10 months out of the year for us, (with the exclusion of the 2 months that we hold our regular contests). Club members then choose a first, second and third place model for that month.
Points are given for the first, second, and third place winners - 10 points go to the builder of the first place model, 5 points go to the second and 3 to the third.
Someone with a digital camera would take a picture of the first place model and its builder, and John Cunningham would add the image to a certificate that would be awarded to the winner the following month.
In December, the points are tallied up for the year, and in January, a "cheesy trophy" - (John's words here- Ed.) - would be awarded to the "DVSM Modeler of the Year." Then, the next contest will start all over again.
John proposed that we discuss this idea further at our March meeting. In addition, since we will already be in the third month of the year, if we decide to try this out, we may want to wait until 2003 to do so.
Last item here. I approached Dennis Levy last month with the idea of adding a separate Junior Modeler's Category to our Gold-Silver-Bronze Contest that takes place in June. With the handful of junior modeler's that appear to belong to our club members, I thought this would be a good way to give the kids some recognition for their work and efforts, along with potentially helping to groom a new batch of Del Val Modelers for the future.
Dennis liked the idea. There are still some details to work out prior to our June Contest, though.
Models and their Builders - The following models were displayed:
Name / Model / Manufacturer / Category / Scale / CommentDave Anderson / 1939 Ford Wagon Woody / Monogram / Auto / 1/24 / Display case with lights 7 gas pump
Dave Anderson / 1934 Ford Early Modified / Monogram / Auto / 1/24 / Garage diorama with tools and figures
Dave Anderson / 1957 Plymouth Fury (die cast) / Quosn / Auto / 1/18 / Wood display base with mirrors
Dave Anderson / Soviet MIG-29 Fulcrum / Monogram / Airplane / 1/24 / Display with base with red star
Dave Anderson / 1935 Auburn Boat Tail Roadster / Ertl / Auto / 1/18 / Die cast
Craig Bennett / TU-20 Bear / Skywave / Aircraft / 1/700 / OTB
Craig Bennett / TBM-3E / Airfix / Airplane / 1/72 / OTB
Wayne Borowsky / King tiger / Tamiya / Aircraft / 1/35
Wayne Borowsky / English Knight / Pegaso / Armor / 54 mm
Wayne Borowsky / German WWI Trench Raider / Warriors / Armor / 1/35
Vince / Animals sculpted by Vince / Figure / Medium is polymer clay
Bob Cicconi / Yak 3 / Aurora/Heller / Aircraft / 1/72 / OTB
Bob Cicconi / Las-FN / Italeri / Aircraft / 1/72 / OTB-A/M Decals
Bob Cicconi / Russian PreDreadnaught “peresviet” / Modelkrak / Aircraft / 1/700 / Resin kit oob
John Cunningham / ’32 Ford 5 Window Coupe / Revell / Auto / 1/25 / Corvette engine, Revell radiator, lots of after market stuff
John Cunningham / ’32 Ford Bobbed Flattop / Revell/ AMT / Auto / 1/25 / Totally modified frame 2nd body, chopped grille, amt. Phantom vicky frame and engine
Wyatt Erb / Camaro / AMT / Auto / 1/24 / Ground effects, car alarm-horn-wheels move engine starting sound
Wyatt Erb / 1948 Ford / Revell Monogram / Auto / 1/24 / Custom Fins an Lenses dual quads- very special thanks to Fred Yarema for vacuum forming my clear hood.
Bill Garner / 1959 Hearse / Jimmy Flintstone / Auto / 1/25 / Work in progress
Bill Garner / 1996 Chevy Regular Cab Plow Truck / AMT / Auto / 1/25 / Beater, scratch built plow, detailed interior, work in progress
Bill Garner / 1972 GMC- Wood Hauler / AMT / Auto / 1/25 / Real split logs
Bill Garner / 1996 Chevy Extended Cab / AMT / Auto / 1/25 / Pick-up
Ed Hornlein / 1939 and 1940 Ford / Auto / 1/24
B. Howells / C-125 “Raider” / Combat / Airplane / 1/72
Walter Hughes / F9F-6 Cougar / Monogram / Aircraft / 1/48 / Include resin conversion.
Walt Hughes / H035s-1 Sikorsky Helicopter / FM Models / Aircraft / 1/48
Walt Hughes / MIG-31 Fox Hound / Linberg / Aircraft / 1/48
Ed Isnardi / Dodge One Ton Pick Up / AMT / Auto / 1/25 / Promo
Ed Isnardi / Dodge ½ Pick Up / AMT / Auto / 1/25 / Promo
Ed Isnardi / Dodge Dakota Pick Up / Lindberg / Auto / 1/25 / Promo
Ed Isnardi / Dodge Durango / Toy Max / Auto / 1/25 / Promo Toy
Keith Jones / 1939 Ford / AMT / Auto / 1/25 / Tamiya Red, 1941 Ford Woody wheels, 1940 Ford Coupe bumpers, Revell parts, pack Cadillac engine
Ed Kolbush / TU-20 / Modell Baukasten / Airplane / 1/100 / East Germany
Ed Kolbush / MIG-21 / Testors / Airplane
Ed Kolbush / TU-20 / Modell Baukasten / Airplane / 1/100 / East Germany
Ed Kolbush / MIG-21 / Testors / Airplane
Ed Kolbush / Polikarpov / Hobby Craft / Airplane / 1/48 / 1-16
Ed Kolbush / P-39 / Revell / Airplane / 1/72
Charlie Lockard / P47C / Hasegawa / Airplane / 1/48 / After market decals
Charlie Lockard / Stormivile IL2 / Accurate Mins / Airplane / 1/48 / OTB
Darryl Peters / Bike / Hoppin Hydros / Auto / 1/6
Darryl Peters / Roth’s Road Agent / Auto
Darryl Peters / 1950 Olds / Ertl Bank / Auto / 1/25 / Redone paint chassis from amt dodge
Andy Rizzio / Cylon Raider / Sci-Fi / 1/48
Jim Rosado / Sherman Firefly / DML-CMD / Aircraft / 1/35 / I added the CMD turret
Jim Rosado / Sherman M-H Jumbo / Tamiya / Aircraft / 1/35 / Added additional weld scams to appliqué armor and photoetched by Eduard
Jim Rosado / Soviet KV-1-E Friuli Tracks / Tamiya, Verlinden / Aircraft / 1/35 / Added resin engine bay and photoetched all over, wired light and horn
Jason Rothgeb / 1971 Charger 440 Magnum / AMT Ertl / Auto / 1/25 / In progress- mcw lacquer (rattle can) green go, flocked carpet
Jason Rothgeb / Midget Sprint Car / Monogram / Auto / Scratchbuilt cockpit (driver figure omitted and seat bottom and side fabricated)
Jason Rothgeb / 1970 Dodge Challenger 440 shaker with shaker hood / AMT Ertl / Auto / 1/25 / Carpet flocked, photo etch speaker grills, rattle can “Sublime Paint”, wheels from AMT 1971 Charger
1953 Studebaker Streamline / Ertl / Auto / 1/24 / OOB-20 years old
SU 27 UB / Heller / Airplane / 1/72
IL 76 “Heavy Lifter” / Walsh / Airplane / 1/144 / Vacuform
TU 95 Bcao D / Revell / Airplane / 1/144
1934 Mercedes Benz 500K / Jo Hann / Auto / 1/24
Nick Sandone / Veilside RX-7 / Aoshima / Auto / 1/25 / Model Master stop light red metallic with Tamiya clear coat
Joe Smith / Lavochkin LA-5FN / Airplane / 1/48
Joe Smith / ILYUSHIN IL2 / Airplane
Joe Smith / 1988 Lamborghini Countach / Burago / Auto / 1/18
Joe Smith / 1957 Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa / Auto
Joe Smith / 1989 Ferrari F40 / Franklin Mint / Auto / 1/24
Joe Smith / 1965 Ferrari 330 P2 / Auto
Andy Such / 427 Cobra / Monogram / Auto / 1/24 / Wired plumbed metal camp bezels dash gauges, fire bottle, seat belts, roll bar
Joe Turowski / 1969 Ford Mustang Mach 1 / AMT / Auto / 1/25 / Foil trim, real car paint
Lou Ursino / Bison II- 150 SP gun / Alan / Armor / 1/35
Lou Ursino / M8 Greyhound U.S. Armored Car / Tamiya / Auto / 1/35 / Verlinden exterior gear, Jaguar & Tamiya figures
Lou Ursino / T-35 Soviet Heavy Tank / ICM / Armor / 1/35
Lou Ursino / T-28 Soviet Medium Tank / ICM / Armor / 1/35
Joe Vasapollo / 1969 Baldwin Motion Camaro / Revell / Auto / 1/25 / Testors crème pearl body
Vaughn Whisher / The Wood Carver / Figure / 9mm
Fred Yarema / Scratchbuilt Mitsubishi KI 46 III Dinah / Airplane / 1/24 / In progress
Additional News and Updates
An apology to Vern and John
I made a "boo-boo" in last month's newsletter. In my rush to get the document mailed out on time, I neglected to mention the nice clinic on figure painting that Vern Minkwitz and John Wlas conducted during our January Meeting. (Sorry Guys).
For those of you who have access to the Web, I have posted a number of pics from their clinic at
Another mistake in the Newsletter?
Naww! Just a trick played on yours truly. That guy John Rucks bamboozled me!
The very insightful and "touching" article that our dear friend John submitted to me and that I posted in last month's Newsletter was a fallacy. A "1/32 scale F.M.A., I.A. 58 'Pucara' Lazlo, manufactured by Buenos Aires, Argentina" does not exist, and it never has! John made the whole story up.
John had written that piece a number of years ago and proceeded to distribute it. He ended up getting himself into a bit of trouble with some of our more "accuracy-minded" IPMS brethren. (I thought I remembered reading that article sometime in the past - Really!!).
The next time I receive a "review" of an aircraft from John, I think I'll run it by one of our resident aircraft specialists, like Joe Smith or John Goschke.
The upcoming ECHS, a M&TI Program (and Iwata)?
Well, after conversing with both Jim Rosado and Jim Durso, I decided to try to determine the status of this year's Make & Take It program at the East Coast Hobby Show. I had initially determined that this program appeared to be dead.
However, after receiving a phone call from Jim Durso, it appears that the program may still come to be. Scott Pressman, (the guy running the ECHS) contacted Jim to determine if we were still interested in participating in a M&TI program. It was discovered that IMMA wouldn’t be donating any kits this year. However, Scott said that he could probably get 500 models donated from various vendors.
Scott and Jim will try to work out the particulars prior to our next Del Val meeting. Jim will announce what has been determined then. If they decide to try to conduct the program, they (naturally) will need some volunteers to assist with it.
Some additional news on the ECHS is that John Goschke sent me an email message from a fellow named John Smith, who works for the Iwata Company. Iwata was looking for a number of modelers to conduct seminars on the use of their airbrushes at the show this year.
I emailed the message out to those whose email addresses I have, but no one replied back expressing interest. Sooo, I ended up stepping forward to participate, along with Joe Baxter and Joe Smith.
I should have some Iwata brochures and supplies to display at our next meeting.