HR Self Service User Guide
Pay Progression Wizard
Table of Contents
1.2The Pay Progression Wizard
2Completion Help
3Wizard Detail
3.1Select Employee
3.2Enter Details
3.3Please Confirm
3.4Entry Complete / Optional User Feedback
4Change History
This user guide contains detailed information relating to the HR Self Service Portal. HR Self Service Portal is the primary method used to notify the HR of any changes to jobs within your structure, the employees working within it, submitting mileage claims, additional payments and personal changes.
The HR Self Service portal is accessed from the ‘How do I’ section of the Home page on the DMBC intranet or by selecting click here.
Note: Where this document refers to policy regulation or company specific features, these will be typed as follows:
Pink for DMBC
Turquoise for Schools and Academies
Brown for St Leger Homes
1.2The Pay Progression Wizard
The Pay Progression Wizard is located under Your Employee’s, Online Wizards, within the Employee Based Changes option. The link to the Pay Progression Wizard is named Pay Progression and this option should be selected.
The Pay Progression Wizard is used to award an employee an increment where they are appointed on a salary scale that requires assessments to be carried out before increments can be awarded.
Only managers and designated users are authorised to complete the Pay Progression Wizard. Managers can set up designated users by nominating them through the Delegation link.
See the Admin / Claims Delegation user guide for details on how to do this.
2Completion Help
If a field is marked with an it means it is a required field and must be completed in order to move on to the next window.
If a field has an arrow button at the side then it will contain a pick-list from which you should make your selection. It will not be possible to enter data in the pick-list.
If a field has a small calendar button next to it then this should be clicked to enter the relevant date. It will not be possible to enter a date directly into the field.
The wizard will pre-populate information where possible to improve speed, accuracy and ease of completion.
The wizard will also validate some key fields when data is entered. If any information entered is incorrect, error messages will pop-up to assist correct completion.
To move through the wizard click Next at the bottom left of the window. Click Back to view previous windows. The internet explorer navigation buttons should not be used.
Any information that has been entered prior to next being selected will automatically be stored and can be returned to at a later time however only one set of saved information is possible for any wizard.
It should also be noted that if you do not use the system for 30 minutes, the system will time out for security reasons.
3Wizard Detail
3.1Select Employee
A list of all reportees, who are not currently on the top of their grade and are appointed on a grade that requires assessment before incremental progression can be made, are displayed. Select the required employee(s) by clicking on the appropriate ‘tick box(es)’ in the right hand column.
3.2Enter Details
Effective Date
The Enter Details screen displays the selected employees and their current grade, spinal Point, hours and salary. Select the effective date that the increment is required to take effect from using the calendar icon. By default the next point spinal point will be displayed in the Proposed Increment field
Where multiple jobs have been selected it is possible to set the Effective date for all of the employees listed using the date field at the top of the page.
The effective date can be updated for each employee individually by selecting the Effective Date link corresponding to the required employee.
Selecting Next will take you to the Please Confirm window.
3.3Please Confirm
This window indicates you have reached the end of the wizard. It will display the Proposed Increment spinal point and the corresponding Proposed Salary for you to review prior to saving.
Clicking Next will complete the process and save the information.
3.4Entry Complete / Optional User Feedback
This window indicates that the Pay Progression Wizard has now been completed. A confirmation email will be sent to you within the next 24 hours. If you are a Designated User inputting on behalf of a manager, an email will also go to the manager. The email should be checked to ensure all details are correct.
Optional User Feedback
As part of our continuing aim to provide the best service possible we would appreciate it if you could give us feedback relating to your experience of this wizard. It is possible to select a score from the five point Feedback Score drop down list. Your comments should then be typed in the Your Comments free type field.
4Change History
Issue / Owner / Approver / Author / Date / DCR No / Change Details2014.02 / Alan Rodgers / Shirley Henderson / 21-02-14 / N/A / Approved for Issue.
2014.07 / Alan Rodgers / Shirley Henderson / 28-07-14 / N/A / Approved for Issue.
2014.11 / Alan Rodgers / Shirley Henderson / 17-11-14 / N/A / Approved for Issue
2015.02 / Alan Rodgers / Shirley Henderson / 25-02-15 / N/A / Approved for Issue
2015.05 / Alan Rodgers / Shirley Henderson / 14.05.15 / N/A / Approved for Issue
2015.07 / Alan Rodgers / Shirley Henderson / 29.07.15 / N/A / Approved for Issue
2015.11 / Martyn Stacey / Shirley Henderson / 25.11.15 / N/A / Approved for Issue
2016.03 / Martyn Stacey / Shirley Henderson / 10-03-16 / N/A / Approved for Issue
2016.09 / Martyn Stacey / Shirley Henderson / 15-09-16 / N/A / Approved for Issue
2017.02 / Martyn Stacey / Shirley Henderson / 23-02-17 / N/A / Approved for Issue
2017.10 / Martyn Stacey / Shirley Henderson / 11-10-17 / N/A / Approved for Issue