Page 1April 29, 2016
5500 16TH Street North
St. Petersburg, Florida33703
(727) 570-3138 Ext. 1021
May 2016
Congratulations on the opportunity of being selected as part of the Academy of Finance, Viking Branch team for the 2016-2017 school year. This is just the beginning of a wonderful real world learning experience for you. The experience you will gain from working in the Achieva Credit Union Viking Branch is only the start of many more opportunities that will begin to come your way.
As part of the Academy of Finance, the Financial Internship Course provides students an opportunity to gain experience that you cannot obtain anywhere else. This requires commitment. You will find that this is not your typical class. Students will be doing a variety of activities. Each day you must be prepared for the unexpected, you must be self-motivated, and daily attendance is very important. Students will find the class a lot of fun, but at the same time learn what it is like to work under pressure, deal with stressful situations, learn to lead and also learn to work with a variety of personalities.
Students participated in two behavioral interviews to obtain their Viking Branch positions. This was an opportunity for students to understand the interview process and also be selected for their position in the Achieva Credit Union Viking Branch. They were expected to have a resume, completed Achieva Credit Union application, and be dressed in proper business attire for the interview. They did wonderfully!
In order to prepare for next year, training and job shadowing has been scheduled with our sponsor, Achieva Credit Union for the summer. It is important that students are in attendance and focused during their training days during the summer. Please see attached for the scheduled training dates and times.It is imperative that you schedule vacations, doctor appointments, around these dates. It has taken a lot of time to organize all the students into a training time frame. These dates cannot be changed
Please review the job descriptions describing the responsibilitiesof each position available in the Viking Branch. It is important you understand the position you will be training for as it will play a big role in grading, evaluating and accountability. Students will be responsible for documenting their hours as they can be used for service learning credit. In addition, their first grade for next year will be based on their summer performance.
Students must have parents support in providing transportation and making sure they are at their designated training locations on time and each day. Students will need to make their own transportation arrangements for training. Students should try to car pool with other students when possible. Please refer to the attached dress code provided by Achieva Credit Union for students training at the Achieva location. Students who are training at NortheastHigh School may follow normal school dress code.
In order for the Viking Branch to be a success, the students must understand their responsibilities and learn to work together to get the job done. It is important that each student put forth their very best effort and commit to working together towards a common vision.The more the students put into this opportunity the more they will benefit in the end. Congratulations and best of luck as you begin your next wonderful learning experience.
Debbie Fischer
Director, Academy of Finance
Attachments: Achieva Credit Union Training Schedule, Achieva Credit Union Dress Code, Viking Branch Student Intern Handbook