2017 Transfer Specialist Conference Agenda

Friday, October 6, 2017

Sponsored by the Minnesota State

Cragun’s Resort & Hotel on Gull Lake

7:30 am–9:00 amBreakfast

Room – Lakeside Dining Room

8:00 am–8:30 amRegistration

Hotel Lobby Area

8:30 am–8:40 am Welcome - Louise DiCesare

Room – The Centre

8:40 am–9:50 amNetworking Session

Attendees from colleges will have the opportunity to discuss transfer information and get updates from universities about various topics.

Room – The Centre

9:50 am–10:00 am Break

10:00 am–11:00 amConcurrent Sessions

Session 1: Minnesota State Transfer Pathways

This session will provide updates on Transfer Pathways and the process of implementing them at system colleges and universities. Members of the Academic Programs and Transfer and Degree Audit Support staff will share what is needed for program approval, transfer pathway mapping, and DARS encoding.

Louise DiCesare, System Director for Transfer and Degree Audit Support, Marta Mohr, Academic Program Director and Kelly Murtaugh, Academic Program Director, Minnesota State System Office

Room – The Centre

Session 2: Tools to Promote Transfer

Are you looking to improve the processes around your transfer practices? You can leverage both Transferology and TES to really improve the transfer equivalencies that you have defined. You can also use the tools available to see who is interested in your institution and make sure you are connecting with your prospects – not letting them slip through the cracks. This session will highlight the elements within Transferology and TES that allow you to see what students are looking for.

John Panzica, CollegeSource, Inc.

Room – 371

Session 3: Creating a Soft Landing: Understanding & Meeting the Needs of Transfer Students in their Transition

In this session, we will provide an overview of the services that College of Liberal Arts (CLA) Transfer Advising offers to prospective students at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. We will also focus on what we learned after our first semester of teaching a transfer experience course by exploring our “assumptions” about transfer students going into the semester compared to data we gathered from student surveys and focus groups.

Carmen Kurdziel, University of Minnesota

Room – Shore Room

11:00 am – 11:10amBreak

11:10 am–12:10 pmConcurrent Sessions

Session 1:TES and Transfer Review and Appeal

A Series of Fortunate Events: how Metropolitan State University used a pilot appeal system as a catalyst for increasing efficiency in transfer by utilizing CollegeSource’s TES Equivalency Workflow and Transferology Lab. We will provide a brief history of our transfer appeal and course evaluation processes, detail their recent improvements, discuss what key factors led to this positive change, and share our future aspirations.

Amber EisenRamgren, Samantha Salin and Debbie Palm, Metropolitan State University

Room – The Centre

Session 2:Hot Topics

Hot topics related to transfer will be generated from the group and discussed/shared to learn from other colleges and universities.

Facilitators:Miranda Evans, Linda Eischens

Room – 371

Session 3: Transferology/TES Drop-in Session

Back by popular demand! Drop in and ask any questions you have about TES and Transferology. This open session is for you to see what you want to see, ask what you want to ask, and to share with others the types of things that you want to find out about these tools. The agenda is yours!

John Panzica, CollegeSource, Inc.

Room – Shore Room

12:10 pm–1:10 pmLunch – Lakeside Dining Room

1:10 pm – 2:10 pmConcurrent Sessions

Session 1: Transfer Roundtable

This session will provide the opportunity to discuss transfer topics and learn from others.

Facilitator: Tony Boehler

Room – The Centre

Session 2: Transcript Evaluation Prior to Enrollment/Admission

What is the first question a transfer student asks? “How will my credits transfer” This session is about the life of a transcript prior to enrollment and admission. We will explain the process in which the student evaluations are completed and the pros and cons of evaluation of credit upon the admission decision and prior to registration for classes.

Emilee Hemme, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Sarah Curtin, Winona State University

Room – 371

Session 3: International Transcripts

Using case studies, we will explore how we can help students with international credits navigate the U.S. educational system. In particular, how students’ international credits will be accepted by four-year institutions and what they should focus on at two-year schools to fill in any gaps in general educationcourses or prerequisites before continuing on to complete a bachelor’s degree.

Emily Batres, Saint Paul College, Kate Lewis, Concordia University

Room – Shore Room

2:10 pm–2:20 pmClosing/Feedback

Room – The Centre