Instructor: Brett Blackman ()

Alternate instructor: Rich Price

Credit Hours: 3.0, Prerequisite: APMA 212, 213, and BIOM 201 (or instructor permission)

Lecture: Tuesdays, Thursday, 9:30 – 10:45 am, MR5 Room 1041

Instructor Office Hours: by appointment (email, please); Office: Room 2324

TA’s Office Hours/Recitation: on designated days (see schedule; R) and by appointment (email Brad)

Course Description: Biotransport in biological living systems is a fundamental phenomenon important in all aspects of the life cycle. Course will introduce principles and application of fluid and mass transport processes in cell, tissue and organ systems in mammalian physiology. Topics include, introduction to physiological fluid mechanics in the circulation and tissue, fundamentals of mass transport in biological systems, effects of mass transport and biochemical interactions at the cell and tissue scales, and fluid and mass transport in organs.

Required Text: Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems, Truskey, Yuan, Katz.

Grading: Homework (25%), 3-Exams (20% each, 60% total), Project (15%)

DATE / Lecture Topic / Chapter / Homework
Conceptual Thinking in BioTransport
1 / January 18 / Design of Physiological Systems for Efficient Transport relations between mass, energy, momentum / 1
2 / January 23 / Importance of Length Scales – Organs/Tissues/Cells passive and active transport mechanisms; convection, diffusion, and cellular mechanisms / 1
3 / January 25 / Organ System Transport - functional unit of exchange Cardiovascular, Lung, Kidney, Liver, Intestines / 1 / R
4 / January 30 / No-Class
Fluid Transport
5 / February 1 / Fluid Flow, Conservation Relations, Momentum Balance, Boundary Conditions / 2 / *Ch1
6 / February 6 / Constitutive Relations & Rheology
Newton’s Law of Viscosity and constitutive properties of blood / 2 / R
7 / February 8 / Reynolds Number & Applications of Momentum Balance exact solutions at low Reynolds number in the circulation / 2 / *Ch2
8 / February 13 / Differential Form of the Conservation Equations / 3 / R
9 / February 15 / EXAM 1 – Ch 1 & 2
10 / February 20 / Differential Form of the Conservation Equations, Applications / 3 / R
11 / February 22 / Dimensional Analysis & Dimensionless Groups, Applications / 3 / *Ch2/3
12 / February 27 / Bernoulli and the Boundary Layer / 4 / R
13 / March 1 / Blood Flow Dynamics and Vessel Geometry / 4 / *Ch3/4
March 6 / Spring Break
March 8 / Spring Break
Mass Transport
14 / March 13 / Conservation and Constitutive Equations in Mass Transport; One Dimension / 6 / R
15 / March 15 / EXAM 2- Ch 3 & 4
16 / March 20 / Steady State Diffusion / 6
17 / March 22 / Unsteady Diffusion / 6 / R
18 / March 27 / Biomedical Applications of Diffusion / *Ch6
19 / March 29 / Unsteady Diffusion (con’t) Diffusion Limited Reactions / 6 / R
20 / April 3 / Conservation and Constitutive Equations in Mass Transport; Diffusion in 3-Dimensions & Project Assignment / 7 / *Ch6
21 / April 5 / Dimensional Analysis & Electrolyte Transport / 7 / R
22 / April 10 / Diffusion and Convection / 7 / *Ch7
23 / April 12 / Diffusion and Convection / 7 / R
DATE / Lecture Topic / Chapter / Homework
24 / April 17 / Transport in Porous Media, Darcy’s Law / 8 / *Ch7
25 / April 19 / Special Topic in Mass Transport / 10 / R
26 / April 24 / Special Topic: General Application / *Ch8/10
April 26 / Review
May 1 / Project due
Final / EXAM 3 – Ch 6, 7, 8, 10

TA Office Hours/Recitation: Dates and Locations

Office hours will be held on the following days from 5pm to 6pm. Hours may be extended based on student need.

25-Jan / Thursday / BME Library (L)
6-Feb / Tuesday / Window Room (W), Rm 2005
13-Feb / Tuesday / W
20-Feb / Tuesday / W
27-Feb / Tuesday / W
13-Mar / Tuesday / W
20-Mar / Tuesday / W
29-Mar / Thursday / L
5-Apr / Thursday / L
12-Apr / Thursday / L
19-Apr / Thursday / L

Course Objectives

·  To educate students on the principles and mathematics governing biological and biomedical transport processes. ABET a(D)

·  To teach the governing equations and mathematics to solve simple transport problems or approximate the solution for more complex biomedical transport processes. ABET a(D) e(D)

·  To better understand mechanisms of action or important parameters involved in biomedical transport processes. ABET a(D)

·  To teach awareness to the limitation of mathematical models and assumptions made to reduce complex biomedical transport processes problems to practice. ABET a(D)

Student will be proficient in:

·  understanding the role of biotransport in biomedical systems. ABET a(D)

·  conceptualize the biological problem in terms of biomedical transport processes. ABET a(D)

·  applying the governing equations and mathematics to setup and solve (or at least approximate) problems in biomedical transport. ABET e(D)

Online Course Material

Toolkit page for BIOM 496-2

Lectures (see designated folder) and homework problems (see Announcements section) will be posted regularly.

Homework Grading Policy

Homework is due at the beginning of the lecture on the day it is due unless noted on the assignment. Late homework will not be accepted for full credit unless you receive prior written approval from Dr. Blackman. Late homework will lose 50% of the value for each day that it is late. Therefore, the assignment will receive zero credit if is more than a day late.

You are allowed to collaborate to discuss the General homework problems, but all submitted homework must be individual. There will also be individual-designated assignments. For these, you are not permitted to collaborate prior to handing in the assignment.

All homework and exams will be pledged by indicating “UVa Honor Code – Pledged”, with signature of student on each written assignment.


There will be 3 exams each worth 20% of your total grade. Although the exams are not necessarily cumulative you are expected to be able to incorporate previously tested concepts on the subsequent exams.

The Honor System and the School of Engineering and Applied Science

The School of Engineering and Applied Science relies upon and cherishes its community of trust. We firmly endorse, uphold, and embrace the University’s Honor principle that students will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor shall they tolerate those who do. We recognize that even one honor infraction can destroy an exemplary reputation that has taken years to build. Acting in a manner consistent with the principles of honor will benefit every member of the community both while enrolled in the Engineering School and in the future. If you have questions about your Honor System or would like to report suspicions of an Honor Offense, please contact the appropriate Honor representatives.

Biom 496 – BioTransport Syllabus, Spring Term 2007