Camellia Corners
Rock Hill, SC
Volume 9 Newsletter July 2010
Board of Directors (BOD)
The officers have been working on the Bylaws and determining who has and has not paid assessments for 2008 and 2009.
The position of Secretary is still open and volunteers are needed for the Architectural and Social committees – please consider stepping up to help the HOA.

HOA Board Meetings

CCHOA members are welcome to attend the board meetings, which are held the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Neighborhood Empowerment Office. The next BOD meeting is July13 and will be held in conjunction with the Annual Homeowners meeting.

Legal Status of the HOA

We are still working on the Bylaws for the Association. They may not be back from the lawyer before the Annual meeting and if not, we will present an overview of what is covered. Once the lawyer ensures they are legally correct, they will submitted for approval by HOA incorporator Joe Lanford and builder David Lee of Infinity Designs, then adopted by the HOA officers. They will become effective immediately upon approval by these people. A copy will be sent to all homeowners.
Enclosed with this newsletter is a schedule of fines for past due assessments and violations of the Restrictive Covenants, including general requirements, architectural processes and non-resident owner requirements. These will be enforced and fines will be assessed when the Bylaws go into effect.
Architectural Alterations
Before changes can be made to the exterior of your home, approval must be received from the Architectural Committee (or the BOD if there is no committee). Failure to obtain approval results in stiff fines (see enclosed Schedule of Fines). A copy of the Architectural Control Committee Request form is also enclosed and available on the web site.
According to the Restrictive Covenants, paragraph 10:

ALTERATIONS TO RESIDENCES AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS: Alterations may be made to the interior of an owner's residence if the alterations do not impair the structural integrity of the residence and if the owner complies with all laws and ordinances regarding alterations and remodeling. No Alterations shall be made to the exteriors of Residences without the prior approval of the Architectural Control Committee.


If you are selling your home, please notify the HOA treasurer so we can send you a final statement showing your account is current or the amount due at closing. If you can, please let us know the name of the new owners so we can supply them copies of the Restrictive Covenants, bylaws and budget.

Neighborhood Get Togethers

Anyone resident of the subdivision, CCHOA member or not, can organize a social get-together: block party, ice cream social, subdivision yard sale, holiday lights contest, Neighborhood Watch program, etc. This is something the officers cannot handle in addition to their official duties.
Contact any Board member/HOA officer for non-financial help - we can help brainstorm ideas for funding the event, if needed but cannot supply money (it’s not in this year’s budget); and we can help arrange to have flyers printed, get permits, etc.

Annual Homeowners Meeting

July 13, 2010 - 7 p.m,

Neighborhood Empowerment Office

155 Johnston, St. Rock Hill, SC


Treasurer’s Report – 6/1/2010 to 6/30/2010

6/1 Balance Forward
Deposits (Assessments)
Disbursements (Bills Paid)
Utilities - $2.37
Insurance - $80.93
Landscaper (for May) - $350.00
6/30 Current Balance / $1258.43

Assessments, Violations and Fines

One of the things I promised when I was elected President of the HOA was to work diligently to get the finances in order. This includes bringing all homeowners current with their assessments. Each of us paying our fair share is the right thing to do.
When the Bylaws go into effect, there will be a process for fining delinquent accounts and taking legal action against those who still do not pay. You can see from the enclosed schedule of fines that if you don’t pay each installment of the 2010 assessment on time, you will owe $303.15 at the end of the year. Court costs will added if we have to sue. The Bylaws also provide a similar process for fining those who violate the Restrictive Covenants.
The current BOD found the final Delinquency report from Henderson Property Management that shows the homeowners who did not pay their 2008 assessments in full. Because the current BOD did not receive information about payments of 2009 assessments from the previous board, we have had to reconstruct payments from images of checks deposited to the account and/or the envelopes they came in (see the invoice for details). From that, we can determine who did not pay and still owes.
The enclosed invoice shows your status – unpaid amounts for 2008 assessment, 2008 assessment and the first installment of the 2010 assessment. It also shows any payment made towards the 2010 assessment and the amount for the next installment due August 1.
To those who paid the 1st installment (or more) of the 2010 assessment – thank you.
To those who didn’t pay the first installment, be aware you have until August 15th to pay it, along with the second installment. On August 16th, fines will be applied, as per the new Bylaws. Not keeping your account current costs the HOA money for additional letters, past due invoices and postage, and creates a lot more work for the officers.

CCHOA Website

The fastest way to see what the officers are doing is to check out the web site ( which includes a recap of the previous meeting, link to newsletters and approved minutes of previous meetings, information on upcoming meetings and activities, and an activity blog of actions taken by the board between meetings.

CCHOA Addresses & Connections

Our official address:
Camellia Corners Homeowners Association
P.O. Box 564
Rock Hill, SC 29731
HOA President
Barbara Rose
Address suppressed for online version
HOA Treasurer
Oscar Jones
Address suppressed for online version
HOA Secretary
Position open
Architectural Committee
Need volunteers
Social Committee
Need volunteers
HOA financial account is at
South Carolina Bank and Trust
Address suppressed for online version
HOA insurance company
Nationwide Insurance
Address and phone suppressed for online version
HOA common area maintenance (gives discount to
CCHOA members)
JEB’S Landscaping
Address and phone suppressed for online version