Knights of Columbus Pope John Paul II Assembly 2937 Meeting Minutes for August 28, 2016
Meeting was called to order by Faithful Navigator Dave Stauber
Opening prayer – John Wheeler
Roll Call of Officers:
F Friar (Fr Frank Quezada) – excused F Purser (Bernie Kuta) – present
F Navigator (Dave Stauber) - present F Inner Sentinel (Terry Sandrock) – present
F Admiral (David Barnett) – excused F Outer Sentinel (Kurt Bradley) – absent
F Captain (Rich Starr) – absent F Trustee 1 Year (David Caton) - excused
F Pilot (John Wheeler) – present F Trustee 2 Year (Chet Elder) – present
F Comptroller (Bruce Allen) – excused F Trustee 3 Year (Ed Belen) – absent
F Scribe (Kurt Haneke) – present
Minutes of the previous meeting were: read by Dave Stauber, revised & approved as revised. The revision was that the John Wheeler suggested that we lead the rosary regularly for the parish instead of every fifth Sunday.
The following Bills & Communications were read: No bills
F Comptroller reported: No report
F Purser reported: The General Fund checking balance is $2,481.69; Chalice savings account $2793.49. Bernie reported that signatures for the bank accounts need to be updated.
The following committees reported:
Admission: Deacon Ed DeMattee was voted in; need Ed Belen’s signature on the Form 4
Next scheduled exemplification – Sunday, Sept. 18th in Denver Council Hall #539 with mass following at Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception;
Saturday, Oct. 22nd at Our Lady of Loretto in Foxfield
Color Corps Commander: John Wheeler - no report
Membership: Chet Elder volunteered to lead this committee. Chet believes we need to do something such as a social function with our wives and family. This function should be advertised to prospective 4th Degree members as a benefit of joining the assembly. There was talk about creating an elevator speech describing what the assembly does. Bernie mentioned that we are the patriotic arm of the Council. Membership is about working with the current members of the Council, not so much about recruiting new members. Chet mentioned that everyone wants to be a part of something successful, so we need to create successful events and attract new members based on those successes, ie, Social Outing, July 4th Parade, Color Corp Events
Social Committee; Joe Dempsey volunteered to help head this committee.
Unfinished Business: Bernie Kuta requested that Faithful Navigator Dave Stauber appoint an exploratory team to research the feasibility of placing American flags along Highlands Ranch Parkway from Broadway to Lucent Blvd during patriotic and other yearly events. (We have no quorum for this portion of the meeting and therefore cannot vote on a motion.)
Trustees reported as follows: Chet Elder reported that the audit had been completed and the books balanced. Please see attached;
New Business:
Bernie Kuta made a motion that the official color for the 4th Degree assembly shirt be a red button down shirt. Kurt H seconded the motion; since we do not have a quorum we cannot vote on this motion and therefore have to move the vote to the next monthly meeting.
For the good of the order: The two nuns murdered in Mississippi, Nancy Peterson, Julia Roguski, John Wheeler, Webb McDonald, children headed to college, Kendra Wheeler, Miguel and Rosa Gutierrez
Closing prayers recited by all in attendance.