Name of Meeting / Islay and Jura Public Partnership Forum
Date / Wednesday 8 April, 2015
Venue / Jura Progressive Care Centre
Chair / Anne Pilley
Attendees / Anne Pilley, Alison Guest, Moira Gillies, Lloyd Wells, Christine Darroch, Jill Darroch, Iain Cameron, Sheena Garrett, Anne Petch, Nancy MacLean, Flora MacDonald, Muriel Hague, Joan Richardson, Andrea Shadforth, Moira Stirling, Mike Richardson
Apologies / Liz Renfrew, Christine McCourt, Jean Knowles, Isobel Coughlin, Donald Ewan Darroch
Notes taken by / Moira Gillies
Agenda Item / Key Discussion Points and Agreed Actions / Action
1 / AP opened the meeting and welcomed everyone, saying it was a great pleasure to finally manage over after previous failed attempts.
AP gave a brief explanation of PPFs, emphasising that this is the public’s opportunity to question and inform health and social care staff.
Red Cross Transport: CD reported that Red Cross transport is not an issue in Jura. The new NHS Scotland travel leaflet highlights Red Cross contact details. Red Cross transport does not cover short distances, however, the GP can authorise for vulnerable patients.
Patient travel: it is the responsibility of the discharging hospital to arrange homeward travel for patients and escorts. However, the Islay Patient Transport team regularly arrange travel when contacted by mainland hospital staff to ensure all services are in place for the patient’s journey. Local PT staff arrange travel home for patients transferred in an emergency, also for outpatient appointments.
Jura patients can find themselves ‘abandoned’ in Islay when the evening plane is late, instance given of patient and escort having to find accommodation in Islay incurring additional cost.
An arrangement is in place for Jura patients to stay at Port Askaig hotel if unable to get home and cost will be paid by the travel scheme, however, patients may not be able to travel to Pt Askaig and is dependent on room availability.
If the patient’s appointment is at a time which would involved an overnight stay, PT staff can contact the hospital to rearrange the time, where possible, to enable the patient to attend without an overnight stay.
MG advised that patients who have experienced travel difficulties should report them to the PT team who will log them and pass to the relevant discharge co-ordinator.
The next Islay & Jura Transport Forum meeting will be held in Jura on Wednesday 29 April, 2015. This meeting looks at all aspects of travel, eg bus access, transport to the hospital.
A change in policy means that all Jura patients are entitled to travel expenses when attending clinics in Islay Hospital.
The patient travel budget has been devolved to localities. To reduce travel to mainland hospitals alternatives are being investigated, eg use of vc for some clinics.
Discussion about audiology clinic. CD has requested that Jura patients be ‘grouped together’ to reduce costs and the number of journeys made however this has not happened. MG explained that the appointments are made by mainland staff but will contact the team to remind.
Home care: lengthy discussion about emergency home care packages. LW explained that referrals to Social Work must be specific eg state ‘cannot do …..’ and that SW will meet a person’s needs based on assessment. There can be delays if a referral is received at a weekend. Integration of health and social care should make the system work more efficiently, LW and AG to discuss.
MR joined the meeting, IC and FM left.
CD asked about time from referral to care, LW to provide link to Argyll & Bute website which contains info.
SG asked if it is possible to have a written note of what the various staff groups ‘cannot’ do. CD explained MS’s role and that there is funding only for two years. / MG
West Highland Housing Association has agreed to lease a 3 bedroom property, in Bowmore, to the health board. Lease is due to be signed. The recently appointed physiotherapist and occupational therapist will tenant the property. Flexibility will need to be applied regarding who can move in eg Social Work staff.
The physio has already commenced in a full time permanent post and the OT commences in a full time permanent post in Islay & Jura on 01.05.15.
Patients travelling to Tarbert for dental treatment experience a very long day.
The vacant post has been offered to a dentist who, following checks, is expected to commence in August.
Margaret Formby has now left but will provide cover 2 days per week for several months.
The dental portacabin is ‘past its use by date’ and plans are in place to create two dental treatment rooms within the hospital. No date for this happening as yet as funding is being applied for. When treatment rooms are operational the dental van will move to Jura as a permanent surgery on the island.
AP commented that if your teeth are not right it affects your whole wellbeing.
Macmillan Room
Funding is being provided by Macmillan Cancer Relief for the creation of an end of life suite in the hospital. Timescale is unknown as plans are yet to be drawn.
The two organisations became integrated on 01.04.15. The Chief Operating Officer, Christina West, has been in post for several months. It is anticipated that the Heads of Service will be appointed by May and the Local Area Manager for Islay & Jura will be recruited by September. Colonsay is likely to come under Oban, Lorn & Islands.
Health Care Assistant / Home Carer post/s will eventually be combined.
CD asked for a list of key services and contact details.
Job losses were queried, health has a no redundancy policy, however, there are sufficient posts for all. / MG
Podiatry: this service will not be affected by integration. MG informed the group that a new footcare assistant would be starting later in the month and, on completion of training, will work one day per week which will include regular clinics in Jura. The team can by contacted by phoning 01496 301 020. Podiatrists cannot provide patients with date / time for future appointments as the appointing system has been centralised and all notifications are posted.
Audiology: MG to arrange for a supply of hearing aid batteries to be sent to Jura Surgery for patients to access instead of sending hearing aids to Oban for replacement batteries. Discussion about feasibility of audiology clinics being held in Jura, request has been made several times but audiologist feels that the numbers do not merit a visit owing to time constraints. Other options to be considered, eg one day clinic with travel to Jura by the rib.
Clinics: many health and social care professionals visit the islands but local staff and patients are unaware of the visits or the services provided.
Consultants holidaying in Jura have stated that it would be worthwhile coming to Islay to hold clinics. / MG
Discussion above has covered this item. The aim is to keep people safe in their own homes (if that is what they want) and not in hospital.
Post meeting note: Discussion held about provision of Zumba Gold in JPCC, costs are high particularly if sufficient numbers cannot be guaranteed. AG to look at alternative funding to allow a taster session to go ahead. Consider holding session when Port Mor Lunch Club visit as class is enjoyed by the group. / AG
To arrange for Jennifer Aitchison, Macmillan Community Nurse Specialist to speak to group.
CD reported that end of life care happens very effectively in Jura.
There are two Marie Curie nurses on the island, JA sees patients and provides training to the teams.
The hospital and specialists are there for back up. / ?AP
The three Islay practices are integrated, when new IT system is fully operational patients will be able to be seen at any surgery as their notes will be accessible in all three.
Alan Beresford, Business Development Manager, has streamlined out of hours for the island and hospital.
Multi disciplinary training sessions are held weekly in the hospital to improve skills, eg midwifery care, ebola.
Dr A Beastall consults in Bowmore Surgery 2 days per week, creating closer working with the GPs and between the two islands. Discussion about benefits of working across both islands.
MS left the meeting.
JR requested information on midwifery services. Three midwives, 1 bed unit with a birthing pool, hypno birthing. Scans are no longer carried out in Argyll & Bute as training changed and, in Islay, skills could not be maintained owing to the low number of pregnancies, 3 midwives in Argyll & Bute will be trained to do scans and may scan in Islay to reduce travel for women.
Health Visitor has been in post for a year.
10 / AOCB
Patient Rep: CD informed the group that she had been asked to be the patient representative for Domestic Peer Reviews (cleaning audit). She reported that Islay Hospital consistently scores very high in these unannounced audits. JPCC was audited for the first time in March and the auditor (who covers Scotland) was extremely pleased with the standard of cleanliness, particularly as it is cleaned in 10 hours pw. AG asked CD to pass on thanks to Linda Mulholland. The areas to be audited are randomly selected by the computer but the public rep can ask to audit any area. / CD
Date, time and venue to be advised.
Admin Team Meeting 01
