What is an Ed Plan? A Student Educational Plan is your roadmap to navigate your journey through college. Whether your goal is to earn a Proficiency Award, Certificate of Achievement, Associate Degree or to transfer to a university, your Ed Plan will help you reach your goals.

If you are a currently enrolled student, please make an appointment with a counselor for an Education Plan during the fall or spring semester. The best time to make an appointment is September 1st-October 31st and February 1st-March 31st. During the summer months, it is very difficult to get an appointment with a counselor, so plan ahead and avoid the rush.

How can I meet with a counselor? If you will be a first-time student and have general questions about MC or pre-enrollment concerns, the Outreach& Admissions Office is best suited to answer your questions. The telephone number is 805-378-1409.

If you have questions about specific courses or items of an academic nature, you should attend a New Student Orientation by calling the Counseling Office at 805-378-1428. Should you have further questions after completing Orientation, there is a counselor on duty for quick questions at the Express Counter in the Counseling Office. Express should not be used in lieu of Orientation.

Am I assigned a counselor? Unlike high school, students are not assigned a counselor. All counselors can respond to "general" academic questions, but counselors also have areas of specialty, or majors.

How can I find a counselor for my major?To find a counselor for your major, please see the list of counselors with specialized counseling knowledge in that field. For all other majors or undecided students, you may meet with any Moorpark College counselor. All counselors can meet with students who have "general" academic needs.

Where is the Counseling office located? The Counseling Office is located in the Administration Building, some counselor offices are located in East Counseling which is in the Applied Arts Building. There are also counselors housed within the Division Office for a particular major.

What is a GE? There are three components to any degree: General Education (GE) classes, Major preparation classes, and Elective classes. "GE" classes are designed to provide you with a broad base of knowledge: it includes the areas of English, Math, Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences, and Physical & Biological Sciences. ALL students complete general education, whether at a Community College or a four-year University.

What is an elective?
An Elective course is essentially any class that is not required for General Education or for Major preparation coursework. Electives are often required in order to accumulate the number of units needed for your degree or for minimum transfer requirements. Meet with a counselor to determine if the elective class you are considering is applicable for your degree or for transfer.

What is IGETC? IGETC is short for " Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum." IGETC is a general education program which California Community College transfer students may use to fulfill lower-division general education requirements for either the University of California or California State University system.The IGETC worksheet is most useful for students who want to keep their options open before making a final decision on whether to transfer to a particular UC or CSU.

CSU GE is a program (and corresponding worksheet), most appropriate for students who intend to transfer to a CSU. Some private universities accept IGETC or CSU GE as fulfillment of GE. **Students should always verify requirements at the transfer institution if it is private, and/or out-of-state.

How do I transfer? To prepare to transfer to a four-year university, it is important that you make an appointment with a counselor to discuss the specific requirements for your university and major. While many students are well served by completing General Education and Major Preparation courses, certain majors such as Biology, Engineering, and Computer Science have more major related preparation coursework and those students may not necessarily be best served by completing GE at Moorpark College. Most UC and CSU campuses require 60 transferable units completed prior to transferring. Private institutions have their own minimum unit and course requirements.

What is an Associate Degree and do I need one to transfer? An Associate Degree signifies the successful completion of a pattern of coursework of at least 60units, with a cumulative grade point average of not less than 2.0 in all degree-applicable coursework. To earn an Associate degree, a student must complete other graduation requirements in competency, (Math and English), as well as a certain number of units completed at MC, (residency), and specific major coursework where applicable.

Coursework for an Associate Degree may include non-transferable courses. While some students may be eligible for transfer after completing an Associate Degree, students wishing to transfer to UC or CSU must have 60 transferable units.

Because not all coursework required for an Associate Degree is transferable, completion of this degree does not equate to having met transfer requirements. Students are advised to see a Counselor for specific transfer institution requirements. UC and CSU campuses have a minimum completion of 60 transferable units.

Can I transfer in one year?Your transfer date will depend on how many units you complete per semester. Since most full-time students enroll in 12-15 units per semester, a student would not be classified by the UC or CSU as an upper-division transfer student after one year. Most UC or CSU schools generally do not accept lower-division transfer students. Students should contact the Undergraduate Admissions Office or refer to the website of their preferred transfer school for information. Independent/Private colleges may accept students after one year.

What is a TAG Program?TAG or TAP is a transfer admission agreement between certain universities and Community Colleges. To determine eligibility, contact the Career Transfer Center, or schedule an appointment with a counselor. While priority consideration is given to students who participate in TAG, there is no guarantee of admission into high demand (impacted) majors.

Does the Counseling Office help with personal problems? Is it confidential? Our Health Center encourages students to seek help with non-academic issues. Short term counseling, education, and prevention programs are available through our Health Center. ALL Student Health records are confidential. Contact that office at 805-378-1423.

  1. Confirm your major/degree; see if the university you want to transfer to offers major/degree. Then meet w/a counselor to get transfer requirements for your major/degree.
  2. Apply to community college
  3. Submit application
  4. Apply for financial aid (
  5. Request transcripts for high school (can pick up transcript form in transcript office)
  6. Complete assessment (make appointment) note to self: explain reason and process of assessment
  7. Orientation- attend new student orientation, explain to students the significance such as writing and math tutor, health insurance, buying textbooks, and completing required labs for math and English classes.
  8. Counseling- make an appointment to meet with counselor and address goals. Ask about Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG): all community colleges, offered for fall quarter transfer only, must meet GPA requirements. Ask completing AA and GE or IGETC simultaneously (provide an example to students on both can be completed w/in 2 years)