The Voice
Our Savior’s
Lutheran Church
Owatonna, Minn.
March 2013
Inside this edition
Pastor John reflects on the Spiritual Practices of Lent, Page 3
Lenten Schedule, Page 4; Holy Week, Page 3
WELCA, Pages 12 –13
Youth Events, Page 6
Upcoming Trip to Chanhassen, Page 14.
Mission Endowment Fund, Page 15
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Peer Ministry
Ninth grade students will be participating in Peer Ministry Classes on Sundays during March. Meet in the Youth Room at 9:30 a.m.
Easter Sunday
There will be no Sunday School on Easter Sunday, March 31.
No Little BLOC
There will be no Little BLOC on Wednesday, April 3, which is Spring Break.
Volunteers Needed
If you are interested in volunteering for Sunday School, contact Mandy Stockwell or Jennifer Sheehan.
March 1 marks the end of our three year “Building Our Ministries” capital campaign. Our follow-up debt reduction campaign, “Fulfilling Our Ministries” has unofficially begun. We say unofficially because Commitment Sunday is scheduled for May 5. Please mark your calendars accordingly.
You will soon be receiving a newsletter followed by an information packet providing more information about the campaign and the events leading up to this very important day for Our Savior’s Lutheran church.
You won’t want to miss it.
Your Capital Campaign Co-Leaders
Joleen Koenig and Paul Lykken
New Capital Campaign Begins
Thank You for a ‘Souper’ Success
A big “Thank You” from the youth of the church for the congregation’s participation in Souper Bowl Sunday on Feb. 3. You helped raise a total of $235.79 for the Souper Bowl campaign. The money was divided between the Steele County Food Shelf and ELCA World Hunger.
The money was deposited in one of two soup pots, one for the San Francisco 49’ers and one for the Baltimore Ravens.
The Ravens may have won the game but at OSLC the 49’ers collected $140.50 to $95 for the Ravens.
Our Savior’s
Lutheran Church
An Evangelical Lutheran Church in America congregation
1909 St. Paul Road,
Owatonna, Minn. 55060
Partner congregation: Merya Lutheran Church, Central Diocese, Tanzania
Mailing Address: PO Box 423,
Owatonna, Minn. 55060
Phone: 451-4853
E-Mail: ()
Fax: 446-0688
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Pastors: John Weisenburger, Karl Korbel, Intern Pastor Susan Bantz
Secretary: Lori Bakken
Administrator/Parish Nurse: Nancy Deetz, 451-9287
Education Director: Jennifer Sheehan. ,
Youth Director: Mandy Stockwell
Maintenance: Roger Anderson, Larry Simonson
Newsletter Editor: Karen Jorgensen, 475-4301,
Worship & Music Director: Betsy Anderson,
Council members
Bill Wall
KJ Wall
vice president
Phil Kaupa
Liz Petersen,
Paul Krumrie
Jayne Jacobson
Amanda Aarsvold
Dennis King
Jodi Starks
New Council Members
Four new members were chosen for the Our Savior’s Church Council at the annual meeting on February 3.
Elected to the one year term was Amanda Aarsvold. Elected to the three three-year terms were Dennis King, K.J. Wall and Jodi Starks. Also at the meeting five individuals were chosen to service on the nominating committee for next year. Those named include Tracy Ackman-Shaw, Cheryl Anderson, Jayne Krumrie, Sherry Kuns and Kim Ramsey.
Dave Broin was chosen as an Endowment Committee member.
Worship Helpers
Those serving as ushers in March include:
First Service
Lowell Larson
Norman Dinse
Jade Cumberland
Beryl Stockwell
Second Service
Bob Heers
Paul Lykken
Mark Skalisky
Neil Tryhus
Altar Guild
for March
First Service
Marge Larson
Second Service
Joanne Gulickson
Bread Baker
Eileen Knutson
Nursery Volunteers Needed
The Nursery is in need of more volunteers to help us care for children ages 0-5 on Sunday mornings during second service. Generally there are two volunteers scheduled for each Sunday. This is a fun and easy opportunity for anyone who needs service hours to get an hour in. Both teens and adults are encouraged to consider this opportunity to help serve the youngest members of our church family. You can be on the schedule once a month or just once in awhile. If interested contact Karla Zufall at 390-8447 or .
These things are all ways we serve God and each other.
God’s Work, Our Hands
Resources for your Lenten Journey
By Cherry Schwartz
The Women of the ELCA have several free resources that can be used in your 40 days of reflection.
“Lent, Penitence, Pilgrimage, Preparations” helps explore our Lenten practices and our Christian history.
This resource includes Lenten practices, some that can be used immediately and others that call for additional preparation (intended for group use).
“Looking into the Mirror: A Lenten Reflection” focuses on looking into a metaphorical mirror, the kind we hold up to our souls.
This resource can help refocus your faith life and realign your relationship with God (intended for small group or individual use).
“Knitting as a Spiritual Practice.” You can use knitting as a spiritual discipline to ready yourself for glimpses of the Divine during your Lenten journey. There are new a new scarf may be yours this Lent.
Continued on Page 13
Women of Our Savior’s Church
Lent ends this month with the celebration of the risen Christ on Easter Sunday.
Details of the Lenten schedule can be found on Page 4 while the schedule for Holy Week is found on Page 3.
Pastor John reflects on the Spiritual Practices of Lent on Page 3 and gives an update of the February Congregational Meeting on Page 7.
March is Minnesota Food Share Month and the details, including the always popular Hometown Sampler concert, are found on Page 10.
The Women of the ELCA also offer a variety of Lenten Resources. To find out more check out Cherry Schwartz’ column on Page 12.
And, a preview of the new Capital Campaign can be found on Page 14.
Easter, Capital Campaign among March highlights
Hobbyists & Crafters
An event for men, women and youth is scheduled for Saturday, March 2, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Please bring your craft project and supplies to work on. Also bring your own beverage and a snack to share. Based on interest, individual hobby and craft events may be set up. This event is being sponsored by the women of the church.
Fair Trade
Have you tried the new Cozy Cup
Decaf and Organic Ethiopian coffees yet? These and other coffees are $8 a bag and baking
cocoa and hot
cocoa are $6 each.
Delegates to Synod Assembly
Nancy Deetz and Fred Knudsen were chosen at the annual meeting to represent Our Savior’s at the 2013 SE MN Synod Assembly in June. The assembly will be held June 7– 8 in Rochester. This year’s assembly will be especially significant as the Synod will be elected the third bishop in its 25 year
The current bishop, Harold Usgaard, has served two terms and is not eligible for re-election.
The election is coming as the ELCA and the Southeast Minnesota Synod both celebrate their 25th anniversary.
SCRIP Gift Cards Available
Please keep supporting your church by purchasing Scrip Cards.
The cards are available in the Narthex on Sundays and Wednesday evenings and in the church office during the week.
Cards are currently available from Cashwise, Hy-Vee, Fleet Farm, Kwik Trip, The Kernel, Torey’s, Lowe’s, Applebees, Cabela’s, Subway, KFC, Arby’s, Red Lobster, Barnes & Noble, Bath & Body, Starbuck, Wal-Mart, Gap, Best Buy, Taco John’s, Wendy’s, Dominoes, Pizza Hut and Target.
Special orders can also be taken.
New Member Orientation
There is a new member orientation meeting on Sunday, March 3, at 6 p.m. in the Fireside Room.
We will be receiving new members at both services on March 10.
Meals for Hospitality House
Our Savior’s provides a meal to Hospitality House on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Social Ministry is looking for members to help in contributing to preparation of these meals for 15 to 20 men. If you would like to help, please see the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board or contact Jennifer Wall.
Worship &
Volunteers are needed for lectors, greeters and communion assistants for both the 8:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. services
The sign-up sheet is located on the kiosk.
Ushers Needed
Volunteers are needed to usher for both services. Training will be offered to those wishing to be ushers. Please contact the Worship and Music Committee, Twylah Ottman, for more information.
Gather for breakfast, Bible reading & discussion every Thursday at 6:30 a.m. at the Kitchen.
By Pastor John Weisenburger
March brings us to the season of Lent.
Our worship focus for the Wednesdays in Lent is on the theme of “Spiritual Practices of Lent”.
These practices include Confession, Forgiveness, Fasting (giving something up), Prayer and Faith Sharing. These are some core practices of the Christian walk.
There is a blessing of the spirit that comes when we commit to a deliberate spiritual practice.
I invite you to make Lent a time of praying in a specific way.
Set a time each day to be quiet before God and offer up prayers. Praying at least 10 minutes each day at a specific time will surprise you if you haven’t done it before.
Continued on Page 11
Big BLOC Schedule Change — Throughout the Lenten season, all junior/senior high school students will meet in the parish house basement for BLOC discussion from 7:15-8:30 p.m. On Wednesday evenings. Any questions contact Mandy.
Lenten Dinners — During Lent the youth program puts on dinner fundraisers from 5 to 6:10 p.m. prior to the Wednesday night service.
Students work during this time to raise money for summer camp and mission trips.
Please think of us for your Wednesday night meals. Donations are also needed. Please check the sign-up board in the Narthex.
Easter Morning Breakfast — The youth will be serving breakfast on Easter morning at 7 and 9 a.m. Menu includes pancakes, eggs, sausage, juice and coffee. All proceeds benefit summer youth trips.
RE Classes — March 26 is the last day for RE for the current school year
Ingham Bible Camp — Pastor Susan will be leading a group of youth in grades 2-5 (outgoing) to Ingham Bible Camp in Iowa July 14-16.
Deposits are due by March 15 if you want to receive the early bird rate of $129.
Scholarships and a possible fundraising opportunity are available. Contact Pastor Susan or Jen for more information.
Check out Ingham Bible Camp at
First Communion preparation classes will once again be offered in Lent.
Youth third grade and up are invited to take these classes and parents are encouraged to attend as well.
Chalice Making classes will be at the Owatonna Arts Center from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on March 8. The preparation classes will be March 6 at 5 p.m., March 13 at 6:15 p.m. and March 20 at 5 p.m. Rehearsal will be at 5 p.m. on March 27.
First Communion will be at the Maundy Thursday services at 7:30 p.m. on March 28.
If you know anyone who is interested in First Communion, or if you have questions, please call Jennifer Sheehan at 451-4853.
Continued from Page 5
March 1, at 7 p.m. Saturday, March 2, at 7 p.m. and Sunday, March 4, at 2 and 4 p.m.
The concert is free, but bring a monetary donation, food donation, or both for the Steele County Food Shelf.
The Steele County Food Shelf is also the focus for Reach Out in March. Last year Minnesotans visited food shelves more than three million times. Visits have increased 164% in the past decade.
Please bring food to the church or donate money in the Reach Out House.
Date / Offering / Attendance8-12 / $5731 / 154
8-5 / $8516 / 170
7-29 / $4609 / 197
Dte / Offering / Attendance
8-1 / $6,393 / 229
8-21 / $7,387 / 132
8-28 / $
Adult Education
THE Lutheran VIEW
March Youth Events
Women of the ELCA
Continued from Page 12
“Journaling can open up pathways to new thought, new insights and new energy. This resource will show you the many benefits of regular journaling.
Here is just one idea from “Journaling”, journaling as prayer.
Mount Carmel Ministries in Alexandria, MN is credited with suggesting the “TRIP” outline for prayer, which works beautifully in journaling.
“T” is for listing things for which you are thankful.
“R” is for recording any regrets you may have.
“I” is for intersession—recording the names of people you want to pray for on their behalf.
“P” is for planning what you want to accomplish over the next day or week. Keep the list of things you plan to do short — no more than six items per day. This will increase your overall sense of well-being.
All of these resources are available at
WELCA’s 2012-2013 Bible Study “Gathered By God” continues in March with “Beneath Her Wings.”
We join Jesus in the Gospel of Luke as he is on his way to Jerusalem. Threats of death do not deter Jesus from his task.
The Bible Study is available in the Gather Magazine and online.
Customized Bible Study
Interested in becoming involved in a Bible study? Then consider getting three to six people together, maybe several couples, and let the staff know what from the Bible you would like to work on; they will set up a plan. Dates and time are pretty much at the convenience of the group. Questions or more information contact Pastor Karl
First Communion Classes during Lent
Continuing OSLC Ministries
Attendance, Offering Updates
Lenten Schedule at OSLC
Lenten events continue each Wednesday through March 28.
Worship will be each Wednesday evening at 6:15 p.m. using Marty Haugen’s “That You May Have Life,” a beautiful musical liturgy for the Lenten season. (See Page 5 for special March 13 activity.)
All are invited to join in the Lenten Suppers from 5 to 6 p.m.
These suppers are sponsored by a Junior or Senior High School class each week. The proceeds from the suppers will go toward camp and mission trip payments and summer youth scholarships.