Tentative Programme of Work

55th Session of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Geneva, 1 – 19 June 2015

Palais Wilson, Ground floor - Conference Room

1 June 2015
Mtg. no. 21&22 / 10.00 / Items
1,2,5,7,10 / Adoption of agenda/ Submission of reports/Organization of work /
Meetings with partners (public)
15:00 / 6 / Kyrgyzstan
Tue. 2nd June
Mtg. no. 23&24 / 10:00 / 6 / Kyrgyzstan
15.00 / 6 / Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of)
Wed 3rd June
Mtg. no. 25&26 / 10:00 / 6 / Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of)
15:00 / 6 / Mongolia
Thu. 4th June
Mtg. no. 27&28 / 10:00 / 6 / Mongolia
15:00 / 6 / Thailand
Fri 5th June
Mtg. no. 29&30 / 10:00 / 6 / Thailand
15:00 / 6 / Thailand
Monday 8th June
Mtg. no. 31&32 / 10.00 / 5 / Meetings with partners (public & private)
15:00 / 6 / Ireland
Tues. 9th June
Mtg. no. 33&34 / 10:00 / 6 / Ireland
15.00 / 6 / Chile
Wed. 10th June
Mtg. no. 35&36 / 10:00 / 6 / Chile
15:00 / 6 / Uganda
Thurs. 11th June
Mtg. no. 37&38 / 10:00 / 6 / Uganda
15:00 / 6 / Uganda
Fri. 12th June
Mtg. no. 39&40 / 10:00 / 6 / Closed meetings
15:00 / Closed meetings
15th June
Mtg. no. 41&42 / 10.00 / 3,6,8 / Closed meeting
15:00 / 3,6,8 / Closed meeting
Tues. 16th June
Mtg. no. 43&44 / 10:00 / 3,6,8 / Closed meeting
15.00 / 3,6,8 / General day of Discussion
Draft General Comment on art 7 of the Covenant
Wed. 17th June
Mtg. no. 45&46 / 10:00 / 3,6,8 / Closed meeting
15:00 / 3,6,8 / Closed meeting
Thurs. 18th June
Mtg. no. 47&48 / 10:00 / 3,6,8 / Closed meeting
15:00 / 3,6,8 / Closed meeting
Fri. 19th June
Mtg. no. 49&50 / 10:00 / 3,6,8 / Closed meeting
16:00 / 3,4,6,8,10 / Public closing
Closed meeting

Version – 30 January 2015