August 1, 2017
Present: Stephen Bemiss, Chairman, William Matlock, Rebecca Collison, Tom Welgoss and Skip Taylor. Absent: Angela Smith and William Matlock.
A motion was made to accept the July 18, 2017 minutes as written. Rebecca had a question regarding the discussion from the previous meeting regarding the proposed marijuana ordinance and Tom's suggestion to consult with the town attorney. Steve recalls the discussion but doesn't believe a decision was made. He will follow up with Tom. The minutes were approved as written.
SELECTMEN: Lucy Leaf's request to form a new committee was withdrawn.
Steve explained that he was at the wharf and someone reported to him that the bench was broken. Rebecca was under the impression that someone had backed into it. The cost to repair the bench will be about $100. Steve said Stanley has rebar and they will rent a drill to repair it. A motion was made to have Stanley and Hollis repair the bench.
The request from Rudman and Winchell was tabled until all Board members are present to review and sign the paperwork.
FIRE DEPARTMENT: 5000 gallon cistern available from Blue Hill. Chief Black will contact the Town of Blue Hill and determine if it's something the town of Surry could use.
TREASURER: Tom discussed renewal of the insurance policy. No change with liability or deductibles. Tom said the Old School House has $1000 deductible. He's waiting for a follow up with Dan McGraw.
ASSESSING: Rebecca has been attending the annual assessing school in Belfast.
CEMETERY: Steve spoke with Wilbur and Marjorie about the West Surry Cemetery and having office staff responsible for keeping the records. Skip had questions regarding plots and maps. Skip is hoping to having plots for his children as well. Looking to take over administration of the cemetery. The town needs the current map for this cemetery. Steve will look into Skips request.
TOWN CLERK: Tom mentioned we needed to start thinking about new desks. The current ones are beginning to fall apart.
Alewife: Tom mentioned the concrete box for the culvert wouldn't be delivered until September. Questions were raised regarding delays in finishing the project. Tom will follow up.
FINANCE: Tom mentioned he spoke with Ted and the committee would like to participate in the evaluation of the bids.
SCHOOL: Tom talked about the Jordan fund and scholarships and books.
NEW BUSINESS: Nancy Hathaway expressed her concerns with the Astbury gravel permit. She questioned if the ordinance was being followed properly. She stated many residents are concerned with the town following procedures and codes. She says there's talk in the town of a possible lawsuit. She's present to say we need to be careful. Saying it's important to follow the codes cause residents voted on them. Asked about MMA offering workshops to have people aware of what the codes are. She heard Mike doesn't pay much in taxes. Steve appreciated her comments and concerns and said they would be careful. Noted there are a lot of people not there, that aren't concerned as well. Nancy has emailed Barker and has received no response regarding if first permit was approved. She states these are important issues and people need to be heard. Who wants a gravel pit and fast trucks by their house in a residential area for residential use? She hopes the Board will take this seriously.
WARRANT: A motion was made to approve warrant P/R #4 $4,924.91 and A/P warrant #5 $148,368.56 (includes school warrant #2 in the amount of $113,119.58). Motion carries.
A motion was made to adjourn at 7:45PM. Motion Carries
Stephen D. Bemiss William I. Matlock Rebecca K. Collison