22 April 2016

Dear Parents

I hope everyone enjoyed the open evening and tour of the new school on Wednesday. You will have noticed that there are still bits and pieces that we need to sort out, but we will get there in the end. There is fencing around the unturfed areas, these have been seeded and we are waiting for grass to grow. I know it doesn’t look particularly pleasant but the fencing is there for a reason.

School Uniform

I had wanted to do a big launch for the new uniform in September. Now we are in the new shiny building I have been asked if children can start wearing the new logo tops now. I am happy for you to do this. There will be a time of transition when some children are wearing uniform with the old logo and some with the new. This is fine until December and then in January I would expect everyone to be in uniform with the new logo. Uniform is available from Mick Martin Promotions. The complimentary sweatshirts I promised you will be ready in June.

Start of the Day

Children are coming onto the yard from as early as 8:20am. This means, if they are left, they are unsupervised until 8:40am. This is a safety issue should there be any accidents or medical issues prior to staff being on duty.


We have moved and have new neighbours. Please can I ask you to park considerately so that we can try to stay in the good books of our local residents and new neighbours. Thank you.

Whole School Photo

Historic group photograph the last pupils to attend the original Front Street Primary School - March 2016. To purchase a print, please follow these steps...

duncanmccallphotography.pixieset.com/frontstreetprimary - enter password - frontstreet2016 - Click open to view then click on buy button at top

Choose from...6” x 4”... £3.00 - 12” x 8”... £4.95 - 24” x 16”... £14.95 - Plus £5 P&P

Printed by a professional print lab and delivered direct to you.


Sound of the week next week is 'f'. Please bring in your named 'f' items. It is the farm visit on Wednesday 27th. Please make sure children are in clothes that are appropriate for the weather plus their school jumpers (unless we suddenly have a heatwave!). Please don't overload children's packed lunch boxes as they will be expected to carry them to and from the farm themselves.There are some parents who need a lift to the farm. I now know who is taking their car andchildren will come home with letters detailing which parents are in which cars. Fingers crossed for good weather and don't forget to bring a packed lunch for yourselves!


Our children have had an egg-citing week in Reception hatching the chicks! We are looking forward to spending time handling and caring for the chicks next week. If you would like to come and visit the chicks, please see Miss Donkin or Miss Crumley. Keep an eye on our schoolFacebook page and website for updates.

Please make sure your child's name is on their uniform as coats, jumpers and t-shirts are easily mixed up.

We would like you to encourage your child to bring a coat to school, regardless of the weather. Their coat can be kept on their peg throughout the day, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

We are hoping to open the mud kitchen in our outdoor area next week. Any donations of old pots and pans, wooden spoons etc. would be greatly appreciated. Please send in a pair of wellies with your child's name in ASAP.

Don't forget to sign up for a mystery reader session.

We have a bike-ability day on Friday 6th May. More information to follow. (Article 28, 29, 31)

Year 1

We would just like all our parents know how well the children have settled into their new school – they have been fab!

PE days are Tuesdays – outdoor and Thursday – indoor.

On Wednesday 27th April we are visiting the Hermitage garden to do a trail. If any parents could help us walk up/down please let us know at the door on Monday.

Phonics Screening – Parents are invited into school on Tuesday 3rd May at 3.30pm for a short meeting. This will inform you of the Phonics Screening your child will take in June, what it is and what will happen etc.

Year 2

Seesaw -Year 2 are trying a new way of communicating. This week children will have brought home an instruction sheet to show how to access the app. Over the term we are aiming to use this to share with you your child's work, give out homework and share videos. There is the chance for you to comment on there too. We really hope it gives us the opportunity to show you the amazing things your child is doing in school. Over the weekend please try to create your account and if you have any problems please see us on Monday. Seesaw can be used on a tablet, ipad, iphone or laptop.

Home reading books - Please ensure your child has their reading books and reading diary in school on a Wednesday. If your child does not bringin their books then they won't be able to change them.

Athletics Festival - Year 2 will be taking part in this festival at Whickham School on Wednesday 11th May. We need parents/grandparents to help us walk there and back. It will be all afternoon and helpers are welcome to get involved.

Year 4

Wednesday After School Booster Class – Please pick your child up from the main school yard at the rear of school.

On Wednesday 27th April Year4 will be taking part in a basketball session at Whickham Comprehensive. If there are any parents who could help walk the children up at 1.00pm to returning for 3.30pm, please let the teachers know.

Year 4 are doing a science experiment next week, please could children bring in a screw top jars- e.g. beetroot jars so our classrooms do not smell of eggs!!!

Year 6

Week commencing 9th May is SATs week. Children need to be in school every day that week. Tests are nationally prescribed, so we have no choice as to when tests take place, see timetable below.

Each day school will be providing a special SATs breakfast for all Year 6 children. Children are invited into the school hall from 8.15am onwards. This means children are in school on time, have settled before the start of the day and are then ready to start their tests at 9am prompt. There will be a special breakfast on the Friday morning.

Children may also bring treats for after each test to give them a boost and to keep them going. If you can help us at home by making sure your children are in bed at a reasonable time, are well fed and watered, it will help with the smooth running of SATs week.

Not long now Year 6 – hang in there – I know you will do everyone proud.

Date / Tests /
Monday 9 May / English reading test
Tuesday 10 May / English grammar, punctuation and spelling test
Wednesday 11 May / Maths Arithmetic Paper 1
Maths Reasoning Paper 2
Thursday 12 May / Maths Reasoning Paper 3

Please be aware although SATs week is finished the week ending 13th May, children will still be working towards their writing level until mid-June.

Your child should have brought home an information booklet about this year’s SATs. This follows from Mr Kelly’s recent briefing session.

The Government have produced an online video and information sheet about SATs. You will already know most of this information, but it may still be useful to refresh your memory:



Water Bottles - Please ensure children have their water bottles in school every day.

Yours sincerely

HJ Gladstone


CLUBS! / Competitions and Events.
We have now launched our half term offer of clubs.
We hope to start one or two more morning clubs after half term so keep an eye out as we settle in the new school.
Monday – Cricket – FREE Years 3-6 (limited spaces)
Tuesday – Football Newcastle United Foundation - £2 – Years 3-6 (limited spaces available).
Tennis – Wednesday (full)
Gymnastics – Thursday (full)
Karate – Friday (full)
This term is packed with sports across all year groups with festivals, coaches, PE and competitions going on throughout.
Keep an eye on the website for updates! / Sportsability County Final
On the 26th April our Sportsability Team will take part in the postponed County Finals in South Shield representing Gateshead – we wish them the best of luck!

Boccia Team County Champions!!!
(3 years running)
Our Boccia teams seem unstoppable for a third year we were crowned County Champions on March 22nd. Well done team!
We even made The Chronicle Live!

A few people have asked about our field…..
We hope to be able to use it from May onwards as we are giving the turf time to root and grow, so very soon we will be able to play on a flat grass surface!!!
Tennis Tournament
A group of Year 3 children this week took part in a tournament of tennis games and activities at Whickham Comprehensive against several other Whickham primary schools.
The team came in fourth once all the points were totalled up. Well done to all invovled!