Namibia Leadership and Management Initiative (LMI) Workshop Agenda
25-29 October, 2010
I-TECH Namibia implemented a five-day, Leadership and Management Initiative (LMI) Workshop for clinical mentors, directors, and mid-level managers from I-TECH Namibia and I-TECH Botswana. The goal was to strengthenthe capacity of I-TECH staff to be effective leaders, managers and supervisors.
09h00-09h30 / Opening09h30-09h45 / Building Leadership within I-TECH Namibia
09:45-10h15 / The Practice of Leadership at I-TECH
- Describe the difference between leadership and management
- Explain I-TECH’s approach to leadership
- Match leadership behaviour to core values and cultural/political setting
- Discuss organizational, cultural and political influences on management and leadership behaviours
10h15-11h00 / Leadership Self Assessment Exercise
11h00-11h15 / TEA BREAK
11h15-11h45 / 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- Identify personal examples of how participants will use the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
11h45-13h00 / 7 Habits
Habit 1: Be Proactive
13h00-14h00 / LUNCH
14h00-15h15 / 7 Habits
Habit 2: Begin with an End in Mind
- Create the first draft of a personal mission statement
- Identify long term goals and the application of their vision to I-TECH work
15h15-15h30 / TEA BREAK
15h30-16h30 / Coaching
- Define “coaching and identify coachable moments
- Practice using the “GROWS” coaching model
16h30-17h00 / Wrap up / Evaluation
09h00-09h30 / Welcome/Recap and Preview09h30-11h00 / Communication Styles
- Identify personal learning and communication styles
- Recognize how communication style impact the workplace
- Appreciate the importance of effective communication to leadership
11h00-11h15 / TEA BREAK
11h15-13h00 / Communication Practice
- Identify methods to overcome barriers of effective communication
13h00-14h00 / LUNCH
14h00-14h45 / Communication Practice (continued)
14h45-15h00 / TEA BREAK
15h00-16h30 / 7 Habits
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
16h30-17h00 / Wrap up / Evaluation
09h00-09h30 / Welcome/Recap and Preview09h30-11h00 / Highly Functioning Teams
- Describe the importance of an effective team
- List three characteristics of a highly functioning team
- Participate in two team building activities
- Apply team strengthening activities to teams/workgroups
11h00-11h15 / TEA BREAK
11h15-13h00 / Highly Functioning Teams (continued)
13h00-14h00 / LUNCH
14h00-15h00 / Digital Storytelling
- Define digital story
- Discuss the value of images to shaping the meaning and feeling of a story
- Recognize how your personal story can enhance your leadership skills
15h00-15h15 / TEA BREAK
15h15-16h15 / Digital Storytelling (continued)
16h15-17h00 / Development Plan/ Wrap up / Evaluation/ Leadership Closing Ceremony
09h00-09h30 / Welcome/Recap and Preview09h30-10h30 / The Heart of Supervision
- Identify the three drivers of motivation and the three elements at the heart of effective supervision
- Identify at least two personal priorities for individual supervisory practice
10h30-11h00 / Developing Good Listening Habits
- Identify and practice two strategies to improve listening
11h00-11h15 / TEA BREAK
11h15-11h45 / Developing Good Listening Habits (continued)
11h45-13h00 / Giving the Gift of Feedback
- Describe what it takes to be effective in providing both positive and negative feedback
- Identify one personal strategy for improve how feedback is provided
13h00-14h00 / LUNCH
14h00-15h00 / Effective Delegation
- Apply the delegation continuum to their individual team
- Use the Delegation Worksheet in delegating work to an employee
15h00-15h15 / TEA BREAK
15h15-16h30 / Helping Others Grow Professionally
- Picture role of supervisor in helping employees grow
- Use the Professional Development Plan in crafting an employee development objective
16h30-17h00 / Wrap up / Evaluation
09h00-09h30 / Welcome/Recap and Preview09h30-11h00 / Performance Appraisals
- Identify three compelling drivers for performance reviews
- Identify two simple strategies to overcoming barriers to effective performance reviews
- Edit and own steps to effective performance reviews
11h00-11h15 / TEA BREAK
11h15-13h00 / Performance Issues
- List key principles of addressing performance problems
- Apply the worksheet and four questions to a performance situation
13h00-14h00 / LUNCH
14h00-15h00 / Open Space Marketplace
15h00-15h15 / TEA BREAK
15h15-15h45 / Open Space Marketplace (continued)
15h45-16h15 / Development Plans/Workshop Evaluation and Feedback
16h15-16h30 / Closing Ceremony
Namibia LMI October 20101