Proxy postal poll card
Voting on [day] [date] [month] [year]
Election to ______Council
Voting information
Number of Councillors to be elected for this ward:
We will send your postal vote around ______, addressed to:
Mr X Smith
1 The Grove
The Street
The Town
Any County
PO27 C09
[Postal mark]
Your details:
Mr X Smith
1 The Grove
The Street
The Town
Any County
PO27 C09
Voting by post as a proxy
This poll card is to tell you that for this election you are appointed as proxy for the elector whose electoral number is shown below and you have decided to vote by post. You will not be able to vote as proxy in a polling station.
This means you are entitled to vote as proxy for the elector whose electoral number is:______.
If you have not received your postal vote by ______phone: ______.
If undelivered, return to ______

Please turn over >

It is an offence to:
  • vote more than once at this election, unless you are voting on your own behalf and as a proxy for another person
  • vote as a proxy at this election for more than two people, unless you are their spouse, civil partner, parent, grandparent, brother, sister, child or grandchild
  • vote as a proxy for someone if you know that by law they are not allowed to vote
The Returning Officer issued this card.
If you need any help or information in another format, contact us.
Helpline number: ______(local rate)

How to vote
  1. When you receive your postal vote, read the instructions carefully.
  2. Your postal vote includes the ballot paper and a postal voting statement.
  3. Complete both of these and return them straight away.
  4. We need to get your postal vote by 10pm on ______.
If you need help to vote, you can ask someone you know or get independent help by phoning the helpline.
If you lose your postal vote or make a mistake, please phone the helpline straight away. We can only issue a replacement postal vote before 5pm on ______.
If you would rather vote in person you must cancel your postalvote before 5pm on ______.
For more information please contact the Electoral Registration Officer on ______.