Date Saturday 16th and Sunday 17thNovember 2013

Venue King’s College School, Southside,

Wimbledon, London, SW19 4TT.

Contact: Jon Milner.

Phone: 020 8542 5431


Entrance to Sports Hall is on Woodhayes Road.

Please contact Jon Milner if you require travel directions.

Free street parking is normally available.

Check In Saturday 16th Nov.: U9 & U11: 9.30am close. Sunday 17th Nov.: U13 & U15: 9.00 am close. Please check in as a complete team.

Closing Date Friday, November 8th. Late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the organizers.

Age Groups Boys, Girls or Mixed Teams:

U 15’s – born 1998/99

U 13’s - born 2000/01

U 11’s - born 2002/03

U 9’s –born 2004/05

Teams Teams will consist of three fencers, but a fourth fencer may be brought so that one substitution may be made in a given match. Teams may be all boys, all girls or mixed, but must be within the same age group. The organizers reserve the right to combine age groups if the numbers make this desirable but the results will be tabulated separately. This competition does not count towards Leon Paul rankings. LPJS medals will be awarded to the winning team in each group and all fencers will receive a LPJS certificate.

Entry Fee £45 for each team entered. No charge for a fourth fencer.

Referees We would be pleased to accept all offers of help with refereeing, particularly for the younger age groups on the Saturday. Refreshments will be provided.

Refreshments Light refreshments will be available throughout the day.

BFA Membership Individual membership of British Fencing is compulsory for all fencers.

Membership will be checked.

Format The exact format will not be decided until the number of entries is known for each age group. In previous years, there has been either a poule unique or seeding poules followed by direct elimination. We try to give everybody a full day’s fencing with very little waiting about. All scoring will be by the team relay method.

Sports Hall Floor We have the free use of the school sports hall on the strict understanding that no outdoor shoes are worn on the floor of the hall and that no food is consumed in the sports hall. Drinks are allowed in a spill-proof sports bottle please. A gratifying level of co-operation has been shown by everybody in previous years.

Equipment U9 fencers should have size 0 epees. U11 and U13 fencers should have size 2 or smaller epees. All fencers must wear full kit including breeches, under plastrons (U15’s require 800N) and long socks. Entries are accepted subject to the condition that fencers arm and equip themselves and fence in accordance with accepted standards of safety and that they take reasonable care of their own and their club’s equipment.

The organizers, King's College School, Leon Paul Equipment Co and British Fencing accept no responsibility for accident, injury, damage or loss except such as can be proved to be due to their own negligence.

Entries These should be addressed to: Jon Milner,

43 Circle Gardens,

Merton Park,


SW19 3JX.

All cheques should be made payable to: King’s College School.

The following information should be given:

a) Name of Club or School.

b) Name of Supervisor/Coach who will be present at the event.

c) Their e-mail address. (or Tel # if no e-mail )

d) Age group and names/BF numbers of fencers (please print names clearly for LPJS certificates).




Reminder: U9 & 11’s on Saturday 16th November,

U13 & 15’s on Sunday 17th November.



e-mail address:…………………………………………………

Team 1: Age group: U 9/ 11 / 13 / 15*

Names: …………………………… BF No.: …………………

…………………………… BF No.: …………………

…………………………… BF No.: …………………

…………………………… BF No.: …………………

Team 2: Age group: U 9/ 11 / 13 / 15*

Names: …………………………… BF No.: …………………

…………………………… BF No.: …………………

…………………………… BF No.: …………………

…………………………… BF No.: …………………

Team 3: Age group: U 9/ 11 / 13 / 15*

Names: …………………………… BF No.: …………………

…………………………… BF No.: …………………

…………………………… BF No.: …………………

…………………………… BF No.: …………………

Team 4: Age group: U 9/ 11 / 13 / 15*

Names: …………………………… BF No.: …………………

…………………………… BF No.: …………………

…………………………… BF No.: …………………

…………………………… BF No.: …………………

I enclose cheque made payable to King’s College School for

£………………… (£45.00 per team)


*Please delete as appropriate.
