Town of East Hampton

Town Council Regular Meeting

Tuesday November 8, 2016

East Hampton Town Hall Meeting Room


Present:Chairperson Patience Anderson, Council Members Pete Brown, Melissa Engel, Mark Philhower, Josh Piteo, Kevin Reich and and Town Manager Michael Maniscalco

Not Present: Vice Chairperson Ted Hintz

Call to order & Pledge of Allegiance

Chairperson Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Meeting Room

Adoption of Agenda

A motion was made by CouncilorReich, seconded by CouncilorEngel to adopt the agenda. Voted (6-0)

Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Councilor Engel, seconded by Councilor Reich, to approve the minutes of the Town Council Regular Meeting of October 25, 2016 and the Workshop of November 1, 2016. Voted (6-0) in favor.



Public Remarks

Cindy Gaines, 71 North Main Street, asked if the Council had reviewed the presentation she gave to the Town Clerk, of which four copies were made. She requested that an item be put on the agenda for discussion about the Christopher Brook bridge and the effect it is having on her property in regards to access to her property and her well. She stated that it is an ongoing problem and she has made many attempts to resolve the issues and was given false information. She has met with the engineer, and the State DOT Supervisor of bridges.

Retired Major Edmund P. Gaines, III, 71 North Main Street, stated that he and his wife purchased the house four months after the easement was approved. He stated that they are feeling desperate and are addressing the Town Council as a last chance. They have met with three lawyers, two of which recused themselves, and with Matt Brown the Engineer, who said that the guard rail was in accordance with state regulations. He stated that there is a 20’ guard rail that is blocking their driveway that was added on after and was not part of the easement. They use their neighbor’s driveway as their access and as of now they have no way to legally access their property as he will not grant them right of way. He is concerned about emergency access as well. He would like the guard rail shortened. He stated that his wife met with Vice Councilor Hintz who recommended to them that they address the select board. The Council stated that they would like time to familiarize themselves with the situation and get back to them in a time-sensitive manner. They will be added to a future agenda.

Cindy Gaines, 71 North Main Street, stated that she is disheartened by the Council not being prepared to address this. She provided Chairperson Anderson with documents that include contact people at the State that she spoke to and copies of emails with State Representative Ziobron’s office.

Edmund P. Gaines, III, 71 North Main Street, asked if the Council can ask the contractors to slow their work, to which the Council stated that they cannot. Mr. Gaines thanked the Council for listening.

Mary Ann Dostaler, 56 William Drive, implored the Council to consider moving their meetings to a location with adequate parking, especially as it is getting dark earlier. She had to park across the street, and it is not safe. There are other options now.

Bids & Contracts

Bid Waiver for 250th Anniversary Village Center Clock

Councilor Piteo gave background information on the Anniversary Clock. He stated that it would be paid for with donations, or with the people’s ability to purchase a space for their name on the clock. No tax payer money will be used for the purchase or installation of the clock. The lowest bidder is Electric Time Company.

Councilor Philhower asked why this issue was before the Council if no tax payer money is being used. It was explained that the donations will be held in a town account, which the town will purchase the clock. Because it is a purchase of over $10,000 the Town Manager either needs an exemption from the purchase ordinance or a bid waiver to sign for the clock.The bid waiver can be voted on at another meeting, but it will need to be noticed in the RiverEast.

Chairperson Anderson stated that she is not comfortable waiving a bid on something that they currently do not have the funds to purchase and wants to see that they have the funds before they waive the bid. A discussion occurred on funding and timing of the bid waiver.

Councilor Reich questioned the timing of the agenda item. Discussion occurred on Councilor Piteo’s reasoning for wanting to get the notice in the paper and start the process of fundraising.

A motion was made by Councilor Engel, seconded by Councilor Philhower, to put the legal notice in the River East as stated on agenda item 6a (Bids & Contracts: Bid Waiver for 250th Anniversary Village Center Clock). Voted 6-0 in favor.


Resolution for Appropriation for DiDomizio Property Acquisition/Set Town Meeting Date

A motion was made by Councilor Philhower, seconded by Councilor Engel, to accept the resolution. Voted 6-0 in favor.

Discussion: The Town Meeting will be set for November 21, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. at the East Hampton Middle School Library. Councilor Engel explained to the public that they are recommending that the town appropriate $85,000 from the fund balance for the purchase of two parcels of land from the estate of Dominic DiDomizio, which is land that is adjacent to Memorial School, Royal Oaks and the Airline Trail.

Continued Business

Budget Policy Statement

Chairperson Anderson thanked Councilors Reich and Engel for putting together the Budget Policy Statement. Discussion occurred on the statement and changes to it.

A motion was made by Councilor Reich, seconded by Councilor Piteo, to approve the Town Council Budget Policy Statement for the fiscal year 2017-2018 as presented. Voted 6-0 in favor.

Discussion: Chairperson Anderson asked that the Board of Ed and Board of Finance receive copies, and then get the first tri-board meeting scheduled. She also questioned the line item stating that the Lake Pocotopaug 9 Point Plan would be supported with previously allocated funding. Councilor Reich explained that it is referring to the $150,000 in Capital. Councilor Engel clarified that they worded it so that it wasn’t a commitment to fully fund all parts of the plan, but for a realistic vision of the numbers. Councilor Reich asked that the tri-board meeting be held in the TBell at the High School.

RFP for Town Hall/Police Department

Town Manager Maniscalco explained the challenges of trying to figure out the best scenario for the Town Hall/PD, and that comparing different types of RFP plans could be like comparing apples and oranges. Therefore, he proposes to do the RFP now just for a location. Once that is decided, then the next step can be taken. Discussion occurred on the proposed lot size and square footage recommendations. Time frame for the RFP was discussed.

A motion was made by Councilor Engel, seconded by Councilor Philhower, to instruct the Town Manager to send out the RFP for the Town Hall/Police Department. Voted 6-0 in favor.

Discussion: Discussion occurred on the timeline. Mr. Maniscalco will backfill the dates on the RFP and send it out as soon as he can, giving six weeks for the RFP’s return. There will most likely be a special meeting to review the RFP in January.

Discussion of Town Facilities Building Committee

A draft resolution for formation of the Town Facilities Building Committee was presented. Changes include that the Committee will have nine members along with ex officio members of the Town Manager, a Town Councilor and a Board of Finance member. It was clarified that the RFP will be made as a recommendation to the Town Council. Discussion occurred on the termination date that is yet unset in the resolution.

A motion was made by Councilor Engel, seconded by Councilor Reich, to approve the Resolution for the Town Facilities Building Committee with the added language for the termination date which is upon: “completion and acceptance of the project or the failure of a proposed project at referendum”. Voted 6-0 in favor.

Update on 250th Anniversary

Councilor Piteo stated that the anniversary website is up and running at There is also a Facebook page. He showed the bags and t-shirts that will be for sale soon and also mentioned other items such as coffee mugs, koozies and pins. A three to four minute video of the town and its sites is in production now. Also in the works is a moveable graffiti mural that townspeople can decorate and which will be displayed at Old Home Days.

New Business

Capital Budget Transfer for Public Works

Town Manager Maniscalco explained that there were two pieces of previously requested equipment that the current Director of Public Works doesn’t believe are needed. He sees a more immediate need for a mason dump and would like to move funds into the vehicle sinking fund to purchase. Discussion occurred with Public Works Director Michelson on cost savings and plans for the 2007 dump.

A motion was made by Councilor Brown, seconded by Councilor Reich, to waive the second reading. Voted 6-0 in favor.

A motion was made by Councilor Philhower, seconded by Councilor Engel, to transfer the funds from the Curbing Machine ($12,000), Material Screener ($30,000) and Public Works Vehicle Equipment Sinking account ($28,000), to fund a masonry dump truck for $70,000 as recommended by the Capital Committee on October 20, 2016. Voted 6-0 in favor.

Update on Implementation of Lake Watershed 9 Point Plan

A list was received from the Public Works Director of work that has been done and will continue to be done. He will continue to work with the Conservation-Lake Commission and the smaller lake group moving forward. The 9 Point Plan was submitted as an addendum to the STEAP Grant, and Mr. Maniscalco will continue to look for grants on property purchase. Mr. DeCarli has started working with Planning & Zoning on regulation changes.

Community Renewal Team (CRT) Elderly Nutrition Program Funding

CRT is the company that provides Meals on Wheels and congregate meals for the senior citizens in town. A letter was received from CRT explaining that as a result of reductions in Federal funding, they are finding it hard to make ends meet. They have asked for a supplemental funding from the Town of $24,073.

An in-depth discussion on background and funding was held with Jo Ann Ewing, Senior Services Coordinator, and Bob Atherton of the Commission on Aging. As of now, only six people are being served by Meals on Wheels. In the past, East Hampton was able to serve 12 – 20 residents. It is unknown at this time if there is a waiting list and if so, how many people are on it. Discussion was held on other options, if any, the Town has. It was decided that there needs to be more information from CRT as to where they came up with the requested amount, and what they mean by “seeking alternative funding” exactly, and whether they are in breach of contract. The Council requested further information on what the town expends, the number of people served, etc., in order to better appreciate the true cost of the program and the funding needs. A meeting will be set up with CRT, either during a Town Council meeting or separately to learn more.

Town Manager Report

Update on Christopher Brook

Construction is moving along. When the construction was moved to the brook side of the road, there was a visual impact. The Town put in stoplights which are costing $16,000 for the next two months, plus a $2,400 set up fee. The work will be complete for the season by December 29.

Update on 13 Watrous Street

Significant work is expected to start on November 10th after the state approves the hazardous materials permits.

Discussion with Portland Regarding Water

Mr. Maniscalco and Tim Smith held informal discussion with Portland about water and their recent reservations about working with MDC. He believes Portland will be included in the upcoming water RFP.

Update Regarding Drought

A request was made to the dam owner that it not be lowered this year. A press release about the drought went to the paper.

Update on Long Hill Road Property

The Town’s attorney has been engaged and is working with the property owner to give the property to the town. She will be moving out of state November 15.

New Building Codes

The State has adopted the 2016 building codes, which are a large jump because of being two to three years behind. The Building Department staff has been working hard to provide education to the public on the changes.

Update on Open Positions

Youth & Family Services Director: Final second round interview scheduled for November 17.

Tax Collector: Position announcement is closed; 55 applications received. Interviews will be conducted in a couple of weeks after online exam results are in.

Mr. Maniscalco recognized the poll workers, Police officers and other staff members that worked very hard today with the large number of people voting in the election.



Tax Refunds

A motion was made by Councilor Engel and seconded by Councilor Philhower to approve tax refunds in the amount of $840.92. Voted (6-0)

Public Remarks

Ann McLaughlin, 85 North Main Street, stated that she hopes it does not snow before December 29 because the situation at the Christopher Brook construction is dangerous. She asked if the account that would hold funding for the Village Center clock would be held by the Town or the Anniversary Committee and if that can legally be done. She was answered that the Town would hold the account and this is legal. Ms. McLaughlin asked if the funds are returned to the donors if the funds aren’t raised, and the answer to that was yes.

Mary Ann Dostaler, 56 William Drive, stated that the clock would be installed on a property that would make it become a Town item. Therefore it is important to consider the annual maintenance costs and who will do the actual work. She asked in regard to the DiDomizio property if the Board of Finance had made a recommendation. She stated there has been no transparency with this purchase. She asked if information will be posted prior to the Town Meeting. Chairperson Anderson then stated that the BOF did approve this the night before, to which Ms. Dostaler replied that once again the Council was moving in advance of the BOF process as the resolution was drafted and posted earlier, which is not transparent or appropriate.

Cindy Gaines, 71 North Main Street, stated that there is a piece of property that would be suitable for a relocation of the Town Hall/PD. It is behind a gas station or factory and it is now run down and could be used for revitalization.

Communications, Correspondence & Announcements

October Board and Commission Summary: Included in the Town Council packets.

There is a notification of a meeting of the CT Sitting Council of Energy and Telecommunications regarding the upcoming discussion on the 70 foot tower at Eversource to be held on November 10 at 1:00 in the Hearing Room 2 at 10 Franklin Square in New Britain. We are petition number 1252, sixth on the docket for the day. The public is invited.

VFW Post 5095 Auxiliary invites the Council and public to the Veterans Day ceremony at their post at 12:00 (noon) on Sunday November 13.

On Thursday November 10th a Veteran’s breakfast will be held at the High School, with an assembly immediately following that the public can attend as long as the high school is aware of their intention to attend.


A motion was made by CouncilorPhilhower and seconded by Councilor Brownto adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. All voted in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Eliza LoPresti

Recording Secretary