

Discussion Guide

November 10, 2013

Introduction: Today we are going to begin a 4 part study of Romans chapter 8. We start with a look at the freedom that we have because of what Jesus has already done for us. When a person comes to saving knowledge and submission of their life to Jesus Christ at that moment and for every moment forward in their life are in a right positional relationship with God. Their spirit has been delivered from bondage to freedom and life. They are new creations with new inclinations and influences in their life. We cannot do this on our own. It is something that Jesus accomplished by becoming flesh. The evidence that a person is no longer condemned is the changed life and the Holy Spirit that guides and directs them.

Scripture passages: Romans 8:1-4

Main subject: Deliverance of the spirit life

Main idea: Followers of Christ are no longer lost sinners living under condemnation and doomed to eternity in Hell.

Discussion: read the passage

  • What does it mean to you to be condemned?
  • What does it mean to you to be saved?
  • Why are all people guilty and deserving of condemnation?
  • When we say that someone is “in Christ”, what does that mean?
  • If you are in a right, positional relationship with God can you still sin? Explain.
  • When a judge declares someone innocent what does that mean?
  • When a judge declares someone innocent how is that similar to what God does for those who are in Jesus?
  • In what ways does a follower of Christ look different from a lost person?
  • Does a Christian do good things to be saved or because they are saved? Explain.
  • Someone who is not in a relationship with Jesus is controlled by three masters, their flesh, the world and the devil. What do these masters demand?
  • When someone is set free from those masters what do they gain?
  • How does salvation change someone’s future?
  • How does salvation change someone’s present?
  • How can we learn to walk in the Spirit?
  • How can our group help others find freedom and no condemnation?


  • Ask if anyone would like to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior and no longer be condemned.
  • Take a few minutes to pray for one another and pray that we will share the good news of no condemnation with others.
  • Take a few minutes to plan the next meeting which will be Sunday November 17th, including location, discussion leader and food.