Date: 11.05.2016.

Number: 06-01/527

To all media – delivery of

TI BiH presents the Draft Amendments to the BiH Law on Conflict of Interest

Transparency International BiH is presenting the Draft Amendments to the Law on Conflict of Interest in BiH aimed at improving the regulations, in order to eliminate the blockages in the implementation of the Law on Conflict of Interest at the level of BiH and FBiH which have lasted for several years

Sarajevo, 11th May 2016 – Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina is organizing a conference entitled Conflict of Interest – Amendments to the Legislative and Institutional Framework, at which it will present the draft amendments to the Law on Conflict of Interest in BiH and FBiH, i.e. to create a new Law that would permanently eliminate a long-lasting blockage in the implementation of the regulations on the conflict of interest and harmonize regulations.

Solutions that will be presented by TI BiH refer to, among other things, the widening of the scope of persons affected by the Law, harmonization of the regulations at the level of BiH, FBiH and the Brcko District, assignment of jurisdiction for the implementation of the Law to the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption, that would be in charge of collecting and controlling of the property records, as well as tightening sanctions and restrictions for public officials.

In addition to make it an attempt to present specific solutions and submit them to the legislators for consideration, TI BiH will try to use this conference to bring together the representatives of all relevant institutions, and have them discuss and consult in regard to the offered solutions, and to provide support and willingness to improve these areas, particularly having in mind the fact that the Amendments to the Law on Conflict of Interest have been set as one of the activities under the Reform Agenda.

At the same time, the conference will be the opportunity to present a short video story made by the Center for Investigative Reporting, cooperating with TI BiH on this project, and which will be used to briefly present the legislative and institutional problems in the area of conflict of interest.

The conference will be attended by the representatives of the relevant institutions, such as the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption, Commission for Deciding on the Conflict of Interest of BiH, representatives of the Parliamentary committees and the executive authorities. The participation of the representatives of civil society, media and international institutions and organizations is also expected.

The Conference will be held on Thursday, 12th May 2016, at the Hotel Courtyard Marriot in Sarajevo (Skenderija 1), at 11.00h. The press conference will take place at 10.45h. The draft agenda is attached.

Draft Agenda

Conflict of Interest – Amendments to the Legislative

and Institutional Framework


Hotel Courtyard Marriot

Skenderija 1, Sarajevo

10.45 – 11.00 Press conference

11.00 – 11.15 Welcome note

Aleksandra Martinović, Vice President of the Board of Directors of Transparency International BiH

Peter Duffy, Mission Director of USAID/Bosnia and Herzegovina

11.15-11.30Presentation of a video story of legal gaps in the area of conflict of interest

Renata Radić Dragić, Center for Investigative Reporting

11.30 – 12.15 Amendments to the legislative framework on conflict of interest

Ivana Korajlić, Transparency International BiH

Sead Lisak, Director of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption

Jasmin Emrić, President of the Commission for Deciding on the Conflict of Interest

Danka Polovina Mandić, Head of Office of the Commission for Deciding on the Conflict of Interest


12.15 – 12.30 Coffee break

12.30 – 13.00 Assumptions for strengthening competences of APIK

Halid Genjac, Member of the Selection and Monitoring Committee of APIK

Maja Gasal Vražalica, Member of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH


13.00 – 13.30 Concluding remarks

13.30 Lunch