Corrections Standards Authority
Juvenile Accountability Block Grants (JABG)
2011/2012 Quarterly Progress Report
Grantee (or Applicant Agency): / Grant Award Number:(This is your current contract number)
Implementing Agency (Agency providing services): / Grant Period: to
Reporting Period: / Year: 2011/12 / Project Title:
July-Sept / 1st Qtr / Oct - Dec / 2nd Qtr
Jan - March / 3rd Qtr / April - June / 4th Qtr
Prepared by:
Title: / Date Submitted: / Phone: () -
Evidence-based Project. Project based on promising practice. Cite program model used and specify source of Model: (i.e. OJJDP Model Programs Website)
Specify Program Purpose Area(s) identified in your Application: / Federal Grant Funds Awarded this year:
Group(s) Served
Check all that apply / Group(s) Targeted
Check all that apply / Population
Youth population not directly served (skip to Section 2)
American Indian/Alaskan Native
Black/African American
Hispanic or Latino
Native Hawaiian & other Pacific Islander
Youth population not directly served
First Time Offenders
Repeat Offenders
Sex Offenders
Status Offenders
Violent Offenders
11 & under
18 and over
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Revised 2011 FOR CSA USE ONLY
Date entered in DCTAT______
Funding Year(s) ______
Field Rep/Consultant ______
Corrections Standards Authority
Juvenile Accountability Block Grants (JABG)
2011/2012 Quarterly Progress Report
Below are Core Performance measures that are required of all grantees funded with Juvenile Accountability Block Grant funds. Please provide data in all the fields below. Should your project be unable to provide the data requested, an explanation must be provided for all zero reported data fields.
Core Measures1. / Number and percent of programs/initiatives employing evidence-based practices
/ A. / Number of program/initiatives employing best practices / 0
/ B. / Number of programs/initiatives / 0
/ C. / Percent A/B / 0
2. / Number and percent of youth with whom an evidence-based practice was used
/ A. / Number of youth with whom a best practice is used / 0
/ B. / Number of youth / 0
/ C. / Percent A/B / 0
3. / Number of youth or youth and families served
/ A. / Number of program youth (or youth and families) carried over from the previous reporting period, plus new admissions during the reporting period. / 0
4. / Number and percent of program youth completing program requirements
/ A. / Number of program youth who exited the program having completed program requirements / 0
/ B. / Number of youth who left the program / 0
/ C. / Percent A/B
5. / Number and percent of program youth who offend during the reporting period
/ A. / Total number of program youth served / 0
/ B. / Number of program youth tracked during this reporting period / 0
/ C. / Of B, the number of program youth who had a new arrest or delinquent offense during this reporting period / 0
/ D. / Number of program youth who were recommitted to a juvenile facility during this reporting period / 0
/ E. / Number of program youth who were sentenced to adult prison during this reporting period / 0
/ F. / Number of youth who received another sentence during this reporting period / 0
/ G. / Percent OFFENDING (C/B)
6. / Number and percent of program youth who offend during the reporting period
/ A. / Number of program youth who exited the program 6-12 months ago that you are tracking / 0
/ B. / Of A, the number of program youth who had a new arrest or delinquent offense during this reporting period / 0
/ C. / Number of program youth who were recommitted to a juvenile facility during this reporting period / 0
/ D. / Number of program youth who were sentenced to adult prison during this reporting period / 0
/ E. / Number of youth who received another sentence during this reporting period / 0
/ F. / Percent of Long Term RECIDIVISM (B/A)
7. / Number and percent of program youth who re-offend
/ A. / Total number of program youth served / 0
/ B. / Number of program youth tracked during this reporting period / 0
/ C. / Of B, the number of program youth who had a new arrest or delinquent offense during this reporting period / 0
/ D. / Number of program youth who were recommitted to a juvenile facility during this reporting period / 0
/ E. / Number of program youth who were sentenced to adult prison during this reporting period / 0
/ F. / Number of youth who received another sentence during this reporting period / 0
/ G. / Percent RECIDIVISM (C/B)
8. / Number and percent of program youth who re-offend
/ A. / Number of program youth who exited the program 6-12 months ago that you are tracking / 0
/ B. / Of A, the number of program youth who had a new arrest or delinquent offense during this reporting period / 0
/ C. / Number of program youth who were recommitted to a juvenile facility during this reporting period / 0
/ D. / Number of program youth who were sentenced to adult prison during this reporting period / 0
/ E. / Number of youth who received another sentence during this reporting period / 0
/ F. / Percent of Long Term RECIDIVISM (B/A)
9. / Number and percent of program youth who are victimized
/ A. / Total number of program youth served / 0
/ B. / Number of program youth tracked during this reporting period for (re)victimization / 0
/ C. / Of B, the number of program youth who were (re)victimized / 0
/ D. / C/B
10. / Number and percent of program youth who are victimized
/ A. / Number of program youth who exited the program 6-12 months ago that you are tracking for victimization / 0
/ B. / Of A, the number of program youth who were victimized during this reporting period / 0
/ C. / Percent (b/a)
11. / Number and percent of program youth who are re-victimized
/ A. / Total number of program youth served / 0
/ B. / Number of program youth tracked during this reporting period for re-victimization / 0
/ C. / Of B, the number of program youth who were re-victimized / 0
/ D. / C/B
12. / Number and percent of program youth who are re victimized
/ A. / Number of program youth who exited the program 6-12 months ago that you are tracking for re-victimization / 0
/ B. / Of A, the number of program youth who were re-victimized during this reporting period / 0
/ C. / Percent (b/a)
13a. / Antisocial behavior
/ A. / Number of program youth with the noted behavioral change during the reporting period / 0
/ B. / Number of youth in the program who received services for this behavior / 0
/ C. / Percent A/B
13b. / Antisocial behavior
/ A. / Total number of youth who exited the program 6-12 months ago who had the noted behavioral change / 0
/ B. / Number of youth who exited the program 6-12 months earlier and received services for this behavior / 0
/ C. / Percent (A/B)
Zero Data - Explain all zero reported data:
For each Program Purpose Area associated with your project, you must select a minimum of one output measure and report on that same measure(s) in each subsequent quarterly report. Please list here the output measures (below) on which your project will report to CSA for the duration of the grant:
Program Purpose Area: 8 Drug CourtsOutput Measures
Must select a minimum of one measure and report on the same measurement(s) in each subsequent quarterly report
Output Measure / Definition / Data Grantee Reports
1 / Number and percent of youth charged with drug offenses, who are assessed for participation in the drug court / Measure of program operation level. Appropriate for any drug court program, or larger jurisdiction that includes a drug court. Report the raw number of arrests for any type of drug-related offense that results in the juvenile offender being assessed for participation in the drug court. Include face-to-face assessments, review of records, or any other process used to determine appropriateness for drug court participation. The unit of measurement is the case, not the individual youth. Percent is the raw number divided by the total number of arrests of juveniles for drug-related offenses. / A. Number of drug court assessments / 0
B. Number of drug-related arrests of juveniles / 0
C. Percent (A/B) / 0
2 / Number of agencies involved in the drug court / Measure of system accountability based on the idea that specialty court success is based on providing coordinated services. Appropriate for any drug court program. Report the raw number of agencies or groups with which the drug court (or drug court lead agency) has a formal partnership agreement. Such agreements can take the form of a memorandum of understanding, formal procedures for referrals between the agency and the drug court, or any other document that outlines how the agency will work with the drug court. / A. Number of agencies enrolled in the drug court / 0
3 / Number of drug court slots / Measure of program scope. Appropriate for any drug court program. Report the number of youth that can participate in the drug court simultaneously. / A. Number of drug court slots / 0
4 / Time in days from arrest to enrollment in the drug court / Measure of program efficiency. Appropriate for any drug court program. Report the raw number of calendar days from the arrest of a juvenile offender to his/her first participation in the drug court. For example, this might be the youth/family signing a consent to participate, engaging in a drug court assessment, or a meeting between the family and the drug court staff to explain the requirements of the drug court. / A. Number of days from arrest to enrollment in the drug court / 0
For each Program Purpose Area associated with your project, you must select a minimum of one outcome measure and report on that same measure(s) in each subsequent quarterly report. Please list the output measures (below) on which your project will report to CSA for the duration of the grant:
Outcome Measures
Must select a minimum of one measure and report on the same measurement(s) in each subsequent quarterly report
Output Measure / Definition / Data Grantee Reports
1 / Number of clinical treatment slots available to the drug court / Measure of program quality based on the idea that for a specialty court to be effective, it has to have adequate ability to refer youth to needed services. Appropriate for any drug court. Report the number of clinical treatment slots to which the drug court can refer youth. For example, if the court is able to refer 10 youth to residential drug treatment, 15 youth to outpatient mental health services, and 30 youth for physical examinations at any one time, the program would report having 55 slots. / A. Number of clinical treatment slots / 0
2 / Number and percent of eligible youth to enter the drug court / Measure of system accountability based on the idea that the system has a responsibility to serve as many eligible youth as possible. Appropriate for any drug court or larger jurisdiction that includes a drug court. Report the raw number of juveniles who actually become enrolled in the drug court. Enrollment may include things like signing a participation agreement, assignment of a drug court case specialist, or appearing before a drug court judge. Percent is the raw number divided by the number of juveniles who meet minimal drug court eligibility. For example, if eligibility is based on the commission of a certain group of crimes and 100 youth commit at least one of those crimes, and the drug court enrolls 30 people, the percent would be 30 percent. / A. Number of youth enrolled / 0
B. Number of youth eligible / 0
C. Percent (a/b) / 0
3 / Number and percent of youth to test positive for drug use / Measure of youth accountability. Appropriate for any drug court. Report the raw number of youth to receive at least one positive drug test result. Percent is the raw number divided by the total number of youth tested. / A. Number of youth to test positive / 0
B. Number of youth enrolled / 0
C. Percent (a/b) / 0
4 / Number and percent of youth to successfully complete their drug court requirements / Measure of program quality based on the idea that well-operated drug courts with appropriate resources will have higher rates of completion than would poor quality programs. Appropriate for any drug court. Report the raw number of youth that successfully complete all of their drug court requirements (service, treatment, and legal). Percent is the raw number divided by the total number of youth to enroll in the drug court. Enrollment includes things like signing a participation agreement, assignment of a drug court case specialist, or appearing before a drug court judge. / A. Number of youth to successfully complete their drug court requirements / 0
B. Number of youth enrolled in the drug court / 0
C. Percent (a/b) / 0
Explain all zero reported data: (i.e. Project does not provide direct services to youth)
Other comments, if any, pertaining to data:
A. Expenditure Status:
Federal Award Amount / $Amount Invoiced Year-to-Date (Sum of Quarterly Invoices) / $
Percent of Award Invoiced to Date (Amount above ÷ Annual Award) / %
In relation to the overall grant budget, are federal funds being expended as planned and on schedule? Yes No