English 12 College and Career Readiness (CCR)

> Contact Information

Debra Leonard


Phone: 240.236.7506

Remind: Subscribe to Remind on your iPhone or Android by opening your web browser and go to the following link: rmd.at/g9b44c and follow the instructions. If you don’t have a smartphone, text the message @g9b44c the number 81010. If you’re having trouble with 81010, try texting @g9b44c to 240-252-4572.

> Introduction

Welcome to English 12. This is a new course which more effectively aligns with the College and Career Readiness standards of the Common Core Curriculum. It infuses strategies that will better prepare students for the world of work and/or post-secondary education. In agreement with Frederick Community College, students who successfully complete the course CCR requirements with a “B” or better and score a 1050 on the Reading Inventory will be designated College and Career Ready and can enter English 101 without further remediation courses. (This articulation agreement does not apply to other Maryland post high school institutions.) Students will be given two opportunities to reach the 1050 lexile score.

Students who complete this course should meet the Essential Outcomes of writing a coherent essay, actively red college level texts for learning and for development of critical reading and problem solving skills, and write from or react to sources.

Students who complete the CCR English 12 Course should be able to demonstrate the following habits of mind:

·  Become self-directed learners who can engage in academic tasks independently.*

·  Demonstrate “grit” and persistence during academic tasks.

·  Demonstrate metacognitive awareness - monitor their own learning.

·  Respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline.*

·  Comprehend as well as critique.*

*From the Introduction to the Common Core State Standards

> Course Objectives

o  Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. (CCR.RL & RI.1)

o  Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas. (CCR.RL & RI.2)

o  Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone. (CCR. R14)

o  Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, including the validity of the reasoning as well as the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence. (CCR.RL & RI.8)

o  Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach. (CCR.W.5)

o  Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (CCR.W.4)

o  Write reading-based arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence (CCR.W.1)

o  Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the information while avoiding plagiarism. (CCR. W8)

o  Develop academic/analytical essays that are focused on a central idea and effectively organized.

o  Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. (CCSS.SL.1)

The codes reference specific Common Core State Standards (e.g., RL= “Reading: Literature”); see http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/ for more details.

> Grading Policy

Please explain your grading policies, including categories and weights.

Category Weight

Homework 10%

Classwork, quizzes, partner 30%

Work, annotation

Final Voc. in Context Tests,

Essays, Tests, and projects 60%

HAC Online Grades:. Students are given a password so they can access their grades; parents will need that password in order to access their student’s grades Regularly monitor your progress online via our grading website. (http://hac.fcps.org)

Make-up Work: Students are given two (2) days for each day they are absent to complete missed work. Make up work may be completed during KnightsQuest and/or after school. If the absence is unexcused, the work will not be accepted. If work is due on the day students are absent, the work is due on the day students return to class. Please see me in the case of emergencies or extended absences for modified due dates.

Late Work: Late homework is not accepted. Other assignments that are turned in late will be accessed a 10 point penalty for each day that it is late.

Academic Dishonesty: Students may not give or receive unauthorized aid on any assignment. Students will be held to the expectations and actions included in the MHS Honor Code found on the MHS Website.

Academic Dishonesty: Students may not give or receive unauthorized aid on any assignment. Students will be held to the expectations and actions included in the MHS Honor Code found on the MHS Website.

Electronic Device Policy (BYOD)

Students are to store phones, iPods, and other handheld electronic devices in the bag behind the

classroom door upon entering the class. Devices are to be silenced and remain in the bag until leaving the

class. I will inform students if they will be using their devices that day. Failure to comply with the policy

will result in confiscation of the device until the end of the class period.

> Tutoring: Students may come for additional help during KnightsQuest period or after school from 2:30-3:00

On Tuesday-Thursday.

> Instructional Materials needed:

o  Required text(s) and assigned materials

o  Pen and/or Pencils

o  Binder with notebook paper

Note: Damaged or lost textbooks/school-owned materials become the obligation of the student/parent. A replacement fee will be charged for damaged or lost items.

> Bell Schedule [Regular day]

o  Period 1: 7:30-8:50

o  Period 2: 8:55-10:15

o  KnightsQuest: 10:20-10:55

o  Period 3: 11:00-12:50 (includes Lunch)

o  Period 4: 12:55-2:15

> Classroom Procedures

o  Phones are to be placed behind the classroom door “to rest” during class.

o  Be seated in your assigned seat when the tardy bell rings.

o  Treat yourself and others with respect.

o  Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.

o  Eating, drinking (except for water) and sleeping are not permitted. Water must be placed on the floor since it is not permitted around the Chromebooks.

> Student Expectations


Focused and alert | Bring required materials | Assigned work completed | Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings


Observe classroom safety guidelines | Honor commonalities and celebrate differences | Support and encourage classmates | Use appropriate language at appropriate times


Complete all assignments on time and with integrity | Give your best effort | Be open to feedback and capitalize on opportunities to improve

> Discipline Procedure

o  Warning/conference with student

o  Phone call to parent/guardian

o  Teacher detention

o  Office referral

Please sign the attached agreement form and keep this syllabus document for your record.



Print Name Signature



Print Name Signature

> Contact Information

Parent/Guardian 1


E-mail: ______

Home Phone: ______

Work Phone: ______

___ You are free to contact me at work and may leave a voicemail if I am unavailable.

___ Please try reaching me at home or through e-mail first; avoid calling me at work unless absolutely necessary.

___ I have signed up for class text messaging/e-mail notifications via Remind101.com. (delete if not applicable)

___ I chose to opt out of class text messaging/e-mail notifications via Remind101.com. (delete if not applicable)

Parent/Guardian 2

Name: ______

E-mail: ______

Home Phone: ______

Work Phone: ______

___ You are free to contact me at work and may leave a voicemail if I am unavailable.

___Please try reaching me at home or through e-mail first; avoid calling me at work unless absolutely necessary.

___ I have signed up for class text messaging/e-mail notifications via Remind101.com. (delete if not applicable)

___ I chose to opt out of class text messaging/e-mail notifications via Remind101.com. (delete