Приложение №4.


Elizabeth Father, there's something I'd like to talk to you about.

Lord Bellamy Of course, my dear, what's on your mind?

Elizabeth It's about... Richard. Now, I know, I know, that you don't like Richard, Father, but I love him and, well, last night after the theatre, he asked me to marry him and I said yes.

Lord Bellamy You what! Marry Richard Ambridge – that useless, good-for-nothing, long-haired hippy! No Elizabeth, I won't hear of it. I've told you time after time that Richard Ambridge is only interested in you for one thing and one thing only - your money!

Elizabeth I'm sorry Father, you can shout as much as you like but my mind is made up. I love Richard and I'm going to marry him.

Lord Bellamy Now, just you listen to me, Elizabeth. You will never marry Richard Ambridge while I'm still alive, do you hear me? It will be over my dead body - do I make myself clear? Over my dead body!

Servant Lord Bellamy, tea is served ... Lord Bellamy!

Nixon Good evening. I'm Chief Inspector Nixon and I think that most of you, by now, know why I'm here. Lord Bellamy was murdered this afternoon. He was killed by a heavy blow on the back of his head, with a croquet mallet, out there on the back lawn. Now, I understand that all of you were at home except you, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth That's right, Inspector. I was with Richard here, my fiance. We were in Cambridge all day. You see, I wanted to buy my father a birthday present.

Richard Then we had lunch, and afterwards we went to the theatre...

Elizabeth ... And then we came home.

Nixon And you were together the whole day?

Elizabeth Yes, every minute, Inspector.

Richard Are these questions really necessary. Inspector? You don't for one moment think that we killed Elizabeth's father, do you? Do you?

JE Is there such a thing as psychic power?

DrP Well, we think so. The problem is that there are so many things that get called psychic.

JE What does the term mean?

Dr L We take the term 'psychic' to mean some special mental power which either enables you to influence people and things around you. or enables people and things to influence you.

JE For example?

DrP Well, there was the woman who refused to sail on the Titanic because she was convinced it would sink; or there are people who claim to be able to bend spoons or move objects about without touching them. There are lots of cases, but they are so difficult to prove.

JE What progress have you made?

DrS For the sake of clarity, we have divided people who have special powers into two groups. First, there are people who say that they have ESP, or Extra Sensory Perception. These are people who can apparently see into the future and sense or feel things that they cannot see or hear. People who seem to have ESP can apparently predict disasters or know when their family and friends are in danger, although they may be many miles away from them. Mediums, or people who can get into contact with ghosts and spirits, have a form of ESP.

JE How about the second group?

Dr P Well, they seem to be able to change their

surroundings by using their minds. The process is called psychokinesis and psychokinetic people seem to be able to influence the world through some form of; mental activity. Psychokinetic people can bend spoons or cure the sick or disabled just by touching them.

JE What are the results of your experiments so far?

Dr L Well, it's too early to say. It does seem that many apparently paranormal occurrences are really tricks but there are still lots of things that we can't really explain, such as levitation, which is the phenomenon where people seem to rise and float in the air. There is also evidence that certain types of people do better than average on ESP tests. These people have similar personalities to each other, so this is encouraging...