Almond Community Safety Forum

Thursday 13 December 2012

Drumbrae Library HUB

Item / Note / Actioned
1. / Introductions and apologies
Frances McCormack, Community Safety/Housing & Regeneration Manager (Chair)(FMcC)
Margaret Laing, Environmental Wardens Team Leader (Actions) (ML)
Inspector John Cooper, Queensferry Inspector (JC)
Cameron Milne, Barton & Cramond Community Council (CM)
Rod Alexander, Davidson’s Mains & Silverknowes Residents Ass(RA)
Robert Scott, Barton & Cramond Community Council (RS)
David Flint, Queensferry District Community Council (DF)
Councillor Alastair Shields
Emily Neil, Edinburgh Leisure
Councillor Lindsay Paterson
Sergeant Derek Duff, Almond (DD)
Councillor Norman Work (NW)
Mike Harle, Newbridge Residents Association (MH)
Steve Kerr, West community Safety Panel
Jean Thornton, EasterPark Estate, Barnton, Neighbourhood Watch
2. / Action Note of Last Meeting 4 October 2012
Agreed as a true account by group members
3. / Matters Arising
Dangerous boundary wall by Norton Quarry, Baird Road.
F.McC to raise issue with Natalie Hoy for formal response.
Visit to the CCTV Offices at City Chambers, 13 November 2012.
Group members who attended the visit expressed their thanks. Thank you email sent from group was forwarded onto the CCTV Team.
J.C happy to arrange visit to F.C.C for Group members. To arrange next meeting at the F.C.C.
F.McC – mentioned that Steve Kerr, West Community Safety Panel, and Jean Thornton, Easter Park Estate, Barnton, Neighbourhood Watch had contacted the West Neighbourhood Team requesting to attend future meetings. Group agreed and welcomed them along to future meetings. M.L. to add new members names to mailing list. / F.McC
4. / Update/progress on current priorities & Priority Setting agreement
Priority 1
  • Anti Social Behaviour in and around Davidson Mains and Silverknowes
Update given during meeting from J.C. Updated information sheet also attached. High profile patrols in this area have continued with the effect that vandalism figures in the area (the crime most commonly associated with youths) have fallen by 44% over previous year’s figures. Partner agency meetings are continuing in relation to LauristonCastle – there have been no reports of further vandalisms. Alcohol and tobacco are routinely recovered from youths where they are found in possession of same. This month’s youth calls are 48% lower than for the same period last year.
R.A and the group agreed that the area was quieter in comparison to this time last year. Agreed to remove from list, but group was given reassurance from J.C that should the problem arise again then it would become a priority.
It was agreed that this would NOT remain a priority, and be removed from the list.
Priority 2
  • Anti Social behaviour involving motor vehicles in the South Queensferry area with particular regards to speeding and noise issues from ‘boy (and girl!) racers
Update given during meeting from J.C. Updated information sheet also attached. Local Officers have targeted those who regularly park in Haughs Pier car park as part of the group who have “modified” motor cars. Where excess noise has been detected those responsible have been issued with ASBO warnings and where modifications have been detected these have been reported to the relevant insurers. These actions have seen a marked reduction in the number of vehicles that congregate here.
It was agreed that this would remain a priority.
Priority 3
  • Problems with speeding cyclists in Brae Park Road and Cramond Brig
Update given during meeting from J.C. Updated information sheet also attached. Local officers have on several occasions set up stop and check points to “advise” cyclists of their responsibility to other road users at this popular point. Officers have delivered literature to cyclists in and around the area whilst carrying out cycling and foot patrols.
J.C mentioned that he had received no response from Spokes at present. Group agreed forthe Roads Team to look/enquire at using signs for double use, i.e. pedestrians and cyclists to use the paths. Group agreed to removed this as a priority, but request that signage be looked for and info to be fed back at next meeting. Not a significant problem at present due to time of year may revisit should it become a problem in the spring time.
It was agreed that this would NOT remain a priority, and be removed from the list.
Other issues identified by the Safer Neighbourhood Team and the Environmental Wardens between 4 October – 13 December 2012 where:-
Public Perception Survey - Dog fouling on and about the walkways in Cramond and Barnton
Kirkliston Community Council – Inconsiderate parking on footway Main Street, Kirkliston outside the New Liston Arms.
Public Perception Survey - Motorists using mobile phones whilst driving – Whitehouse Road.
Public Perception Survey - “Boy racers” and associated litter issues at Haughs Pier, South Queensferry.
Local Informants - Dog Fouling on Lovers Lane, South Queensferry.
Local Informants - Inconsiderate parking on The Loan, South Queensferry.
Dog fouling - Increase in complaints from Kirkliston.
Fly tipping - Increase in fly tipping complaints – Silverknowes Golf Club, West Craigie Farm, Silverknowes Avenue, Kirkliston and Marine Drive.
Issues discussed and priorities set, see agreed priorities below.
Other issues the group would like to be addressed, but not set as priorities:-
R.A – Issue raised at the Friends of Davidson Main’s Park - Inconsiderate parking in the immediate area around the park when football is being played. Douglas Cruickshank attended latest meeting. Any response from council on proposal? Also can the Roads Team maybe look at problem?
Possibly to letter park users with regards to parking – M.L
Pavement Gritting - noted that pavement at the Bank Of Scotland, Barnton to Cramond Brig never gets gritted? Roads Team to respond.
Items for noting only:-
R.A – Rat Run at Lauriston Road/Lauriston Castle. Looking to introduce 20 miles an hour zone.
Update of events in the Almond Ward – Environmental Wardens & Community Safety Team 4 October – 13 December 2012
Information sheet distributed to group members on the evening. Copy also attached.
Set Priorities agreed
  • Priority No. 1 – Anti Social behaviour involving motor vehicles in the South Queensferry area with particular regards to speeding and noise issues from ‘boy (and girl!) racers.
  • Priority No. 2 – Dog Fouling – Cammo Estate
  • Priority No. 3 – Inconsiderate parking at the Loan, South Queensferry, especially at church events such as weddings, etc.
/ F. McC & Roads Team
Roads Team, Douglas Cruickshank & ML
Roads Team
5. / AOCB
Group happy for list of future meetings to be organised and sent out with next set of actions. / M.L
6. / Date and venue of next meeting
Thursday 7th March 2013 - Rosebery Hall, South Queensferry
6pm until8pm