ADSHE Regional Southern Group (SHED): Notes of meeting held on Wednesday, June 11th, 2014, at the University of Portsmouth
Present: Hilary Corr, Chairperson, University of Portsmouth, (UoP);Ildiko Balogh, Ann Marie Child, Jane Clark, Alyson Waugh (University of Bournemouth); Patricia Montaldo, Marilyn Polkinghorne (University of Chichester),Jane Pollard, Elizabeth Randall(UCA); Diana de Villiers (Farnham College); Anne Davies (Kingston University); Linda Kelland (London School of Economics); Liz Beaven, Julie Fury, Lucy Gilder (Peter Symonds); Alida Bedford, Martyn Stahl, Pauline Hunter, minute taker, Paul Ramsay, Susan Rutter, Louise Squire,(UoP); Drew Greenwell, Jane Lapraik, Sue McKenna, Fanny Middleton, Jane Warren (University of Southampton); Nicki Northern, Jennifer Williams (Southampton Solent University); Caroline D'urso, Liane Stuart (Sparsholt College); Fran Aslin, Gill Attwell, Felicity Rees, Beth Sennett, (Winchester University).
Apologies: Gail Alexander, University of Southampton
1. Welcome and full agenda
Hilary welcomed attendees and tabled an agenda which detailed items and included internet links.
2.The Dyslexia Debate
A brief video was played, in which Julian Elliottoutlined aspects of his argument, published inThe Dyslexia Debate. In groups, this was critiqued. Group flip chart responses were placed on boards for members to view in breaks.
3. Responses to the proposed changes to support through the DSA
Hilary outlined David Willetts' Ministerial Statement re HE Student Support, April 7th, 2014. In groups, the statement was discussed, focusing on four questions listed in the agenda. Group responses were delivered verbally to the meeting.
Points made by members in discussion, with relevance to ADSHE meeting include:
- We need a more precise definition/ assessment criteria/ definition of “complex” needs
- Students with mild to moderate dyslexia may have “complex” needs, in HE context
- Specialist Study Skills tutors are experienced and expert in identifying student needs
- HE institutions may be able to/ wish to consider student data/ testimony evidence of the impact of Specialist Study Skills interventions
- There may be utility in ADSHE working in concert with NADP (ifnot doing so already)
Action: HC to send notes of meeting to ADSHE, and raise points from our meeting at ADSHE meeting
4. Peer supervision, using ADSHE's "Analysing and Capturing Good Practice in 1-1 Specialist tutorial support” «lessThis item was deferred.
5. Specialist technology to support students, a presentation by Martyn Stahl, UoP
Martyn explained the many roles Apps can play, cheaply and well, in providing a range of assistive technology. These include voice recognition, audio recording, mind mapping, magnification,and PDF reader/annotator, etc. Martyn distinguished between different types of tablets. Assistive technology could be viewed on a range of tablets and lap tops during the lunch interval.
Action: Martyn's PowerPoint will be distributed with the agenda.
Lunch A buffet lunch was provided. The break offered a and chance to chat with colleagues and view flip chart posters - item 1 - and assistive technology - item 5.
6. Learning Mindsets, a presentation by Dr Sherria Hoskins, UoP
Sherria explained the purpose of her company, 'Growing Learners’,and its work with Portsmouth City Council, school teachers and pupils. She gave evidence of the benefits to attainment of a positive mindset, which emphasises and praises efforts made by pupils to attain, rather than their cleverness in so doing.
Action: Sherria's PowerPoint will be distributed with the notes of meeting
7. ASD/ Asperger's Syndrome, a presentation by Louise Squire, UoP
Louise gave examples of the challenges faced by students on transition to HE and generally. She explained the importance of asking students the reasons they have done or not done academic work in order to reveal the assumptions they have made about academic expectations. Louise distributed a discussion sheet regarding challenges for students and tips and approaches for tutors. In groups, these were discussed. Responses were delivered verbally to the meeting.
8. Date of next meeting - The date and venue for the December 2014 has not yet been arranged.
Action: ADSHE Regional Co-ordinator, Gail Alexander, to decide on these. Winchester University has offered to host the December 2014 meeting but this needs to be confirmed.
Minutes taken by Pauline Hunter, Portsmouth University
Ashe Southern Group (SHED) co-ordinator: Gail Alexander