SwansboroHigh School
161 Queens Creek Rd., Swansboro, NC 28584
Mrs. Melynda A. Morrone 910-326-4300, Ext. 55902
School Website:
2015 - 2016
Through a balanced repertoire of high quality music representing diverse styles, cultures, and time periods, the student will learn the versatility to read and to perform music in a stylistically appropriate manner, with emphasis on accuracy, consistency, and the highest potential quality. The student will also learn to craft intelligent critical appraisals of performances, and become a knowledgeable consumer of all types of music.
Required Materials
- A pencil every day in class
- A BLACK3 ring notebook [ 1 ½ “ is adequate]
- Lined notebook paper
- Staff paper found at or at Swansboro Pawn and Music Shop
- Repertoire (provided)
Rehearsal Expectations
Students are expected to treat the instructor and each other with utmost respect. Singing is a very personal and often very vulnerable task. Teasing, heckling or insulting another student will not be tolerated.
Each student should be in their appointed seat or on the risers (as announced in advance) and prepared to begin rehearsal when the bell rings. Class is dismissed by the choir director, not the school bell.
Each student must have their music, notebook and a pencil in handduring every rehearsal (1:1 Laptop). A pencil in a book bag across the room is not sufficient. Book bags must be placed up against the walls.
The student is personally responsible for the condition of the music once distributed. Report damage to or problems with music as soon as possible.
Students are NOT permitted to use any laptop, smartphone, iPod, etc. during rehearsal time. You will be notified when it is appropriate to use technology.
Students who are ill, or otherwise unable to actively participate in singing during rehearsal, must notify the Choral Director prior to the beginning of rehearsal. Students unable to sing are expected to remain focused on the music during class.
**All school policies related to cell phones, ipods, language, dress code, etc., apply at all times.**
*Students are not permitted to video tape or take pictures of any kind without permission from the student and/or teacher. This includes Snapchat, Instagram, etc.
Choral students are expected to be model citizens in and out of the chorus room. All school policies concerning discipline as well as dress code apply to choral students both on campus and off campus while on school sponsored trips/events.
Daily attendance is expected. THERE IS NO MAKE UP TIME FOR DAYS/PERIODS MISSED. The school attendance and assignment make up policy will be enforced. [This may also be found in the SHS Student Handbook.]
Grading Procedures
Grades will be determined by the following:
Class Contribution
Daily Participation/Cooperation
Daily Attendance
Daily Folder, Pencil, & Notebook/Portfolio
Each choir member will be expected to improve their individual musical skills.
An evaluation of this improvement will include music tests, individual
sightreading tests, aural theory and written quizzes/tests. Each choir member will be evaluated on improvement of his/her ensemble skills during daily rehearsals.
Required After School Rehearsals
Concert Attendance
Concert Evaluation
Class Participation/Listening Log30%
Portfolio 20%
Required Rehearsals and Performances30%
Honors Class
Students who are in 11-12 grades who have met the requirements for beginning and intermediate levels will be placed into the proficient or advanced level.
- Lead the section during class
- Independent practice
- Purchase original copies of music
- Solo art or classical vocal performance and an essay of your choice.
- Perform songs during Master class and at Solo Ensemble Festival.
Class Participation/Listening Log30%
Solo performance/research paper30%
Concert Attire
Each student will be given the opportunity to fundraise for his or her concert attire. It is HIGHLY encouraged to fund-raise for your attire. Once you fund-raise, this is your attire to keep for the next years and into college! Students may alter and wash as needed. Please check the label for suggested care.
Any student choosing not to fund-raise will receive a “rented” dress from the school. Absolutely NO alterations and size is NOT guaranteed.
All “rented” dresses must be returned at the end of each semester. Failure to do so will result in student not permitted back in the choir/diploma held at graduation. Students graduating or not returning to chorus who fund-raised for their own dress have the option of keeping the dress, selling it to another student or donating the attire back to the high school.
All members must have black closed-toe dress shoes or dress pants. You will NOT be permitted on stage with black tennis shoes. Dress earrings and bracelets are encouraged but not required. Hair must be kept out of face.
Options include:
Female Dresses- $62.00 , $72.00 for dresses size 18+
Male Five- Piece Tuxedos (optional)- $92.50 (shirt, pants, vest, Jacket, cummerbund/tie)
Male Jacket- $55.00
For rent:
We do have white shirts, black dress pants, and cummerbund/tie for rent; however, these have been worn/damaged through the years. If damaged in the current year, a $30 fee will be added to your account. Any damaged items from rented attire must be replaced by the end of the school year. All rented concert attire is due on the semester final exam grade. Students who do not return any part of their attire will be notified to the front office.
Calendar of Dates
Refer to the Choral Program calendar on the SHS website for important dates and required rehearsals and performances. Other dates may come up over the course of the semester (ECU choral invitational, etc).
1st Semester Events
- Tues., Sept. 1- $20.00 due for Honors Registration (the Monday after Labor Day!)
- Thurs., Sept. 24- Honors Audition at Meredith.
- Sept- PartyLite Fundraiser
- October- Whoopie Fundraiser???
- Tues., Oct. 6- 4:00-6:00All County Rehearsal at White Oak High School
- Mon., Oct. 26- 2:45-4:30 MANDATORY after school rehearsal
- Tues., Oct 27 -7:00pm CONCERT $3.00
- Thurs., Oct. 29- Women’s Choir Performance at East Carolina University
- Nov. 6-10- *Honors Performance in Winston-Salem*
- December TBA- Caroling and dinner with foreign language? Marine Chevrolet in Jacksonville Performance?
- December TBA- Musical Interest Meeting
- Weds., Dec. 16- 2:45-5:00- Mandatory Holiday Concert Rehearsal
- Thurs., Dec. 17- 7:00pm- Holiday Winter Concert-7:00pm $3.00 admission
- Jan. ??- 2:45-5:00 Musical Auditions
2nd Semester Events
- Tues., Feb. 2 during PA- All State Auditions
- Fri., Mar. 4 during school- Music Adjudication Festival/solo festival. This festival is mandatory for all students involved with the choir(s) that is participating)
- Mon. ?????- All State Zone Rehearsal (approx.. 4:00-7:00)
- Thurs.-Sat. Apr. 21-23rd, Spring Musical
- Thurs. Apr. 28- Apr. 30th- All State Festival, Raleigh
- Thurs., May 10- Swansboro High School Honors Music Concert- 7:00pm Free
- Mon., May 23- Mandatory Concert Rehearsal (TIME TBA)
- Tues., May 24- Combined Middle School Concert (time approx. 7:00)
Auditioned and Advanced Student Opportunities
During the Choral Music Year
Choral students may be eligible to participate in several additional musical opportunities during the school year:
North Carolina Honors Chorus
- Sophomore-Senior who have had at least one full semester of choir high school choir (At Swansboro or another equivalent high school).
- Schools are given “allotments” as to how many can audition.
- By audition: In the case of a tie, sight singing then the essay will be taken into considerable consideration.
- Those students with the highest allotted scores will advance to the auditions at Meredith College
- The audition fee per student $20.00 [paid by the student/family].
- If selected for Honors Chorus, required after school rehearsals (in Sept.-Nov.) + at home practice
- If a student/s is selected from SHS, the cost of hotel housing and meals is the expense of the student/family.
All State Chorus
- Choral Director is given an allotment from NCMEA based on the SHS choral enrollment.
- Sophomores-Seniors who have taken chorus for one full semester in high school (At Swansboro or equivalent).
- In the case of a tie, sight singing will be taken into considerable consideration.
- Those students with the highest allotted scores will advance to RALEIGH.
- The registration fee per student of $30.00 [paid by the student/family].
- Required rehearsals during Pirate Academy, Zone Rehearsals + at home practice.
- The cost of housing and meals will be the expense of the student/family.
All CountyChorus
- Sophomores-Seniors who have had at least ONE full semester of high school choir may audition.
- Teacher selection will be based on: Quality of contribution to the program, vocal music skills, general musicianship, sight singing, essay, citizenship, overall academic record.
- In the case of a tie, sight singing and an essay will be taken into considerable consideration.
- Choral Director may select up to 10 students (other allotments may open if other schools do not use their allotment).
- Fee of $2.00 plus lunch [approx. $4.00] during Saturday rehearsal = $6.00 [paid by student/family].
- Rehearsals during Pirate Academy + at home practice.
Solo, Small/Large Festival
- Honors III/IV students may elect to prepare a solo art song to sing at solo festival. The student must prepare and perform the solo memorized it its entirety 1 WEEK prior to the festival.If the solo is not well prepared, Mrs. Morrone has the right to pull you from the solo. There are NO REFUNDS ($15.00). Students preparing a solo will need to practice at home and should be prepared to sing/rehearse the song during Masterclass. It is recommended that the student purchase his/her own music. Due to copy right laws, copying music is prohibited.
- Festival Choir(s) and soloist will be determined by the director.
Chamber Choir
- Spring 2016 semester
- Freshmen-Senior: Must have been in FALL 2015 choir class or have ONE full semester of high school choir to audition.
- Sight reading at a level 2 (intermediate) and ability to blend within a group.
- Must be in good standing in other choral classes, ability to practice at home and attend Pirate Academy or other rehearsals.
- Attend Small Ensemble Adjudication Festival on Saturday, March 5th at West Carteret High School.
Attendance Policy
As a member of the Swansboro High School Choral Department, you have an obligation to your fellow choir members to be at school, at all outside-of-school rehearsals, and at performances on time, prepared, and with all necessary equipment/materials. These rehearsals and performances are required and graded.
*All students must attend rehearsal to perform at the concert.
Any student who misses a required after school rehearsal or performance MUST HAVE A WRITTEN EXCUSE FROM THE LEGAL PARENT/GUARDIAN OR A DOCTOR PRIOR TO THE DATE OF REHEARSAL AND MUST BE TURNED IN TO MRS. MORRONE. This is the STUDENT’S responsibility.
Any student missing a concert WITH OUT A WRITTENEXCUSEPRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE CONCERT will be dropped ONE LETTER GRADE. Students WITH AN APPROVED WRITTEN EXCUSE will be given the opportunity to complete an alternate assignment. If the student does not complete the assignment on time, the student will NOT RECEIVE CREDIT. Every student is important in the arts and each student must pull his or her own weight.
Students will turn in an approval for anticipated absences. Forms are on Mrs. Morrone’s bulletin board. The approval must be turned in ONE WEEK prior to the anticipated absence of a rehearsal or concert.
Students must attend at least half of the regular school day (7:15-11:00, or 11:00-2:30) to attend rehearsal or concert. Doctor’s notes are accepted for appointments half day.
Absences from outside-of-class rehearsals and concerts will be excused for the following reasons:
- Medical emergencies or personal injury
- Death in family
Examples of unexcused absences include but are not limited to:
- Work
- Oversleeping
- Transportation
- Babysitting
Chronic absenteeism from school, unexcused absences from rehearsals or performances, and tardiness will result in grade reduction.
It is the responsibility of the student to request assignments missed due to an absence. Assignments not completed within one week will automatically receive a grade of zero [0]. Unusual circumstances may receive some extended time upon the Director’s discretion.
Field Trips During the semester performance and other trips occur. Absences for approved choral events during the school day do not count as an absence from school because you are engaged in a school approved activity.
All school rules concerning dress code, disrespect, and disruptive behavior will be enforced. School discipline procedures will be followed. Failure to observe rules, rehearsal procedures, or concert etiquette will result in grade deductions. Field Trip forms will be given out during class as well as posted on the SHS website.
Greatness is not learned, it is achieved. Strive for excellence. Be proud of what you do!
Choral Program (Turn in this form by Friday, September 4, 2015, along with $5.00 fee)
Student Name: ______
Parent/Guardian/s names:______
Parent Email: ______
Student Email: ______
Student Medical Conditions: ______
Student Self-Administered Medications: ______
Video Permission Form
My student has my permission to view videos in class that are rated G, PG and PG-13. All videos used during class time will be related to the course curriculum for Theatre Arts. I also give permission for my child to be photographed or videotaped during class activities such as project presentations and formal performances.
Parent Signature: ______
Student Name: (print) ______
Student Contract-Choir 2015-2016
- I am responsible for my own actions.
- Rules and procedures must be followed.
- I must come prepared each day to work with required materials.
- I must attend required after school rehearsals
- I must respect the teacher, staff and other peers.
- Student Signature:______Date____